National Repository of Grey Literature 7 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
ERP Systems - SQL Database Compression
Fuxa, Lukáš ; Navrátilová, Veronika (referee) ; Kříž, Jiří (advisor)
Subject of this thesis is proposal to compression of SQL database at information system used in multinational company. The aim of my work will be proposal of SQL database compression. The company particularizes requirements, which have to be keeped. On the basis of this requirements I will propose various solutions and from these solutions will be choose one, in my opinion the best, which will be implemented.
Gender a genderové role v komunistickém období
Navrátilová, Veronika
The bachelor thesis „Gender and gender roles in the communist period“ explains the main concepts of gender and gender roles within the gender culture of state socialism in Czechoslovakia. The aim of the bachelor thesis is to identify the gender differences between men and women in connection with the ideological influence of the time. The theoretical part describes social expectations set by norm shaping different sex-stereotypical roles of men and women. The practical part is based on the given concepts and by the secondary analysis of historical data confirms the outlined theoretical concepts within the private and public sphere. The analyses of specific data sets proves the differentiation of social roles according to gender-stereotypical characteristics and the efficiency of regulating the secondary work. Furthermore, it arranges the evaluation of the degree of fulfilment of the socialist model of women’s emancipation within the educational, work and political structure.
Verification of an exercise program focused on flat foot compensation
Tato diplomová práce ověřuje připravený cvičební program, který byl vytvořen v bakalářská práci, a jeho vliv na stav chodidel. Diplomová práce je zpracována formou osobní případové studie, které se tedy zúčastnil jeden proband. Pro ověření byly použity dvě testovací metody, a to metoda dle Srdečného a Chipsuxovo-Šmirákova metoda. Proband podstoupil cekem 3 měření, a to vstupní, průběžné a konečné. Při každém měření bylo dbáno na to, aby podmínky testování byly shodné. Cvičební program byl stanoven na 9 týdnů, kdy se cvičilo 5x týdně. Kompenzační program byl složen ze 40 cviků, které byly rozděleny do 3 cvičebních jednotek. Po ukončení cvičebního programu došlo ke značnému zlepšení stavu chodidel. Z této práce plyne to, že navržený cvičební program má pozitivní vliv na stav plochých nohou.
Zpracování studie pro projektovou žádost v rámci programu POVEZ II
Navrátilová, Veronika
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to elaborate a study concerning the project application in program called Support of professional education for employees (POVEZ II). The theoretical part describes fundamental principles of subsidy including detailed explanation of POVEZ II and rudiments of project management. The analytical part is focused on evaluating the situation of a company using SWOT analysis, Porter`s five forces analysis and principle of key factors. The outcome of the analytical work is to establish an educational plan covering the areas of education and the reasons leading to this need, which is crucial for the application
ERP Systems - SQL Database Compression
Fuxa, Lukáš ; Navrátilová, Veronika (referee) ; Kříž, Jiří (advisor)
Subject of this thesis is proposal to compression of SQL database at information system used in multinational company. The aim of my work will be proposal of SQL database compression. The company particularizes requirements, which have to be keeped. On the basis of this requirements I will propose various solutions and from these solutions will be choose one, in my opinion the best, which will be implemented.

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6 NAVRÁTILOVÁ, Vladimíra
1 Navrátilová, Vendula
9 Navrátilová, Veronika
6 Navrátilová, Vladimíra
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