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The Influence of National Cultures on Cybersecurity Strategies: A Comparative Case Studies analysis of the UK and Italy's Cybersecurity Postures
Viscardi, Valerio ; Butler, Eamonn (vedoucí práce) ; Špelda, Petr (oponent) ; Dowd, Caitriona (oponent)
The Influence of National Cultures on Cybersecurity Strategies: A Comparative Case Studies analysis of the UK and Italy's Cybersecurity Postures Abstract This thesis explores the influence that national cultures have on the countries' approaches to cybersecurity. The main idea is that cultural characteristics inform different strategic policy developments. For this purpose, it was selected a comparative case studies approach with the UK's and Italy's as the selected case studies. Through a thematic analysis of those countries' cybersecurity strategic documents, it was possible to identify and compare the main elements where national cultures informed different policy choices. From the analysis, it emerged that the Italian and the UK's national cultures shaped the ways the two countries have developed their national cybersecurity strategies over time. Consequently, to gain a better understanding of how a country could behave when facing new security challenges, researchers should not underestimate the role of culture.

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