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Nursing care of a woman after mastectomy and her social inclusion in a society
The bachelor thesis deals with the issue of breast cancer, or the treatment of this disease by surgery and the subsequent nursing care before the surgery, during the hospitalization and before the discharge from the health care facility, including the subsequent inclusion of the woman back into the society. The first part of the thesis describes the theory of breast cancer, risks, prevention and treatment. Mastectomy is specifically discussed, including the effects of this procedure on the psyche of women and the subsequent reintegration of patients back into social life. The research part defines the objectives, which are subsequently addressed in the bachelor thesis as: Specifics of nursing care for women after mastectomy, Adequate awareness of women in this treatment, social life after breast removal, psychological support and well-being of women after mastectomy. The data were obtained by means of qualitative research in the form of semi-structured interviews with women attending the mammary team of the South Bohemian Region. The information was processed using a coding method that resulted in 4 categories with their additional subcategories. From the results, it was found that most women were satisfied with the nursing care and awareness during hospitalization. This was mainly about the ability to communicate and to give sufficient information before the procedure before discharge and about various health options or limitations. Here, women agreed in most cases on the quality of communication and the submission of a sufficient amount of information. Furthermore, in the results, the women also reported a very negative impact of the disease on both psychological health and overall life satisfaction after mastectomy. Despite the fact that some women were able to deal with the disease better than others, for all of them the disease was a heavy burden both psychologically and physically. These results can be beneficial for both healthcare staff and the general public to help raise awareness of the issue.
Analysis of Possibilities and Implementation of Grant Programms to Achieve Higher Energy Standard in Construction
Šíma, Zbyněk ; Hromádka, Vít (referee) ; Chovancová, Jitka (advisor)
The work addresses the issue of low-energy construction in the Czech Republic and mapping programs that are offered by the state and the European Union, designed to improve the technical and economic performance of buildings. This work also addresses the impact that these subsidy programs can have on the economic situation and the environment. The output will be treated overview of these capabilities in a simple table.
The Czech retail industry work environment changes in the context of the fourth industrial revolution
Rockson, Scott
This paper sought to assess the impacts of the fourth industrial revolution (also known as Industry 4.0) on the retail industry working environment in the Czechia, how the technological advancements could affect the retail labour, as well as jobs in the retail sector. The Czechia government introduced the concept through a term coined as ‚Prumysl 4.0‘ in the country in September 2015, a national plan to help Czechia to be competitive in its internal sectors, as well as its European counterparts. Three hundred and ninety-nine (399) retail employees in Brno were randomly sampled as respondents for this study. The researcher conducted this study with primary data collected with well-structured and online based questionnaires intended to get information from the retail employees in the Brno area, with both predeermined likert scale options as well as open-ended questions to enable detailed expression of their respective views. Descriptive and quantitative approach were employed in this study to analyze the data collected to make meaningful relations of the responses to the research topic. The data was collected with Google Forms, organized and cleaned with Microsoft Excel, and then analyzed using, tables, as well as descriptive analysis, graphs and charts from Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 27.0.1 software. This study revealed that the retail environment has seen implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies and the employees have been trained to use these new technologies. Employees disclosed how some of their manual tasks have been taken over by the use of technology, thus making their job easier, but then again redcing the tasks for them to work on. The forseeable future of the retail employees was found to be lesser and lesser jobs and tasks in the retail sector, thus, making it necessary for them to embrace the changes, equip themselves with the necessary skills to stay relevant and adapt to these inevitable impacts. The author has made some propositons to the government, retail sector, and its employees in order to survive the impacts of this revolution.
Problematika invazních druhů raků na území České republiky
Čuprová, Veronika
The diploma thesis following the bachelor thesis "Invasive species in the Czech Republic" is focused on the issue of invasive species of crayfish. The aim of the thesis is to describe the legislation, the current method of monitoring these species and the possibilities of their regulation. The thesis deals with the monitoring of invasive crayfish species at two selected sites in the Czech Republic and the application of appropriate regulatory interventions. Along with the monitoring, water samples were taken and analyses for the presence of crayfish plague were carried out. The results show that at the Prostřední rybník site, where the marbled crayfish occurs and where eradication measures have been underway since 2020, it has still not been completely successfully eradicated. From the interview conducted with local respondents, it was found that about half of the respondents are aware of this issue, thanks to the actions carried out to eliminate this species and the information boards posted in the area. In addition to the signal crayfish, a small population of the native endangered river crayfish is also present at Besének. Regulatory measures have also been implemented at this site in order to eliminate this invasive species as much as possible and to prevent potential threats to the native crayfish. Based on the results obtained, further possible control measures were proposed at both sites. In the future, more focus should be placed on education of this highly topical issue, as public awareness and understanding is considered one of the most effective preventive measures.
Degradace lesů v Malajsii a její ekonomické a sociální dopady
Šebelová, Hana
The bachelor thesis deals with the topic of forest degradation in Malaysia and its economic and social impacts. It describes the causes and consequences of degradation and closely related deforestation, and deals with individual contents in more detail. In conclusion, economic and social impacts are presented and solutions are proposed for possible improvement of the situation in this country.
Zhodnocení dopadů Lisabonské smlouvy na fungování Evropského parlamentu
Drewniaková, Aneta
The thesis examines selected changes of the Lisbon Treaty and their impact on the European Parliament. The context in the history of the European Union, the establishment and development of the European Parliament is mentioned, as well as the circumstances of the creation of the Treaty of Lisbon and the changes which has been introduced. Particularly, these are institutional changes, new authority or areas of competence. Subsequently, the use of individual instruments by the European Parliament is analysed and evaluated.
Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Education of Students at the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
ZEC, Miriana
The bachelor thesis deals with the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the education of students at the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice and evaluates its effects, especially with regard to the transition to distance learning and adaptation to the university environment through the eyes of students and university teachers. The aim of the thesis is to evaluate the impact of Covid-19 on student´s education and to propose possible changes that could lead to a more efficient educational process. At first the thesis describes the characteristics of higher education along with a description of the Covid-19 in relation to education at universities. Afterwards the thesis presents the results of questionnaire survey among the students and teachers to determine the impacts they perceived the most during the transition to the university environment, particularly in relation to the shift to distance learning and adaption to the pandemic conditions.
IFRS 9 - a new approach to financial instruments reporting
Kumar, Sunny
This diploma thesis deals with the new classification and measurement of financial instruments and quantifying the impacts on banking organizations after application of new standard IFRS 9. Since IFRS 9 superseded IAS 39, therefore this thesis makes a research and analysis on the financial reporting mechanism used before and after introduction of IFRS 9. Theoretical part of the thesis explains classification and measurement of IFRS 9, a qualitative comparison between IAS 39 and IFRS 9 and the different impacts on organizations by application of new standard. The practical part quantifies those impacts by analyzing financial statements and reports that may influence effectiveness, control and revenue for the 3 banking organizations from Czech Republic in their financial instrument reporting.
Care of child with physical disorders and its impact on family life
The bachelor's thesis deals with the issue of care for a child with a physical disability and its effects on family life, from the perspective of parents of children. The aim of this work is to find out what all care for a child with a physical disability entails and to analyze its effects on the family. The partial goal is to identify what positives and negatives this care entails. The research was done with a qualitative strategy, a method of questioning using the technique of uncontrolled interview. Interviews were conducted with parents of children with physical disabilities who have been caring for the child for at least 5 years. The research results were processed by the method of creating tufts. The results show that caring for a child with a physical disability is very demanding for all families, the level of difficulty and the number of impacts is greatly affected by the degree of disability, other siblings, the quality of the partnership, but also the relationship with other family members or friends. Care in the interviewed families also had a great impact on the social life of the family, which families usually had to reduce, or on the economic situation of the family, it turned out that all interviewed families had to use the help of public collections at least once. However, caring for a child with a physical disability not only has a negative impact on the functioning of the family, most communication partners stated that it was only thanks to a child with TP that they stopped living a superficial life and changed their personal priorities and values. In practice, this bachelor's thesis could be used mainly for all professionals working with this social group, so that they can empathize with all the contexts associated with the care of a child with a physical disability.
Gambling and its impact - qualitative research of pathologically players
Roznerová, Tereza ; Mravčík, Viktor (advisor) ; Vacek, Jaroslav (referee)
Thesis "Gambling and its consequences - qualitative research of pathological gamblers" is discussing gambling as a present phenomenon and about the effects of gambling on gamblers and his environment in different aspects of his life. Theoretical part provides the introduction to this problem, specification of definitions and also particular impact of gambling on itself, namely health, social, criminal law and last but not least, financial consequences. The practical part deals with stories of abstaining gamblers and their subjectively perceived impacts of gambling on their lives, hindering factors in the development of addiction and factors facilitating entering to the treatment.

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