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Electronical alarm system for family house
Fránik, Marek ; Richter, Miloslav (oponent) ; Macho, Tomáš (vedoucí práce)
The aim of this work is to propose an electronic security system for the house, tha will be respond to the security violation by using siren and GSM module. The objectives of this work include programming software for central unit and debugging that software. The proposed central unit would be compatible with commonly solded sensors and sirens.
Electronical alarm system for family house
Fránik, Marek ; Richter, Miloslav (oponent) ; Macho, Tomáš (vedoucí práce)
The aim of this work is to propose an electronic security system for the house, tha will be respond to the security violation by using siren and GSM module. The objectives of this work include programming software for central unit and debugging that software. The proposed central unit would be compatible with commonly solded sensors and sirens.

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