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Gold-bearing quartz veins in peripheral parts of the Jílové ore district and their comparison with the orogenic gold type of mineralization
Žitný, Tomáš ; Zachariáš, Jiří (advisor) ; Strnad, Ladislav (referee)
This thesis discusses gold deposit types, reviews historical approaches to their classification, and focuses in more detail on modern classification approaches. A new classification of gold deposits is presented, and the orogenic deposit type is described in detail. All important characteristics and features of this deposit type are presented. The second part of this thesis discusess the geology and mining history of Jílové u Prahy, which historically has been the most important gold-bearing district in the Czech Republic. A number of other, less important gold-bearing areas are located at periphery of this district, but these areas have yet to be geologicaly studied in detail. The Radlík and Zahořany gold-bearing areas are studied in detail in this thesis. Structural measurements in these areas are presented, some of which are from outcrops, while others come from several adits that have been preserved to the present day. Geological maps of parts of some these adits are presented, focusing on those that could be useful for deposit type identification. The thesis goes on to discuss gangue samples, which were studied microscopically, with fluid inclusions in quartz also subjected to study. The final part of the thesis presents a comparison between the orogenic gold deposit type and measured data. However,...
Variability of chemical composition of apatites from alkaline rocks of the Bohemian Massif
Mészárosová, Noemi ; Skála, Roman (advisor) ; Filippi, Michal (referee)
III Summary This thesis is focused on crystal chemistry and crystal structure of apatites from alkaline rock of the Bohemian Massif. Fifteen samples of volcanic rocks, mostly of the Cenozoic age was selected for the study. Sample No. 5 is of the Silurian age. Sample No. 15 originates from volcanic rock of the Cenozoic age from the Slovak Western Carpathians. This sample was chosen for this study due to its substantially different chemical composition. The contents of major and minor elements in apatites were measured on an electron microprobe, the contents of some minor and trace elements were determined by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Selected samples were investigated by cathodoluminescence (CL) spectrometry. Crystal structure of studied apatites was characterized by X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. It was found that dominant anion at position X is fluorine. The OH content calculated on the basis of the fully occupied position X is significant in some samples. The amount of Cl is generally low. The exception is the sample No. 15 where Cl reached up to 0.6 apfu (Z = 2). Studied apatites contain many substitutions but they are generally of minor extent. Strontium, iron and REE at position M belong to the most common and most important substituents for calcium in...
Greisens of Slavkovský les and their use as building and sculptural stone
Kocíková, Pavla ; Přikryl, Richard (advisor) ; Kuchařová, Aneta (referee)
Use of greisen - a rock mined primarily for (Sn-W) ore components - in sculpture and construction industry is typical for the Slavkovský les area and its surroundings. Material mined in the greisenized granite stock near Prameny for construction purposes was the source of stone used for a valuable Baroque sight - the Holy Trinity column in a nearby town of Teplá. Samples collected in the abandoned construction stone quarry were analysed for the study of properties of the original material mined in the locality Prameny. These samples were compared with the material collected from the monument in the pre-restoration research to prove the source locality of the original material. Provenance of the original material was determined on the basis of qualitative and quantitative petrographic and micro-structural characteristics. Micro-structural petrographic parameters of the studied samples were determined by the microscopic study using the Petrographic Image Analysis (PIA). Distribution of accessories and micro-structural characteristics were observed using the cathode-luminescence. Conventional index and mechanical parameters with respect to the use of the material in construction industry and sculpture were determined for the material collected in the abandoned quarry. Studied material collected in the...
Physical and mechanical properties of Carboniferous arkoses from Březín natural stone deposit
Čada, Martin ; Přikryl, Richard (advisor) ; Krutilová, Kateřina (referee)
The aim of the thesis is to determine the levels of the physical and mechanical properties of chosen sedimentary (siliciclastic) rocks and also to describe their microstructural nature. With respect to the intended use of the studied material (building stone raw material) the laboratory testing methods are presented. The samples were taken from the drill cores and also from the surface blocks in locality "Zlatý lom" Březín situated in western Bohemia. The microstructural phenomena in the samples were studied using optical microscopy and digital image analyses. According to Folk's classification (1980) the name of the rock was lithic arkose. The strength testing methods were represented by unconfined compressive strength and the Brazilian test. The rest of the mechanical parameters were determined in form of Young's modulus, shear modulus and Poisson's ratio. Special emphasis was given to the hydric expansion (after full immersion) test. The other physical methods were used in order to describe the pore space and real density of samples. For this purposes the absorption test, mercury intrusion porosimetry and helium pycnometry were performed. Besides the porosity value, the pore-size distribution histograms were obtained. In order to calculate the theoretical density of the rock MINLITH and MODES...
Estimation of Raman spectrometric instruments (785 nm excitation) for detection of dark minerals
Šimon, Jan ; Jehlička, Jan (advisor) ; Machovič, Vladimír (referee)
Summary: Raman spectroscopy is a widely used method in geoscience fields. Using a portable Raman spectrometer is possible to identify different materials, Raman spectrometer will participate in the survey the Martian surface. Its use is widely applied in mineralogy. There was measured a set of dark, green and some bright minerals of different mineralogical system groups that have been assessed the applicability of the chosen detector excitation at 785 nm mainly off-road equipment. The obtained spectra were measured off-road equipment ahura at excitation 785 nm and laboratory equipment InVia Renishaw and there were used lasers at excitaion of 785 nm and 514 nm. It was set of these minerals: Prehnite, Sulphur, Tyrkenit (howlit), Pyroxene (diopside), Libethenite, Toutmaline (verdelite), Dioptas, Klinoklas, Langit, Jadeit, Pseudomalachit (ehlit), Actinolite, Epidote, Augite. Results are composed of field measurement device Ahura, with excitation 785 nm and laboratory apparatus Invite Renishaw excitations with 785 nm and 514 nm. Measured values are arranged in tables, where the measurements are compared with each other, including literature and reference graphically demonstrated in the form of spectra. Subsequently evaluated their measurability. Keywords: Raman spektroscopy, portable Raman spectrometer,...
Sulphidic mineralization in the vicinity of the Bílina fault
Markes, Jan ; Zachariáš, Jiří (advisor) ; Goliáš, Viktor (referee)
The neoidic sulphide mineralization located in tertiary sediments of Lom Bílina in Bílina's fault is of hydrothermal origin. The sulphidic mineralization is associated with fault systems of Eger rift and temperature of fluid crystallization was about 50řC. The mineralization of Bílina's fault is rather monotonous, the marcasite and pyrite is mostly found without a trace elements. In the crystals were also registered zones with the contents of trace elements, especially As and Ni. The contents of As enriched precipitation zones were fluctuating from 0,2 to 5,4 wt. %, Ni enriched zones were ranged from 1,6 to 5,9 wt. %. The precipitation zones with increased As and Ni content were very thin, there were very short time intervals of As and Ni enriched fluids precipitation. In the marcasite crystals were also found the porous zones of clay mineral microinclusions. These zones showed higher content of Al and Si. There is high abundance of Fe-disulfides at Bílina's fault-dispersed in coal bed, or bonded to tectonic zone of the Bílina's fault. Pyrite and marcasite are dispersed in the coal bed and genetially aren't related to sulphides bonded to Bílina's fault.
Picritic rocks of the České Střredohoří Mts.
Šnellerová, Zuzana ; Jelínek, Emil (advisor) ; Ulrych, Jaromír (referee)
The first part of the thesis represents a summary of background knowledge about the geology of the České středohoří Mnt. In the second part, picritic rocks were investigated in detail. General aspects of the chemical and mineralogical compositions of this rock type and classification of picrites are discussed. In addition, macro and microscopic characteristics of rocks are included. The results of macroscopic and microscopic investigations indicate that the studied subvulcanic rocks from the České středohoří Mnt. can be characterised as picritic. However, chemical analyses of the rocks did not confirm this conclusion. Only the samples S-39 and S-40 can be disignated as picrites. Although the other samples show similar mineralogical composition, they need to be classified as basic subvulcanites of picritic type due to higher alkali content.
Mineralogy in the School curricula
Kálalová, Anna ; Matějka, Dobroslav (advisor) ; Ziegler, Václav (referee)
This bachelor thesis is focused on teaching geology and mainly mineralogy on grammar schools. Questionnaire was made for purposes of this bachelor thesis. Objective of this questionnaire was to ascertain information about organization teaching geology and mineralogy on these types of schools and their inclusion in the school curricula. The questionnaire results showed that each school is very different in organization of teaching geology. Mineralogy is most often taught in first classes of four-year, or an equivalent multi-year study. Mineralogy is at some schools taught only in classes corresponding to an elementary school. Optional subject in which is the geology taught students may choose only to nearly forty percent of surveyed schools. Schools use a lot of sorts of material - textbooks for elementary and secondary schools, university textbooks, professional books and Internet resources. The most common tools used in the teaching of geology are collections of samples. Very frequent are also models of crystals and the geological maps. Fewer common are paintings, photographs and films with a geological theme. Uncommon are tools for microscopy and geological compass. 48 % of grammar schools incorporate to education laboratory work and geological or mineralogical excursion, 4 % only laboratory...
Morphologically productive quartz dikes in South Bohemia
The thesis contains a summary of geological aspects characteristics in South Bohemia region. There is also a description of contemporary status of some locations including picture documentation in the work. The description is compared with the data shown in the topographic literature.

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