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Budget and Indebtedness of the City of Židlochovice
Slunská, Zuzana ; Mičák, Peter (referee) ; Kocmanová, Alena (advisor)
The diploma thesis deals with the budget and indebtedness of the city of Židlochovice. The first part contains theoretical starting points regarding the public sector and territorial self-governing units, describes their management, budgeting and indebtedness. The second part contains basic information about the city and the functioning of the city office. It deals with the management of the city, a detailed analysis of the income and expenditure side of the city budget for the year 2023, a description of the medium-term budget outlook drawn up for the period 2024-2028, and an analysis of the city's indebtedness for the period 2020-2023. In the third part, the possibilities of increasing incomes and the possibilities of reducing expenses are suggested, which should lead to a reduction of the city's total indebtedness.
Accounting and Reporting of Fixed Assets in Selected Accounting Entity
Schönwälderová, Zuzana ; Mičák, Peter (referee) ; Pěta, Jan (advisor)
The bachelor thesis deals with the property of the town of Židlochovice. The first part contains theoretical background concerning the municipality, describes the municipal fixed assets, methods of its acquisition, valuation and disposal. The second part contains basic information about the town, the functioning of the municipal authority. In particular, it deals with the fixed assets of the town, the methods of their acquisition in terms of contractual relations, which it describes individually. Analyzes the occurrence of discrepancies in the financial values of acquired assets in the statements. In the third part is proposed a solution to the problem of missing data in invoicing and concluded contracts, and a solution to the problem of discrepancies in the financial values of acquired assets in the statements.
Use of the public space of the town Sázava
Křikavová, Ema ; Uherek, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Soukopová, Aneta (referee)
Téma bakalářské práce je veřejný prostor města Sázavy a sebeprezentace lidí v něm. Hlavní výzkumná otázka zní "Jakým způsobem se sebeprezentuje vedení města Sázavy a lidé, kteří se na dění ve městě nejvíce podílejí a jakým způsobem se tyto sebeprezentace promítají do veřejném prostoru?" K tomu, aby autorka dospěla k zodpovězení hlavní výzkumné otázky, si určila dílčí podotázky. Další podotázky zní "Jaké jsou klíčové veřejné prostory města Sázava a do jakých kategorií spadají a co se na nich odehrává?", "Jak vnímají veřejné prostory obyvatelé města Sázavy?" a "Jaký postoj zaujímají k veřejným prostorům obyvatelé města a jak se na nich sebeprezentují?". K tomu, aby autorka dospěla k odpovědím na výzkumné otázky, nejprve téma práce ukotvila v teorii a vycházela z odborné literatury vztahující se k tématu. Druhá část práce se zabývá samotným výzkumem. Ve výzkumu byla použita kombinace kvantitativních a kvalitativních metod. Do kvantitativních metod spadá anketa, která byla distribuovaná obyvatelům města a obsahovala otevřené otázky. Do kvalitativních metod spadá zúčastněné pozorování a polostrukturované rozhovory. Autorka dospěla k výsledkům, že se vedení města a lidé, kteří se na dění ve městě nejvíce podílejí se sebeprezentují pomocí zkvalitňování veřejných prostor. Zaměřují se především na ty...
Accounting and Reporting of Fixed Assets in Selected Accounting Entity
Schönwälderová, Zuzana ; Mičák, Peter (referee) ; Pěta, Jan (advisor)
The bachelor thesis deals with the property of the town of Židlochovice. The first part contains theoretical background concerning the municipality, describes the municipal fixed assets, methods of its acquisition, valuation and disposal. The second part contains basic information about the town, the functioning of the municipal authority. In particular, it deals with the fixed assets of the town, the methods of their acquisition in terms of contractual relations, which it describes individually. Analyzes the occurrence of discrepancies in the financial values of acquired assets in the statements. In the third part is proposed a solution to the problem of missing data in invoicing and concluded contracts, and a solution to the problem of discrepancies in the financial values of acquired assets in the statements.
Coalitions of Independent Candidates in Elections to City Councils in the Czech Republic
Brýdl, Matěj ; Jüptner, Petr (advisor) ; Vimmr, Martin Kryšpín (referee)
The bachelor thesis Coalitions of Independent Candidates in Elections to City Councils in the Czech Republic deals with terms of candidacy Coalitions of Independent Candidates in elections to city councils in Czech cities and municipalities. First of all, the bachelor thesis compares conditions for candidacy of independent candidates in the Czech Republic and neighboring countries. The analysis is focused on comparison of the presence of Coalitions of Independent Candidates in Czech cities of different size. The focus is mainly on local elections 2014. Successful Coalitions of Independent Candidates has been described in details. The aim is to refer to disadvantages suffered by Coalitions of Independent Candidates in larger cities. The disadvantage is, that Coalitions of Independent Candidates have to produce petition with 7 % signatures of voters from the city, where they want to candidate. Despite this disadvantage is majority of Czech councilors elected from the Coalitions of Independent Candidates.
City council election in Soběslav in the first half of 18th century
The theses called Volby do městské rady v Soběslavi v první polovině 18. století is daeling with a city administration in Soběslav of schwarzenberg nobility in the first half of 18th century. In the first part of my theses I introduce a form of the city administration with an emphasis on its most important institutions as a city council, a group of municipal older and a reeve. In the next chapter I describe a way of a councillor election, a group of municipal older election and a reeve election in which the city community participated. I use unique survived lists originated from elections that registered votes. In the third part of my theses I focus on a ceremony of ending activity of city institutions and replacing free places with successors. The Master theses comes from sources placed in the city archive Tábor in the fund of Archive of the city Soběslav and in the archive Třeboň in the fund of Large estate Třeboň.
Jindřich Šolc and his activity at the head of the Prague municipal government
Bendlová, Markéta ; Velek, Luboš (advisor) ; Svatošová, Hana (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to map the situation at the Prague City Hall between 1887 and 1893 during the governance of mayor Jindřich Šolc. The introduction deals with the development of the capital city of the Kingdom of Bohemia in the second half of the nineteenth century, and personal and public life of Jindřich Šolc. The thesis is based on materials of Prague City Archives and contemporary press reflecting actual events. It analysis the events of public interest and tries to describe the crucial problems and the greatest achievements of the local government of that time. It depicts the mayor's unusual start of his office, and on the example of two scandals it tries to show his complicated position. It monitors the implementation of particular municipal projects, shows the difficulties associated with the language issues and focuses on the relations between the Old Czechs' majority and the Young Czechs' opposition. It describes in detail the process of election battles that resulted into Jindřich Šolc leaving the local politics, followed by concluding of the town hall compromising agreement, ensuring the National Liberal Party (Young Czechs) stronger representation in the city council. Key words: Jindřich Šolc, Prague, local municipality, mayor, board of aldermen, city council, Prague City Hall,...
Rokczaner family of Prague's Old Town. From councillors to knights
Chmátal, Jonáš ; Žemlička, Josef (advisor) ; Musílek, Martin (referee)
This bachelor's thesis is focused on Rockzaner family, one significant patrician family of Prague's Old Town. The goal of this thesis is to bring wide biographical description of this family. Similiar biography already exists but just as a part of monumental work of Vaclav Vladivoj Tomek from 70's of 19th century. That is why I am persuaded that such biography should be rewriten to better suit modern historical science. Another goal is to prove that topic of prague's patrician families is not exhausted and there is still a plenty of free space for a research to be done. Next to biographical description this thesis also contains one chapter devoted to Rockzaner's rural estates and its's problematic. As for my opinion this biography should stand as a basis for future research of Rockzaner family and their's economical and social activities. Keywords: Old Town of Prague, patrician, Okor castle, knight, Rockzaner, medieval, medieval city, citizen, location, 14th century, colonization, money loans, rural estates, city council
Coalitions of Independent Candidates in Elections to City Councils in the Czech Republic
Brýdl, Matěj ; Jüptner, Petr (advisor) ; Vimmr, Martin Kryšpín (referee)
The bachelor thesis Coalitions of Independent Candidates in Elections to City Councils in the Czech Republic deals with terms of candidacy Coalitions of Independent Candidates in elections to city councils in Czech cities and municipalities. First of all, the bachelor thesis compares conditions for candidacy of independent candidates in the Czech Republic and neighboring countries. The analysis is focused on comparison of the presence of Coalitions of Independent Candidates in Czech cities of different size. The focus is mainly on local elections 2014. Successful Coalitions of Independent Candidates has been described in details. The aim is to refer to disadvantages suffered by Coalitions of Independent Candidates in larger cities. The disadvantage is, that Coalitions of Independent Candidates have to produce petition with 7 % signatures of voters from the city, where they want to candidate. Despite this disadvantage is majority of Czech councilors elected from the Coalitions of Independent Candidates.
Civil elite, local autorities and culture of the town of Telč
This dissertation is dealing with the town of Telč and its way of living in the first half of the 20th century. The research is focused on the thorough analysis of local authorities from the social and occupational point of view, territorial origin and location of residence its various fellows. The main purpose of this is to idicate the changes which coincided with the influence of nationwide political, social and economic changes. The illustration of six Telč´s families with various professions charts their share which affected the social, cultural and public life of the town. The aim is to get an integral view of this period, therefore the grammar school staff have been included, because of their participatory role in local authorities and social life as well. Municipal and school celebrations have been included to illustrate the cultural backround of provincial town in the first half of the 20th century.

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