Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 3 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Administrativní budova s polyfunkcí
Nekorancová, Anna ; Majsniar, Michal (oponent) ; Brukner, Bohuslav (vedoucí práce)
Predmetom tejto diplomovej práce bolo spracovanie projektovej dokumentácie pre novostavbu administratívnej budovy s polyfunkciou v Trenčíne. Objekt sa skladá zo štyroch nadzemných a jedného podzemného podlažia a utvára ho niekoľko funkčných častí. V priestoroch prvého nadzemného podlažia sa nachádza kaviareň, dve menšie obchodné prevádzky a recepcia pre administratívnu časť budovy. V druhom a treťom nadzemnom podlaží sa nachádzajú administratívne priestory. V štvrtom nadzemnom podlaží sa nachádza šesť bytových jednotiek, ktoré majú pridelené aj parkovacie miesta v garáži v prvom podzemnom podlaží. Kostru objektu tvorí železobetónová monolitická skeletová konštrukcia s dvoma stužujúcimi železobetónovými jadrami, v ktorých je situované schodisko s výťahovou šachtou. Nadzemné obvodové výplňové konštrukcie medzi stĺpmi sú z časti riešené ako monolitické železobetónové steny a z juhovýchodnej časti objektu sa nachádza ľahký obvodový plášť ohraničujúci časť obvodu budovy na dĺžke trinásť a pol metra, zastrešenie objektu tvorí plochá jednoplášťová strecha. Súčasťou projektu bolo posúdenie požiarnej bezpečnosti objektu, tepelne technické posúdenie, stavebne konštrukčné riešenie, architektonicko-stavebné riešenie, zhodnotenie z hľadiska stavebnej fyziky.
Family House with Aerobics and Fitness Studio
Nekorancová, Anna ; Pilný, Ondřej (oponent) ; Brzoň, Roman (vedoucí práce)
The subject of this bachelor's thesis was to elaborate project documentation for a new family house with the Aerobics and Fitness Studio establishment. The building is divided into two functionally separate parts, a family house for a family of four and the Aerobics and Fitness Studio facility. The building has two floors above ground and one underground and it has partial basement. The building is located in the village, where the construction of houses and infrastructure is planned to be. The skeleton of the building consists of a combined structural system of vertical walls made of ceramic blocks and the connection of a reinforced concrete ceiling structure, where it was necessary to design reinforced concrete columns with gutters as a supporting structure for large overlaps. The roof of the building consists of a flat roof what is designed as a vegetation roof. The family house also includes a garage, which is located on the first underground floor with a capacity of three parking spaces. The emphasized attention was paid to technical requirements, functionality, purposefulness, and housing demands during the processing of project documentation. Part of the project was the assessment of fire safety of the building, thermal technical assessment, building design solution, architectural-building solution, evaluation in terms of building physics.
Family House with Aerobics and Fitness Studio
Nekorancová, Anna ; Pilný, Ondřej (oponent) ; Brzoň, Roman (vedoucí práce)
The subject of this bachelor's thesis was to elaborate project documentation for a new family house with the Aerobics and Fitness Studio establishment. The building is divided into two functionally separate parts, a family house for a family of four and the Aerobics and Fitness Studio facility. The building has two floors above ground and one underground and it has partial basement. The building is located in the village, where the construction of houses and infrastructure is planned to be. The skeleton of the building consists of a combined structural system of vertical walls made of ceramic blocks and the connection of a reinforced concrete ceiling structure, where it was necessary to design reinforced concrete columns with gutters as a supporting structure for large overlaps. The roof of the building consists of a flat roof what is designed as a vegetation roof. The family house also includes a garage, which is located on the first underground floor with a capacity of three parking spaces. The emphasized attention was paid to technical requirements, functionality, purposefulness, and housing demands during the processing of project documentation. Part of the project was the assessment of fire safety of the building, thermal technical assessment, building design solution, architectural-building solution, evaluation in terms of building physics.

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