National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.03 seconds. 
Milling activators use in the very fine powder material practice.
Spurný, Marek ; Kejík, Pavel (referee) ; Svěrák, Tomáš (advisor)
This work deals kinetics of grinding Portland cement clinker which is influenced by addition of grinding inlays surfactants. In an experiment, attritor-type stirred mill was used and surface active grinding additives such as polyethylenglykol (PEG), triethylamin (TEA) and acetate of ammonium were utilized. Granulometric distribution graph obtained from laser diffraction analysis provides data for plotting development diagrams for milling process.
Milling activators use in the Portland clinker production practice
Spurný, Marek ; Kejík, Pavel (referee) ; Svěrák, Tomáš (advisor)
This work deals kinetics of grinding Portland cement clinker which is influenced by addition of grinding inlays surfactants. In an experiment, attritor-type stirred mill was used and surface active grinding additives such as polyethylenglykol (PEG), triethylamin (TEA) and acetate of ammonium were utilized. Granulometric distribution graph obtained from laser diffraction analysis provides data for plotting development diagrams for milling process.
Milling activators use in the Portland clinker production practice
Spurný, Marek ; Kejík, Pavel (referee) ; Svěrák, Tomáš (advisor)
This work deals kinetics of grinding Portland cement clinker which is influenced by addition of grinding inlays surfactants. In an experiment, attritor-type stirred mill was used and surface active grinding additives such as polyethylenglykol (PEG), triethylamin (TEA) and acetate of ammonium were utilized. Granulometric distribution graph obtained from laser diffraction analysis provides data for plotting development diagrams for milling process.
Milling activators use in the very fine powder material practice.
Spurný, Marek ; Kejík, Pavel (referee) ; Svěrák, Tomáš (advisor)
This work deals kinetics of grinding Portland cement clinker which is influenced by addition of grinding inlays surfactants. In an experiment, attritor-type stirred mill was used and surface active grinding additives such as polyethylenglykol (PEG), triethylamin (TEA) and acetate of ammonium were utilized. Granulometric distribution graph obtained from laser diffraction analysis provides data for plotting development diagrams for milling process.

See also: similar author names
55 SPURNÝ, Martin
55 Spurný, Martin
3 Spurný, Matěj
2 Spurný, Milan
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