Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 1 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 
Material properties of lithium fluoride for predicting XUV laser ablation rate and threshold fluence
Blejchař, T. ; Nevrlý, V. ; Vašinek, M. ; Dostál, Michal ; Pečínka, L. ; Dlabka, J. ; Stachoň, M. ; Juha, Libor ; Bitala, P. ; Zelinger, Zdeněk ; Pira, P. ; Wild, J.
This paper deals with prediction of extreme ultraviolet (XUV) laser ablation of lithium fluoride at nanosecond timescales. Material properties of lithium fluoride were determined based on bibliographic survey. These data are necessary for theoretical estimation of surface removal rate in relevance to XUV laser desorption/ablation process. Parameters of XUV radiation pulses generated by the Prague capillary-discharge laser (CDL) desktop system were assumed in this context. Prediction of ablation curve and threshold laser fluence for lithium fluoride was performed employing XUV-ABLATOR code. Quasi-random sampling approach was used for evaluating its predictive capabilities in the means of variance and stability of model outputs in expected range of uncertainties. These results were compared to experimental data observed previously.

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