National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Lean Six Sigma application to solve problems occurring during brand changes in production in Philip Morris CR, a.s.
Jurka, Petr ; Hykš, Ondřej (advisor) ; Martínez, Felipe (referee)
The goal of this Master's Thesis is Lean Six Sigma application to solve problems occurring during brand changes in production in Philip Morris CR, a.s. In the first part of this thesis there is described the Lean Six Sigma methodology, which draws from current world literature. Moreover the thesis describes the company Philip Morris, production of tobacco products in Kutná Hora and there is high level process description of cigarette production. In the thesis there is thorough description of process brand change, 7 measurements of this process on different types of machines, analysis of these measurements. In case there are problems identified there is the counter action to solve them designed. At the end of the thesis there is evaluation if the goals described in the introduction were achieved.
Comparative analysis of organizational architecture of czech and foreign multinational companies (on the example of companies Coca Cola, Pepsi Cola and Kofola)
Jurka, Petr ; Malý, Milan (advisor) ; Theodor, Michal (referee)
The thesis explains the theoretical concepts of multinational corporation, organization, different types of organizational structures and indicators used for the analysis of organizational structures. In the practical part, the author describes the structure of Coca Cola, PepsiCo and Kofola, analyzes the selected indicators for individual companies and also focuses on similar and different features of the organizational structures of these companies. In conclusion, the author establishes the general conclusions and recommendations for companies that want to expand into foreign markets, or already doing business in these markets and are considering a change in organizational structure. Organizational structure of analyzed multinational companies may pose an inspiration for them.

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5 Jurka, Pavel
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