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Seniors' satisfaction with social services in Prachatice
The thesis discusses the satisfaction of senior citizens with social services in Prachatice. My thesis was aimed to identify awareness of senior citizens for social services available in the town of Prachatice. The other aim of my thesis was to identify how seniors are satisfied with the offer and provision of social services in Prachatice. Three research questions were used to achieve the goal. Semi-structured interviews with fourteen senior citizens who utilize social services in Prachatice were used to identify how seniors are informed about social services. Further I wanted to identify how elderly people are content with the offer and availability of social services, and how they are satisfied with the provision of social services, and what could be proposed to improve the offered and delivered social services. The acquired data were analysed using an open data coding method. The collected information indicates that awareness of social services for senior citizens in Prachatice is sufficient. A few proposals were raised by respondents that could increase awareness of available social services. Seniors are partly satisfied with the offer and availability of social services while they are not content with the number of vacancies in the Senior Home. They consider the provision of social services in Prachatice to be sufficient. A high number of respondents would propose to increase vacancies in the Senior Home in order to enhance the social services offered in Prachatice. The respondents would also propose to extend the offer of social services by personal assistance, day care center for elderly, home hospice care and increased number of beds in the Nursing Home for Persons with Cognitive Impairment. The respondents pointed out the possibility of more effective co-operation between providers of social services in Prachatice. The results of my thesis can help increase and make awareness of social services more effective and improve the offer and provision of social services for senior citizens in Prachatice.
Happiness in the Elderly
Poláková, Anna ; Ondrušová, Jiřina (advisor) ; Krahulcová, Beáta (referee)
This diploma thesis is focused on happiness in the elderly. It searches answers on questions like: Can be the senior citizens happy? How should we grow old without loosing contentment? The meaning of the word happiness is discussed, as well as multiple points of view on old age. The presence of happiness in elderly is studied including ways toward the happiness. The thesis also includes seven casuistry, which illustrate the happiness of senior citizens. The results of casuistry complement the theoretical parts of the work.
Importance of Interaction between Preschool Children and Seniors Citizens
Kubešová, Jana ; Kropáčková, Jana (advisor) ; Uhlířová, Jana (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with the matters of intergenerational coexistence, in particular with a possible outcomes when a child interacts with senior citizens. The theoretical part focuses on a comparison of generational coexistence in a family in the context of historical development, then, it analyses problems of a current modern family and the impacts on children who do not have the possibility of meeting grandparents or other senior citizens regularly. In the empirical part, we observe the realization of active cooperation between the nursery school Sokolovská and an old people's home. This observation includes interviews with children, parents and teachers. The goal of this work is to analyse the cooperation methods of a nursery school with old people's homes and the mutual contribution of gathering preschool children with seniors.
The Use of the Addictive Drugs by the Seniors
The bachelor thesis deals with using addictive substances by senior citizens. The age cathegoty 60+ should not be omitted when speaking of using addictive substances. Even senior citizens are users of some addictive substances, especially drugs. The thesis is divided into two parts, theoretical and explorative one. There are four chapters in the theoretical part (Old age and ageing, Substance addiction, Addictive substances and their classification, Usage of addictive substances in the old age) and summarizes the knowledge from recent literature about this topic. First, the old age and ageing are described. This chapter deals with ageing and old age of the human. This work describes the right mental hygiene, too. Multi-factorial manifestation of the old age (biological, psychological and social) is mentioned as well. In the second chapter there are described the factors that increase probability of the addiction origin. These factors can be genetic, biological, and psychological. There are mentioned some system models of the formation, development and maintenance of addiction, dependence and definition of the signs that addiction manifests. The third chapter divides addictive substances between legal and illegal. There are their effects, impacts on the human organism decribed. The group of legal addictive substances are included tobacco, alcohol, drugs and certain foods. Illegal substances represented here by cannabis, hallucinogens, stimulants, opiates. The last fourth chapter focuses directly on the addictive behaviour of the senior citizens. Seniors are also users of substances with addictive potential. At first alcoholism is mapped, other chapters devote addiction to nicotine, drugs and narcotics. The main goal of the thesis is to determine whether seniors use an addictive substance. A partial goal of is to find out the extent and cause of using addictive substances by the senior population. To find out these goals there were used the principles of quantitive research. To collect the data there were used questionnaires, created all by the author. The questionnaires were created with open and closed questiones and used in the printed form. The research has been conducted in Sušice and its close surroundings in February 2015. Respondents were the people with the least age limit of 70 years. These were 40 people living in their households or home for elderly. The results show that also amongst senior citizens can be found those ones who use the addictive substances. Current problem are by the doctor prescribed drugs. Today´s senior citizen uses drugs regularly, very often also combination of more drugs. Seniors often use medication to relieve the pain because the pain occurs more frequently. They use drugs to help them sleep better, too. The next group of addictive substances, which this chapter deals with, are drugs with a shoothing effect. There are smokers between the senior citizens who bare this bad habit from their midlife. Some research shows that cannabis helps people with Parkinson's and Alzheimer´s disease. Seniors do not use cannabis for these purposes because it is not legal. Alcohol is drunk by older people on occassion, on the other hand there are also people who drink such an amount that is not considered as not-risky. Seniors do not drink so much on one occasion, compared to the young generation. In the thesis this problem is described more detailed. Results of the research can be used by lay public to understand issues of addictive substances better. This thesis can be source of information for students of healt-social fields of study and it can improve the awareness about reasons of using addictive substances amongs senior citizens.
How Does The Life of the Senior Citizens Living in Vacov District look like?
NOVOTNÁ, Ludmila
The aim of my paper is to ascertain the way how the senior citizens above the age of 65 living alone live in Vacov district and to compare these information with the opinions of the specialists of positive psychology, senior citizens sociology, social work with senior citizens, geriatrics and gerontology.
Memory training with senior citizens
This is a theoretical work. It deals with the topics of senior citizens and the aging process in an abbreviated conception, periodization of old age, and active life of seniors. It describes forms of social work with seniors in medical facilities, home environments and communities, and in old people's homes. Further, it describes memory: its definition, types of memory, memory loss, reasons why people forget, work with memory and advice on memory improvement from the medical point of view. The last chapter focuses on memory training. It describes the aim of memory training with seniors, benefits of memory training, memory training in home environment and in complex care. Next there are particular mnemonics and exercises focused on individual areas (concentration, senses, speech) with examples. Memory training is one of the effective instruments of increasing self-sufficiency and prolongation of the senior independence.
Development of portrait painting, examination of old age and phenomena of old age wisdom as the basis for own paintings.
Seniors and healthy lifestyle: segmentation and application of public health branding
Kouřil, Michal ; Chytková, Zuzana (advisor) ; Holmerová, Iva (referee)
The thesis focuses on the segmentation of seniors in their approach to a healthy lifestyle and subsequent application of marketing tools in order to improve this approach of the selected segment. The theoretical part consists of a situation analysis explaining relations among population ageing, health care expenditures, employment and health condition of the population and then mapping of important areas such as quality of life of seniors, their healthy lifestyle and marketing methods associated with these areas. The practical part starts with the segmentation of seniors based on extensive database of the MML - TGI research and using analytical software Data Analyzer both provided by research agency Median. One of created segments is then chosen according to its possibilities of a behavioral change related to healthy lifestyle. The thesis is concluded with a design of a new public health brand and associated campaign both designed in order to appeal to selected segment according to principles of public health branding.
The intergenerational relationships between senior citizens living in retirement homes and their families and friends in the town of Humpolec
VESELSKÁ, Kateřina
Abstract The intergenerational relationships between senior citizens living in retirement homes and their families and friends in the town of Humpolec Aging and senior citizens are currently topical subjects. The population is aging and society should be prepared for this phenomenon. This shall bring about changes in various spheres and fields, such as health care and social services, and also in the relationships in and functioning of today{\crq}s family. The thesis ``The intergenerational relationships between senior citizens living in retirement homes and their children and friends in the town of Humpolec{\crqq} is devoted to the functioning of intergenerational relationships between senior citizens and their families and friends. The theoretical section deals with, first of all, the definition of the term senior citizens, their standing in society and the increasing number of senior citizens of a greater age. It emphasizes important health and mental changes that accompany old age and also characterizes the importance and types of activities and aging. It presents the results and findings of up to now research dealing with intergenerational relationships. For greater clarity and distinction, it divides these relationships into intergenerational relationships between senior citizens and their children, senior citizens and their grandchildren, senior citizens and their siblings, and senior citizens and their friends. Intergenerational relationships are primarily formed within a family, which is why one chapter is devoted to families, their functioning, and their importance. The next to last chapter in the theoretical section emphasizes the importance of the quality of life, which significantly influences and affects intergenerational relationships. The last chapter is devoted to retirement homes for senior citizens, and also the important changes that were brought about by Act No. 108/2006 Coll., on Social Services. The empirical section is devoted to the carrying out of qualitative research. An in-depth interview was the method that was utilized. Interviews were carried out with ten senior citizens in two retirement homes; in the Blessed Bronislav Retirement Home and the Humpolec Retirement Home on Lužická Street. Interviews with six senior citizens took place in the first named retirement home and the remaining four interviews took place in the latter named retirement home. The findings of the research reveal how intergenerational relationships function, and what affects and forms them. The findings present the relationships between senior citizens and their children, their quality and frequency, their relationships with their grandchildren, and in some cases their great grandchildren, and with their siblings and friends. The findings show the stress of first coming to a retirement home and the importance of a family and/or friends when taking this step in life. The findings of the research emphasize the importance of activities in old age and the important areas of changes in one{\crq}s health and mental state, when changes in one area affect other areas and the quality of life of senior citizens. The quality of life is also assuredly affected by the financial situation of senior citizens, which this thesis also deals with. Another factor is the surroundings in which senior citizens living in retirements homes live in. This thesis also deals with this issue.
The comparison of social services for elderly in selected areas
Abstract Social services are rendered to those citizens, who require them considering their health, age or unfavourable social situation and who are unable of overcoming their social burdens and less than auspicious circumstances without external aid. Social services are essential not just because many people require them but particularly because were they not to be available, a large part of the public would lose their ability to participate in all aspects of life in a society. This would make it impossible for their human and civil rights to be upheld and lead to their exclusion from society. Social development, more favourable living standards, progress in the field of medicine and championing of social rights result in less people dying in childhood or at a productive age nowadays than before. It can be argued that the number of pensioners will be constantly increasing and that this is an accompaniment of a successfully developing civilisation. Because of their numbers, pensioners are becoming an exceptionally grave subject of social exclusion. It is therefore imperative that we realise the disadvantages the elderly face and devote appropriate attention to the issues surrounding the planning of social services. In terms of the set objective, it is necessary to evaluate and compare individual mid-term plans for the development of social services at certain locations and also to compare and evaluate the communal plans of selected cities. The dissertation proved that it is indeed necessary to pay due attention to the studied planning of social services. This is because there is a need to harmonise supply and demand in relation to social services. Ensuring the availability of a high-quality social services network for the elderly is only possible given the presence of a complex concept of social and medical care. One must however always take into consideration not just the current demographic trends but also the circumstances in the particular area as well as the degree of interest of the various subjects who are immediately involved in the issues surrounding the particular type of social services. One can undoubtedly say that the quality of social services on offer (not just for the elderly) is increasing both in relation to law No. 108/2006 Col. regarding social services but also in accordance with the recipients? wishes and demands.

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