National Repository of Grey Literature 26 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Effect of management and soil conditions on the frequency of field vole (Microtus arvalis) and common mole (Tapla europaea) in grassland
This thesis examines the influence of grassland management and soil conditions on the occurrence of field voles (Microtus arvalis) and common moles (Talpa europaea) in grasslands. Literature review covers soil conditions, meadow management practices, and descriptions of the two species. The practical research involved ob-serving and counting molehills and field vole burrows on defined plots. All new molehills and burrows on the pasture and meadow were recorded. The study was conducted on two plots in two periods: Plot 1 (May 2023 - March 2024) and Plot 2 (February 1 - March 22, 2024). Differences in management methods and soil conditions affected the occurrence of the animals. Burrows were more prevalent in meadows, while molehills were more common in pastures. Waterlogged meadows had no burrows. Molehill occurrence was influenced by vegetation cover and soil disturbance. Most molehills and burrows were observed between November 2023 and the end of March 2024.
Vliv povrchové aplikace hnoje na produkci a kvalitu píce travních porostů v Bílých Karpatech
Musilová, Aneta
The diploma thesis is devoted to the possible influence of farmyard manure on low-production grasslands in the area of Vojšické louky in the White Carpathians. The aim of this work was to determine the effect of farmyard manure on the species diversity and yield of grasslands after three years of its application. The yield and the quality of the grass cover were higher on the fertilized areas. In total, there were 95 species of higher plants on the experimental plots. Festuca rubra L. and Festuca rupicola Heuff were the most represented, Vicia hirsuta L. from the Fabaceae family and Fragaria viridis Weston from the other herbs. Of the sown clovers, Astragalus cicer L. and Lathyrus latifolius L. appeared with minimal representation. In autumn, manure was applied at a dose of 20 t.ha-1, after three years there was a significant increase in the yield on the fertilized area to 2.03 t.ha- 1 compared to the control area 1.66 t.ha-1. There was also a significant increase in the content of crude protein on the fertilized area. A correlation was found between the proportion of clovers and the content of crude protein in the dry matter. A correlation was also found between compressed stand height (rising plate meter) and forage yield.
Geometric Aspects of Detecting Grassland Mowing in Krkonoše Mountains Based on Sentinel-1 Coherence
Dvořák, Jakub ; Potůčková, Markéta (advisor) ; Mouratidis, Antonios (referee)
Grassland mowing is a common management practice used in European grasslands for livestock fodder production and to enhance biodiversity. To support a less intensive use of grasslands, public agencies look for a reliable way to monitor the management performed on the grasslands. Satellite remote sensing is a key tool for monitoring over large areas, with SAR remote sensing being especially useful in areas with high cloud cover. However, grassland monitoring using SAR in complex terrain is not fully understood and may come with challenges related to topography and sensor geometry. To explore these potential challenges, this thesis detected mowing events using a high-resolution DEM for precise coregistration and terrain correction of Sentinel-1 SAR imagery. Effect of local incidence angle on detection accuracy from interferometric coherence was also explored. The hypotheses were tested on 61 grassland plots in Krkonoše mountains, Czechia. Detection accuracies in this thesis were higher than in previous studies when only considering SAR detections. The improvement was most likely caused by counting detections from individual orbits to assess the certainty of each detection. A deeper analysis showed that using a high-resolution DEM led to a horizontal shift in computed coherence, but the shift had no...
Hodnocení kořenového systému a infiltrační schopnosti půdy u vybraných druhů trav
Dostál, Jiří
Lolium, Festuca species, and xFestulolium interspecies hybrids are widely used in agriculture, these species are considered the optimal grass species for intensive forage production. Lolium species are susceptible to abiotic stress, which has an increasing trend with the forthcoming climate change. Therefore, Festulolium interspecies hybrids have been bred, which have suitable parameters (drought resistance, ability of roots to penetrate through the compacted soil layers, better nutrient availability, etc.) to ensure a quality production and performance of other ecosystem services. Root biomass and root architecture are critical for meeting a number of ecosystem functions. In this work, I focused on the evaluation of the root system and the comparison of the soil infiltration capacity in selected Graminacae species. To compare selected parameters, grasses were grown in tubes filled with sand. Lolium multiflorum (cv. DALLARA), Festuca pratensis (cv. HYPERBOLA), Festulolium braunii (cv. HOSTYN), Festulolium krasanii (cv. HYKOR and HIPAST), Festulolium loliaceum (cv. PRIOR) and Trifolium pratense (cv. CALLISTO) species have been tested. The parameters evaluated were following: plant length, number of tillers, maximum rooting depth, total root length, root volume, root surface, root length in single thickness categories, dry matter of above-ground and underground biomass. The highest values were measured in Lolium multiflorum (cv. DALLARA) and in Festulolium braunii (cv. HOSTYN). Another part of the work was the sampling and evaluating roots from the soil on experimental plots in Vatín. In this measurement, Festuca rubra (cv. GONDOLIN) and Festulolium krasanii (cv. HYKOR) were selected. There were not found statistically significant differences in the total root length, root surface and root volume parameters. Festulolium (cv. HYKOR) had significantly stronger roots in the comparison to Festuca rubra. The last part of the research was the comparison of the soil infiltration capacity in these species: Festuca rubra (cv. GONDOLIN) and Festulolium (cv. HOSTYN, PRIOR and HYKOR). The highest infiltration capacity was measured on the Festulolium loliaceum (cv. PRIOR) plot.
Management of permanent grasslands in relation to agri-environmental measures: Questions and answers
Gaisler, Jan ; Pavlů, Vilém ; Mládek, Jan ; Hejcman, Michal ; Pavlů, Lenka
This methodology simplified results from research project “Functional plant traits and their diversity as indicators of various permanent grassland management” for nature conservation authority. It is based on long term grassland experiments. There are important data for preparing of some agro-environmental provision in the practical part. This work summarises the results of long-term experiments with the different management treatments. It is intended especially for employers of administration of nature conservation, and also it can be used for students and pedagogues of secondary schools and universities concerning nature conservation.
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Kvalitativní a kvantitativní změny společenstva polopřirozeného travního porostu v závislosti na odstupňovaných dávkách živin, intenzitě využití a měnicích se klimatických podmínkách
Nawrath, Adam
The aim of the paper was to assess the influence of the graded doses of nutrients, different intensities of exploitation and weather conditions of the particular year on the representation of individual agro-botanical groups and dominant species, species diversity and production of dry matter forage in semi-natural grassland. The additional supply of fertilizers resulted in the increased (P<0.05) proportion of grasses, in the decreased (P<0.05) representation of other herbs and in the withdrawal (P<0.05) of clovers. Moreover, the application of nitrogen resulted in the decreased (P<0.05) of diversity indices and number of species. By contrast, PK fertilization had a positive influence on the number of species, diversity indices and proportion of clovers. The growing supply of nutrients and the higher intensity of exploitation led to the increased (P<0.05) production of dry matter forage. The most effective fertilization appears by PK fertilization after which the highest increase of dry matter forage was recorded as well as the highest effectiveness of nutrients utilization. The two cut exploitation of grasslands resulted in the dominance of grasses (P<0.05) and in the decreased (P<0.05) proportion of other herbs and clovers.
Mimolesní liniové vegetační prvky s převažující půdoochrannou funkcí
Zanášková, Petra
The aim of this bachelor thesis is conveying available information about environs of water flows and soil erosion. The most suitable protection are riparian growths, which form stationary element by root system.
Možnosti regenerace pastevních porostů s ohledem na zvýšení kvality a zdravotní bezpečnosti píce
Mácová, Eva
The aim of this work is to focus on the factors that affect the quality of the pasture vegetation. The quality of forage has many factors, one of these factors is livestock that grazes on the parcels and their movement, weight and grazing have a large share of the decline in the quality of forage. Another factor is the soil, climatic conditions, management etc. During regeneration, we also have to other factors is account these factors and management of grazing is to ensure the planned and prepared usage the regeneration plan.
Methods of weed control on permanent grasslands
Mikulka, Jan ; Pavlů, Vilém ; Skuhrovec, Jiří ; Koprdová, Stanislava
This methodology includes the newest knowledge about biology, ecology, reproduction and control of weeds, growing on meadows and pastures. Recommended systems of grasslands management are described. Control of weed management contains mechanical methods, using of herbicides and as well as biological control agents on permanent grasslands.
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