National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Fast molten salt reactor simulation
Dzurňák, Martin ; doc. Ing. Pavel Zácha, Ph.D., ÚE FS ČVUT v Praze (referee) ; Katovský, Karel (advisor)
This thesis deals with the sensitivity analysis of a molten salt fast reactor. The computational sensitivity analysis is carried out in the MCNP program. After an introduction to molten salt reactors and an overview of molten salt fast reactor projects, the Stable Salt Reactor - Wasteburner project is selected for sensitivity analysis. The development of the reactor model in MCNP is described. Sensitivity analysis is performed on the influence of the nuclear data library, reactor temperature and the influence of the fuel salt composition.
Design of experimental device for testing of subcooled flow boilling
Gleitz, M. ; Zacha, P. ; Entler, Slavomír ; Syblík, J.
The article presents the principle and function of the Hypervapotron and the current work progress on the realisation of the experimental loop. Hypervapotron is a heat exchanger operating in a two-phase flow regime, in which the latent heat of the water/steam phase transformation is used, which enables the transfer of large heat fluxes (up to tens of MW/m(2)). For this reason, it appears to be very promising for use in fusion reactors. The article describes the steps leading to the final design of the experimental loop selection of suitable mesh parameters in the Star-CCM+ code, geometry and used materials of the single elements of the heating system using electromagnetic induction. The effort of the experimental loop and the flow study in the Hypervapotron in general, is dimensional and material optimization of the geometry is suitable for a wide range of applications for which the benefits of subcooled boiling and Hypervapotron geometry can be applied.

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