National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Projection of land consolidation for selected locality
MENCL, Filip
The subject of this thesis is the proposal of land consolidation in the cadastral area Břeží u Žinkov. Description of the area is the part of the land consolidation as well as erosion control measures to protect the land fund, measures to access to the property, measures for the creation and protection of the environment and water management. The final part of the proposal is to create the claims inventory of three owners and to propose a new land arrangement for selected owners. The results of this thesis are the improvement of environment protection and suitable solution of the land arrangement.
The options of nature and landscape protection in the Czech Republic and abroad
MENCL, Filip
This bachelor thesis points out the nature and landscape protection in the Czech Republic and describes the options for its possible protection. At the same time it compares the Czech Republic with foreign countries. It mentions the state of nature and landscape, its history and gradual development up to the present. It deals with the protection of specific species living in our country and focuses on some of the international conventions.

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