Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 85 záznamů.  předchozí11 - 20dalšíkonec  přejít na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Geometrické etudy
Roubíček, Filip
Článek pojednává o neobvyklém způsobu reprezentace užitím prvků dramatizace. Geometrické útvary jsou ve scénkách personifikovány a rozpoznávány na základě indicií v jejich promluvách. Je uvedeno několik příkladů etud, ve kterých vystupují geoemtrická tělesa a obrazce.
Práce s textem ve vyučování geometrii
Roubíček, Filip
Příspěvek pojednává o možnostech využití textu a rozvíjení dovednosti žáků pracovat s textem ve vyučování geometrii. Popisuje žákovské aktivity zaměřené na tvorbu a interpretaci geometrického popisu reálného objektu.
Computer modeling of pulsed laser processing of CdZnTe
Černý, R. ; Přikryl, Petr ; Gatskevich, E.
Computer model of rapid phase transitions in a semiconducting system induced by pulsed laser irradiation is presented. An example of practical application is given and results discussed.
Laser modification of compound semiconductors and semiconducting alloys
Černý, R. ; Cháb, Vladimír ; Přikryl, Petr
Computational and real experiments in laser processing of semiconductors are compared.
Numerical Analysis of Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems
Černý, R. ; Přikryl, Petr ; Segeth, Karel
Numerical solution of moving boundary problems describing phase changes is discussed.
Multiprocessor Randomized On-line Scheduling
Tichý, Tomáš
This paper studies randomized on-line non-preemptive scheduling in multiprocessor systems. In this problem each task is specified by its processing time andscheduled on any of $m$ identical processors. The objective is to minimize theexpected mekespan. We prove lemmas and theorems describing $sigma_m$-competitive randomized algorithms on $m$ processors. The main result is an........
Online competitive algorithms for maximizing weighzed throughput of unit jobs. ITI Series 2003-172
Bartal, Y. ; Chin, F. Y. L. ; Chrobak, M. ; Fung, S. P. Y. ; Jawor, W. ; Lavi, R. ; Sgall, Jiří ; Tichý, Tomáš
We study an online buffer management problem for networks supporting Quality-of-Service (QoS) applications, equivalently as an online scheduling problem forunit-length jobs, where each job is specified by its release time, deadline, and a nonnegative weight (QoS value). The goal is to maximize the emph{weighted throughput}, that is the total weight of scheduled jobs.
Optimal and online preemptive scheduling on uniformly related machines. ITI Series 2003-171
Ebenlendr, T. ; Sgall, Jiří
We consider the problem of preemptive scheduling on uniformly related machines.We present a semi-online algorithm which, if the optimal makespan is given in advance, produces an optimal schedule. Using the standard doubling technique, this yields a 4 competitive deterministic and 2.71 competitive randomized online algorithms. In addition, it matches the performance of the previously......
Coloring graphs from lists with bounded size of their union. KAM-DIMATIA. Series 2003-641 and ITI Series 2003-156
Král, D. ; Sgall, Jiří
We construct a graph G which is k-choosable from any lists of colors whoseunion has size at most u but the same does not hold with lists whose union has size u+1.
Discretization of smooth systems
Neuman, František
Algebraic structures generated by smooth systems enable us to derive discrete relations, equivalent to the previous ones, without requirements on differentiability.

Národní úložiště šedé literatury : Nalezeno 85 záznamů.   předchozí11 - 20dalšíkonec  přejít na záznam:
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