Activities of low-threshold facilities for children and youth as a tool of prevention of risk behavior of youth
GRIGA, Martin
Griga, Martin. Aktivities of low-threshold facility for children and youth as an effective tool for prevention of risky youth behavior. České Budějovice 2019/2020. Bachelor thesis. Theological Faculty, Department of practice, thesis supervisor, M. Ehrlichová. Keywords: LFCY, adolescence, risky behavior, prevention of risky behavior. The aim of my bachelor thesis is to present how activities in LTFCY can support the prevention of youth behavior. The bachelor thesis deals with prevention of risky youth behavior in LTFCY for using provided activities. Thesis is devided to four parts. The first chapter characterizes LTFCY, deals with their historical origin, embedded in legislation, targets and describes the course od social servicesin this facilities. The second part of the bechalor thesis is devoted to risky behavior during adolescence. In this part is characterized the development of adolescents from the perspective of physiology, sociology and psychology including the factors that influence this development. This section also deals with the manifestations of youth risk behavior, defines the behavior and also identifies risk and protective factors affecting this behavior. The third part of thesis deals with prevention of risky youth behavior and role LTFCY in the prevention systém of the Czech Republic. This section also lists the specific activities that LTFCY provides and their practical use as tools for prevention of risky youth behavior. The fourth part contains characteristics of LTFCY DEPO Kaplice, where I performed compulsory study practice. This part also contains four practical examples. Two of them show that LTFCY activities can in some situations be successful tools for preventing risky behavior. The remaining two practical examples show that there are situations where the activities of the LTFCY didn´t function as preventive tools for risky behavior.