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Zhodnocení zařazených plemenných hřebců v chovu českého teplokrevníka po roce 2000
Kotková, Simona
The aim of the thesis was to create a literature search of the Czech warmblood bred, important breeds involved in its breeding and subsequent analysis of breeding stallion approved for Czech warmblood breeding in individual years from 2000 to the present. The basic database consisted of 530 stallions belonging to 14 different breeds. Out of the total number of sires, the Czech warmblood horse was the most represented during the entire period of 22 years, at 31,13 %. Of the foreign sport breeds, the Holstein horse breed was the most represented at 15,28 %. The average sire was included in breeding for 11 years, while during his breeding period he produced an average od 26,08 offspring. Of the total number of 530 horses, 26,23 % were stallions from local stud farms (ZH) and 73,77 % were private stallions (S). Of the total number of offspring (13,825) of all sires, ZH offspring accounted for 38,68 % and S offspring for 51,32 %. The largest representation of own jumping and dressage performance was in jumping performance S-ST** 26,98 % and in dressage L 4,72 %.
Českomoravský belgický kůň a jeho využití v minulosti a současnosti
Bartoš, Michal
The bachelor thesis describes the history and breeding of the Czech-Moravian Belgian horse breed. Its development, current rearing and areas of its use. This breed is also referred to as the Belgian horse, or the Belgian draft horse is the most common breed of cold-blooded horses. Part of the bachelor thesis is an analysis of the frequency of use of stallions in insemination. Stallions in Tlumačov and Písek stud farms were monitored. Data collection took place in the case of Tlumačov between 2009 and 2020. Data for the years 2012 to 2019 were collected in the Písek. The percentage of conception of these stallions was evaluated. There were 11 stallions working in the stud farm in Písek, with which a total of 176 mares were inseminated. The average conception in this stud farm is 58.86 %. There were 9 stallions in Tlumačov, with which 200 mares were inseminated, with an average conception value of 68.90 %
Věková struktura populace plemenných hřebců plemen chovaných v ČR
PÍCHOVÁ, Vladimíra
work deals with the age structure of stallions of selected breeds, which they use for breeding. These are the Czech warmblood, the Old Kladruby horse, the Czech-Komoravian Belgian horse, the Welsh pony and cob breeds, and the Shetland pony. The aim was to explain the concepts associated with horse breeding and breeding activities of stallions. In the work itself, the age structure of stallions of individual breeds was compared, in the categories up to 8 years, 8-15 years, and in the category 16 years and more. The development of these age categories is monitored in 2005, 2010, 2015 and 2020. Furthermore, the mating activity of stallions was monitored according to age, number of matings and births of foals.
Hodnocení plodnosti hřebců a klisen v podmínkách přirozené plemenitby
The bachelor's thesis "The Evaluation of fertility in natural service stallions and mares" focuses on the fertility of natural service stallions and mares and the results of breeding thoroughbred horses in the reference period. It analyses all forms of natural service that can be used in the horse breeding, the reproduction of wild horses, advantages and disadvantages of this method and its use in the Czech Republic. The study describes sexual behaviour of horses that is supressed by the modern methods of reproduction, unlike natural service.
Dostupnost chladnokrevných hřebců pro zapouštění klisen v přirozené plemenitbě
The diploma thesis deals with the availability of cold blood stallions for mating with mares in natural breeding. There are currently three breeds of cold blood horses in the Czech Republic. It is a Noriker horse, a Silesian horse and a Czech-Moravian Belgian horse. In 2020, the total number of horses in the Czech Republic was 92 172, of which 1 352 were Noric horse, 1 365 Silesian horse and 1 971 Czech-Moravian Belgian horse. A total of 132 cold blooded stallions and 532 cold blooded mares were included in the monitoring, which were reproductive active between 2017-2019. In stallions, the age structure, the development of basic body dimensions, the proportion of original genes, the level of performance achieved and the location of the stallion, i.e., the breeding station were monitored. In the case of cold blood mares, the location of the mare was monitored, which was important for determining the distance to the selected stallion. Finally, an economic evaluation was performed
Semen quality of stallions involved in breeding
The main objective of the study was to determine the seminal characteristics of warmblooded stallions, to assess a relationship between motility parameters of spermatozoa and sperm head dimensions (Experiment 1) and to compare the ability of three milk-based extenders to preserve the motility and viability of cooled shipped semen (Experiment 2) using Sperm Class Analyzer (SCA, MICROPTIC SL). In Experiment 1, 32 and 36 ejaculates were collected during breeding seasons 2016 and 2017 from 10 clinically healthy and fertile warmblooded stallions (age 3- 22 years). The volume of ejaculate (mL), sperm concentration (M/mL), motility of sperm with kinematic parameters, viability of sperm (%) and sperm morphometry with morphometric parameters were evaluated. In Experiment 2, 21 ejaculates from 11 stallions were collected before the beginning of the breeding season 2018 and diluted with Kenney, EquiPlus and INRA 96. Spermatozoa viability (VIT, %), total motility (MOT, %), progressive motility (PMOT, %) and selected kinematic parameters were evaluated for 63 semen samples. These parameters were determined 2 hours after semen processing and then in 24, 48 and 72-hour intervals of storage at 5 °C. The following average values were found in the obtained ejaculate samples for the observed periods of the breeding seasons 2016 and 2017 - volume of ejaculate 49.22 and 56.77 ml, sperm concentration 208.20 and 222.19 M/ml, MOT 82.44 and 81.38 %, PMOT 37.34 and 35.46 %, VIT 60.71 and 42.91 %, morphologically normal sperm 75.00 and 64.50 %, curvilinear velocity (VCL) 62.67 and 60.26 ?m/s, straight-line velocity (VSL) 32.10 and 27.55 ?m/s, average path velocity (VAP) 48.14 and 44.35 ?m/s, linearity coeficient (LIN) 50.64 and 44.89 %, straightness coeficient (STR) 66.56 and 62.01 %, wobble coeficient (WOB) 75.74 and 72.12 %, amplitude of lateral head displacement (ALH) 2.59 and 2.90 ?m, beat- cross frequency (BCF) 7.32 and 7.49 Hz, head length (L) 6.33 and 6,41 ?m, head maximum width (W) 3.01 and 3.11 ?m, head area (A) 15.65 and 16.37 ?m2, head perimeter (P) 16.26 and 16.55 ?m, elongation (Elong ) 0.36 and 0.35, ellipticity (Ellip) 2.11 and 2.07, roughness (Rugo) 0.74 and 0.75 and regularity (Regu) 0.96. There where significant differences among stallions in all evaluated parameters of sperm (P < 0.05). Furthermore, the influence of age and fertility of stallions was also demonstrated for the observed parameters. MOT, PMOT, VCL, VSL, VAP, LIN and WOB were positively correlated with area, width, length and perimeter of the head and negatively correlated with elongation and ellipticity of the sperm head. Sperms with larger head dimensions thus had larger MOT, PMOT, VCL, VSL, VAP, LIN, WOB, STR and smaller ALH and BCF. In contrast, sperms with greater elongation and ellipticity had lower motility and kinematic parameters. The effect of the extender (P < 0.05) and the storage time (P < 0.001) was highly significant for evaluated parameters. The ejaculates extended with INRA 96 reached significantly higher values (P < 0.01) for all evaluated parameters compared to Kenney extender. The INRA 96 extender significantly increased the values of PMOT, VCL and VAP compared to EquiPlus (P < 0.05). The results obtained from using INRA 96 showed that quality of cooled semen can be sufficiently maintained during at least 24 hours of storage.
Zhodnocení významu plemeníka Scyris v chovu českého teplokrevníka
Kubíková, Zuzana
The aim of this diploma thesis was to evaluate the significance of the stud horse Scyris in the breeding of the Czech Warmblood. To evaluate the stud horse we used his offspring born in the years 2011 to 2016. Two underlying databases were then created in the programme Microsoft Office Excel 2007. The first was used to assess linear regression and the second to assess correlation using the Pearson correlation coefficient. Escalation of the linear regression and the Pearson correlation coefficient was carried out using the statistics software UNISTAT 6.5. All of the data entered in the underlying database were acquired from the website of the Association of Czech Warmblood Breeders. From the total information obtained about stallion 6062 Scyris (POL) it is evident that he was most favoured by Czech Warmblood breeders in the year 2013. Furthermore, it was determined that there is a higher percentage of colts than fillies among his offspring. When monitoring exterior variability in 14 daughters that have been assigned a class and their dams, we recorded the minimum, maximum and mean values of the basic body measurements both numerically and graphically. On the basis of aggregate statistics from these measurements, it can be stated that the dams are unbalanced in exterior terms, and stallion 606 Scyris (POL) did not succeed in balancing out this variability in his daughters. In the next step, the correlation dependence of individual body measurements was assessed in daughters and dams. It was determined that there is medium correlation dependence between the attributes KVP (tape withers height), KVH (stick withers height) and Ohol (cannon bone circumference), so it can be said that the influence of dams on the bone mass and withers height of daughters is probable but is not conclusive. With the attribute OH (chest circumference) low correlation dependence between dams and daughters was recorded. This suggests that the dams have a lesser influence on the bulkiness of daughters, and that stallion 6062 Scyris (POL) has a refining effect on the build of his offspring. When assessing the linear regression, we recorded a decreasing tendency of the regression coefficient with regard to offspring class which exhibits 16% reliability and according to our test emerges as statistically conclusive. So the assessed class of daughters of the sire 6062 Scyris (POL) does not improve but on the contrary, it decreases slightly. A high value for the downward trend was recorded with the jump index of the dams and is documented by 21,66 % reliability. Our test emerged as highly statistically conclusive and we can conclude that the mares mated with stallion 6062 Scyris (POL) are of relatively low quality in performance terms. Our final step was to analyse the colouring of offspring, where it was determined that grey colouring was present in 58 % of the offspring. On the basis of an evaluation of the dams and offspring, it was concluded that stallion 6062 Scyris (POL) carries a heterozygous set of alleles in the G gene, which influences the grey colouring of horses.
Vyhodnocení vybraných hřebců českého teplokrevníka podle kvality dcer
Vlášková, Tereza
The diploma thesis deals with an evaluation of chosen Czech warm-blooded stallions based on the quality of their daughters. A collection of 474 mares which are registered in a Czech warmblood studbook and passed a basic performance test of three years old mares was chosen. Following information was collected: breed, birth year, inclusion year, father, jump index of father, plus points for class, type, exterior, performance and jump index. Collected data was processed in programs Microsoft Excel 2016 and UNISTAT 6.5, with the use of a general linear GLM model with a fixed effect. The GLM model was used to analyse the influence of individual factors on the dependent variables (class, type, exterior and performance of the mares). Subsequently, in case of statistically significant influence of the observed effect, the differences between monitored individuals were determined by multiple comparison according to the Tukey-B method and Scheffe method. For the class and exterior, the best rated mares were after the stallion 2997 Aristo Z (x̄ = 7,78 points). The best mark for category were also given the mares after father 2997 Aristo Z (x̄ = 7,90 points). The most performing and stable offspring has the stallion 1028 Manillon Rouge (x̄ = 7,94 points). Best jump indexes have again the daughters of the stallion 2997 Aristo Z (x̄ = 123,2 points). Through the general linear module, it was found out that the father has statistically highly conclusive influence on the class, exterior and performance of daughters (mares), since P ≤ 0,01. Other factors do not have statistically conclusive influence on dependent variables.
Hodnocení životních projevů u koní
Suchánková, Klára
This bachelor’s thesis „Evaluation of equine vital expressions“deals with equine ethology. Work is separated to six chapters. The first chapter deals with basic daily activities, such as eating behaviour, evacuation, resting, comfort behaviour and movement. The second chapter focuses on social behaviour, the third on sexual behaviour, and the fourth than on maternity behaviour. Behaviour of foals is descibed at fifth chapter. The last chapter deals with abnormal behaviour. The part of this bachelor’s thesis is an partial ethological observation of horses, which is focused on individual and on herd. The most often expressions of behaviour were expressions of graze, feed intake, which was showed by consumption of hay, and social behaviour.
Rozdíly v aktivitě spermií hřebců
One of the requirements for a successful artificial insemination is the quality of stallion´s ejaculate. This thesis deals with influence of sperm velocity fraction on fertility. Semen samples in this thesis were evaluated by using an objective computerized method CASA, system SCA. Sperm motility in monitoring was performed in 75 samples from 12 stallions involved in artificial insemination fresh sperm in ZH Písek. Total and progressive motility, rapid, medium and slow motility were monitored. Stallion´s age was from 3-21 years. The average of fertility was 56,19 %. The average of total motility was 78,07 %. The average of progressive motility was 38,35 %. Furthermore, the spermatozoa were divided into 3 velocity fractions and the average percentage of the individual fractions in the samples was as follows: 27,30 % rapid spermatozoa, 21,27 % medium spermatozoa and 29,50% slow spermatozoa. Then the average percentage of rapid progressive spermatozoa (13,43 %), medium progressive spermatozoa (24,92 %) and non-progressive spermatozoa (39,72 %) were found. There was a positive correlation between fertility and the rate of rapid motile spermatozoa (r=0,34). The difference between individual stallions (p-value < 0,01) in the mean percentage of rapid spermatozoa in the ejaculate was demonstrated. The stallion with the highest rate of rapid motile spermatozoa and the best pregnancy was welsh part-bred stallion. On the other hand, the worst pregnancy results and one of the lowest percentages of rapid motile spermatozoa had noriker stallion. The highest success rate of pregnancy was found after the second insemination.The results of this work have shown that the quality of the ejaculate has a very significant effect on good pregnancy but it is just one of many acting factors.

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