National Repository of Grey Literature 15 records found  previous11 - 15  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Ochrana krajiny a nerostného bohatství jižních Čech na příkladu vltavínů
The bachelor thesis describes the problem of devastation of the landscape mainly of the agricultural land fund and of the forest units for the purpose of extracting the moldavites. The aim of the thesis is to evaluate these negative influences on illegal diggers at selected interest sites, such as Zatáčka and Parýz near Dobrkovská Lhotka. The theoretical part closer characterizes the South Bohemian landscape, moldavites and information about them. In this thesis is further approached the nature and landscape conservation and the protection of mineral resources acording to law regulations. In the practical part, field surveys of selected localities are focused on the current problems related to the negative effects on the landscape, which formerly had the character of meadow or pasture. Now there are post-mining damages that reduce the usability of the area called Parýz There is also a good example of reclamation after illegal mining in Zatáčka locality had to end more devastation of the agricultural land fund.
Environmental protection instruments in Czech law
Timková, Lucia ; Damohorský, Milan (advisor) ; Snopková, Tereza (referee)
This diploma thesis deals with the instruments of environmental protection which are used in the Czech legal system. Thanks to these instruments, the state and other institutions try to assign the most effective environmental protection possible. We can divide these instruments into two main categories, direct and indirect. The direct instruments are divided into conceptual, administrative - law, vindicatory and voluntary. The indirect are represented by the economic instruments, which can be divided into instruments of positive and negative stimulation. The thesis also contains specification of the particular basic principles of the environmental protection and the concretization of the institutions responsible for the protection. Each chapter also contains a demonstration of how each particular group of instruments can be practically applied in the nature and landscape protection.
Municipality and protection of the environment from the legal point of view
Brožová, Miroslava ; Stejskal, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Franková, Martina (referee)
The thesis titled "The Municipality and Protection of the Environment from the Viewpoint of Law" is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, which is devoted to the constitutional foundations of protection of the environment. The second chapter deals with various kinds of instruments in environmental protection. The third chapter deals with the position of a municipality in the public administration system. The fourth chapter forms the core of the work. This chapter assesses the role of municipalities in the protection of individual components of the environment and focuses on the analysing of individual component laws. The fifth and sixth chapters are devoted to the relationship of the municipalities to the territorial planning institute and an examination of the regulations issued in a municipality that functions on its own. The conclusion focuses on the summary of the relevant issues in individual areas. In terms of environmental protection, the municipality plays an essential role, particularly thanks to its position and powers that are entrusted to the municipal authorities.
The draft of the management plan for selected area
Velká Homolka (Great Homolka) Hill is located near the town of Vimperk in the south bohemian region of the Czech Republic. It is characterized by its predominantly southern exposure with the presence short-straw flat grassland communities with scattered bushes. The presence of important and protected species of insects and other animal groups assigned to this biotope is significant for this area. The territory is still not legally protected. A local NGO takes care of this site. It manages the area according to botanical and entomological surveys carried out in 2009. This work provides further description of the site in terms of different natural characteristics, provides a description of the results of (botanical, entomological, ornithological, etc.) surveys carried out for purposes of this work in 2013, and proposes a management plan that can serve as a basis for declaring this area as a SPAs according to the Czech legislation. Equally important significance of the plan is also the fact that it can serve as a guide how to manage this site properly and how to improve the state of the protected subject.
Evaluation of economic instruments used in nature protection, with special attention paid to the systém of compensations for damages caused by protected animal species (case study of the Třeboňsko PLA)
The given Bachelor Thesis deals with the assessment regarding the system of awarding compensatory damages caused by specially protected animal species in the period between 2000 and 2011 within the territory of the Protected Landscape Area of Třeboňsko. Compensatory damages thus represent one of the most important economic instruments in the general scheme of the nature and landscape protection to which the protection of specially protected animal species is being provided. The procedure of application and awarding of the given compensatory damages has been stipulated in the Act No. 115/2000 Coll. on compensation for damages caused by selected specially protected animal species. The work also analyses both development of provided compensatory damages in the aforesaid years and efficiency evaluation and utility of this instrument in the nature and landscape protection within the territory of the Protected Landscape Area of Třeboňsko. Furthermore, the topic evaluates awareness regarding the possibility of using compensatory damages through the website authorities of the nature and landscape protection.

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