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Autonomous programmer of AVR microprocessors with Ethernet connectivity
Verner, Lukáš ; Daněček, Vít (referee) ; Kravka, Martin (advisor)
he main purpose of this semestral thesis is to get to know programming of Atmel AVR microcontroller, working with SD/MMC cards, working with ethernet (TCP/IP) to create a standalone programmer of AVR microcontroller with ethernet connectivity. The first part deals with the questions of programming theory of memories inside microcontrollers and description of programming algorithm. The most used programming method is called „In System Programming“ - ISP. This method provides easy and fast manipulaton. Concept of this programmer is designed for this ISP method. In this thesis is too explain how to work SD/MMC card and file systém FAT16. This knowledges are necesary to store binary program inside standalone programmer. In final part and in attachments there is hardware design, electrical scheme, bill of materials, printed circuit board.
Proprietary VoIP protocols of PBX manufacturers
Bělík, David ; Daněček, Vít (referee) ; Šilhavý, Pavel (advisor)
This thesis focuses on the analysis of proprietary Voice over IP protocols. The first part describes the principles and VoIP technology types. The next section describes proprietary protocols Panasonic IP-PT from Panasonic Corporation and Siemens CorNet-IP from Siemens Corporation. Protocols which are being used in these systems are listed here. Further there is being described the process of registration of terminals to central province. Subsequently calling process and particular terminal functions including packet analysis are being decoded in detail. In conclusion H.323 and MGCP protocols are being compared.
Communication protocol implementation into signal processors
Červenec, Radek ; Daněček, Vít (referee) ; Herman, Ivo (advisor)
Práce se zabývá studují, modifikací a návrhem komunikačních protokolů a jejich implementací v digitálních signálových procesorech v jazyku instrukčních adres. Také zkoumá strukturu elektro-akustické jednotky EPIS 2.45. Popis jednotky je zaměřen na její softwarovou část a to zejména na operační systém založený na kooperativním multitaskingu. Pro dosažení úspěšného návrhu a implementace komunikačních protokolů se práce zaměřuje také na základy vícevrstvé síťové architektury. Poté je již zkoumána skutečná síť (Koris Net) společně s jejími, ale i dalšími komunikačními protokoly, jako například protokol Modus. Popis je doplněn o příklady zdrojového kódu jejich implementace v digitálním signálovém procesoru (ADSP 2191M). V práci je mimo jiné prezentován navržený komunikační protokol pro vyčtení souboru z palubního počítače připojeného k jednotce na sběrnici Modus. Společně s tím je také obsažena navržená úprava protokolu, tak aby bylo možné předávat stažené soubory přes radiové rozhraní do centrálního počítače.
RFID chips reader with AVR microcontroller
Vaníček, Aleš ; Daněček, Vít (referee) ; Šilhavý, Pavel (advisor)
This thesis deals with design and practical realization of a simple reader module, RFID chips. In the first part of the thesis focuses on the theory of RFID system, which tries to outline the basic principles of automatic identification of goods or persons using RFID. The second part is focused on the implementation of a device that operates at 13.56 MHz HF band, and supports the standards ISO 14443 and ISO 14443B.
Database of audio records
Khatib, Nabhan ; Daněček, Vít (referee) ; Míča, Ivan (advisor)
Diplomka a prakticky cast
Software for Communication with GPS Receiver
Vrba, Pavol ; Daněček, Vít (referee) ; Číž, Radim (advisor)
The main goal of this master’s thesis is to over study, reconsider and make a program, which will be capable to interpose information from GPS module, different markers and necessary information’s, geographic coordinates obtained from GPS will be projected in its interface and also on map. This project contains of 3 parts. The first one exactly describes GPS, its history, structure, principle, competitive types of navigations systems and also GPS’ services and technical parameters. The second part of this project describes GPS hardware, used receiver of this signal. There is also mentioned its technical parameters and communication with outside world. The third part is in scripted the software for communication with GPS receiver. We can also see the description of code, in which is mentioned communication protocol and imaging the position on the map. It was programmed in C# language on platform Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition.
Open source PBX security against attacks
Orsák, David ; Daněček, Vít (referee) ; Šilhavý, Pavel (advisor)
This master's thesis deals with open source PBX security against security attacks. In the theoretical part is detailed description of problematic about attacks that could be used on VoIP systems with high focus on the Denial of Service attack. Furthermore are in theoretical part described methods of security of initialization protocol SIP. Individual chapter is devoted to intrusion detection and prevention of IDS and IPS systems, focusing on Snort and OSSEC. In the practical part of the work was created generator of attacks against various PBX systems, which was subsequently used for detailed testing. Special tests of PBX system are then used against DoS attacks, for which was created protection in form of active elements consisting of IDS Snort & OSSEC. These are capable to provide protection in real-time. The protection was tested on particular PBX systems and in matter of comparison were measured possibilities before and after of security implementation. The output of this work is attacks generator VoIPtester and creation of configuration rules for Snort and OSSEC.
Adjustable source supplied and controlled via USB
Pavlíček, Petr ; Daněček, Vít (referee) ; Zeman, Václav (advisor)
Master’s thesis deals with design and realization of power supply, which is supplied and controlled via USB bus. In theoretical part there are described principles of USB communication drivers which ensures this communication, there are described principles of linear voltage regulators and basic types of DC/DC converters. Mentioned is also PID regulator theory. Practical part aims for design of suitable DC/DC converter topology and creating algorithms for driving this converter. Next there is created PC program which drives power supply and there are also accomplished basic power supply measurements. The result of this thesis is functional power supply supplemented with PCB.
RFID chip reader controlled by AVR microcontroller
Pál, Tamás ; Daněček, Vít (referee) ; Šilhavý, Pavel (advisor)
This project deals with the problem of RFID readers. Analyzes properties and operating principles of RFID technology and implementation of RFID data carrier type. The first section describes the various methods of storing identification data, and compares them.The second part emphasizes the implementation of a specific RFID reader. It explains the various parts and characteristics of their associated components. The third part describes the realization process of the RFID reader, based on the previous plans.
Selection of Airplane Data Bus for Distributed Fly-by-Wire System
Funderák, Marcel ; Daněček, Vít (referee) ; Číž, Radim (advisor)
This thesis is dealing with selection of proper airplane data bus for distributed Fly-by-Wire system. The parameters of such data bus are defined here and description of such data buses are given as well. The proper data bus which fulfils the given parameters is selected. Next the safety and time-delay analysis are provided.

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