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Ochrana soukromí a ochrana osobních údajů zaměstnanců a hostů hotelu
Chlubná, Veronika
Chlubná, V. Privacy and protection of personal data of employees and guests in a hotel. Thesis. Brno: Mendel University in Brno, 2020. This diploma thesis focuses on the issue of privacy and personal data protec-tion of employees and guests of a hotel in Brno. Review of literature deals with theoretical issues of privacy and personal da-ta protection. In this part of the thesis, it is possible to find the basic concepts, principles and rights of data subjects, data controllers and data processors. The original research part elaborates the issues in relation to the hotel, in-troduces set processes and compares them with legislation. The recommenda-tions provide specific points for improvement if the area has not been set up cor-rectly. All proposals comply with the laws of the Czech Republic, GDPR and other privacy and data protection laws.
Cybersecurity in Smart Transport Services
Dolák, Martin ; Dzurenda, Petr (referee) ; Malina, Lukáš (advisor)
This Bachelor thesis deals with introducing concepts of smart vehicle sharing and smart vehicle parking, their description, and analysis of individual parts of concepts. The paper also includes an analysis of cyber-attacks on these concepts and their prevention. In the practical part, the work will focus on creating a draft protocol for the vehicle smart-sharing system. The protocol will deal with the communication between the user and the server. The protocol will also implement privacy protections in the form of group signatures. Next, an application will be created that will include the measurement of cryptographic primitives, preparation for the implementation of the proposed protocol, and a Firebase service that is used to demonstrate cooperation with the protocol.
Simulace pohybu mobilního zařízení v ruce člověka
Hák, Marek ; Polčák, Libor (referee) ; Hranický, Radek (advisor)
Web browsers give websites access to motion sensors on mobile devices such as phones and tablets. The shared sensor data can be exploited to track and identify users. The JShelter browser extension provides protection against such exploitation of motion data by passing fake values. However, these values simulate a stationary device, which can lead to detection of the simulation. The goal of this thesis is to create a simulation that will generate believable device motion in the hands of a human. Prior to the design, sensor data analysis and exploration of motion simulation methods were conducted. Sets of parameters generated by a genetic algorithm are used for motion generation. The resulting solution was incorporated into the JShelter extension and experiments showed good results and performance of the solution.
Open Data of and ARES
Mikyska, Daniel ; Loutocký, Pavel (referee) ; Míšek, Jakub (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with public sector information, especially open data. It describes their definition, conditions, legislation and mandatory entities that are obliged to create this data. The next section deals with possible obstacles that may arise when opening, or reusing, open data. The protection of privacy and personal data is described the most. It states here what personal data is, how their processing is defined and who is the controller of personal data. In the last part, this work deals with the practical part, which aims to show how the basic way to use open data in a simple web application.
System of anonymous data collection
Troják, David ; Malina, Lukáš (referee) ; Dzurenda, Petr (advisor)
This thesis deals with contemporary approaches that provide higher protection of privacy of users. It focuses mainly on a group signature. In the practical part of this thesis I designed and implemented PS that is enable to gather information with the help of signal of a mobile device. The application was designed in accordance with fundamental cryptographic requirements such as the authenticity and the integrity of transmitted data. The anonymity of users is guaranteed through an application layer (the group signature) as well as through a network layer (Tor).
Privacy protection in cloud
Chernikau, Ivan ; Smékal, David (referee) ; Dzurenda, Petr (advisor)
In the Master’s thesis were described privacy protection problems while using cloud technologies. Some of the problems can be solved with help of homomorphic encryption, data splitting or searchable encryption. These techniques were described and compared by provided security, privacy protection and efficiency. The data splitting technique was chosen and implemented in the C language. Afterwards a performance of the implemented solution was compared to AES encryption/decryption performance. An application for secured data storing in cloud was designed and implemented. This application is using the implemented data splitting technique and third-party application CloudCross. The designed application provides command line interface (CLI) and graphical user interface (GUI). GUI extends the capabilities of CLI with an ability to register cloud and with an autodetection of registered clouds. The process of uploading/downloading the data to/from cloud storage is transparent and it does not overload the user with technical details of used data splitting technique.
Tunneling and Cryptographic protocols as a privacy protection on regulated internet
Čížek, Michal ; Pust, Radim (referee) ; Burda, Karel (advisor)
This thesis is about internet regulations and usage of tunneling protocols as a privacy protection on regulated internet. The thesis includes detailed description of most widely used tunneling protocols focused on their usage in regulated networks. The produce the teoretical part of the thesis is synoptical comparative table including benefits and disadvantages of each protocol and examples of suitable usage. The practical part presents the tunneling protocols in three different scenarios which are very frequent in practice. Each scenario has been realized, the communication has been captured using Wireshark network protocol analyzer and also the analysis of potential risks has been done for the event that the communication would be captured by a third party - the regulator.
Person de-identification upon primary biometric traits
Šidó, Balázs ; Burget, Radim (referee) ; Přinosil, Jiří (advisor)
This bachelor’s thesis deals with various methods protecting privacy by de-identification based on the primary biometric traits. The first chapter describes face de-identification with ad-hoc, naive and advanced methods. It also describes the Active Appearance Models and the Active Shape Models. The second chapter consists of a general overview of voice signal processing and of voice de-identification methods by changing the levels of energy in each frequency band and by pitch shift. The following chapters are describing the realized face de-identification program and an algorithm design for reversible face de-identification using the appearance parameters of the Active Appearance Model. This is followed by algorithm designs for voice de-identification. The results of the experiments done with the de-identified pictures are introduced in the last chapter. The realized program were written in Matlab.
Spam detection methods
Rickwood, Michal ; Horváth, Tomáš (referee) ; Oujezský, Václav (advisor)
Hlavním cílem této práce je navrhnout a implementovat detekční algoritmus na spam, který využívá výhradně záznamy provozu v podobě Netflow zpráv. Poskytovatelé internetových služeb musí spam detekovat, aby zabránili označování celých jejich subnetů za spammery. Algoritmus byl navržen na základě analýzy mnohých datasetů obsahující Netflow záznamy. Tyto datasety obsahovaly validní emaily, spam a také běžný internetový provoz. Algoritmus v prvním kroku využívá domain name system blacklistů pro verifikaci spammovací stanice. Veškerá komunikace ze stanic, které se objeví na některém ze seznamů jsou okamžitě zahozeny. Filtrační kritéria algoritmu jsou aplikována pouze na stanice, které nejsou blacklisty označeny. Tato kritéria byla rozdělena na akceptační a seřaďovací. Akceptační kritérium bylo navrženo k nalezení potenciálně významných stanic. Bylo formulováno pět kritérií určených k seřazování těchto vybraných IP adresy dle pravděpodobnosti, že se jedná o spamovací stanice. Za každým kritérium stojí matematická rovnice vracející hodnotu mezi 0 a 1. Celkový součet takto vrácených hodnot se u spamovacích stanic blíží k pěti, zatímco legitimní stanice mají hodnoty znatelně nižší. Výstupem vyvinutého algoritmu je seznam potenciálních spamovacích stanic seřazených podle pravděpodobnosti, že se jedná o spamovací stanice.

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