National Repository of Grey Literature 7 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Neolithic and aeneolithic settlement in Hořovice basin with focus on stone intrustry
Stolz, Daniel ; Popelka, Miroslav (advisor) ; Pavlů, Ivan (referee) ; Zápotocká, Marie (referee)
The study of a Neolithic and Aeneolithic settlement in individual areas forms a substantial part of a complex study of a wide range of related issues regarding the overall settlement location and its history, its density, its relation to natural environment, and its relation to previous and later periods. It can also provide insights into stone industry distribution and the process of communication and contacts between neighbouring and distant regions, mining areas, the size of cultivated areas, etc. Unfortunately, until the 1980s, the study ofNeolithic and Aeneolithic settlements was a rather neglected field in the context of Czech archaeology and even since then iťs stili very rarely used for a complex study of multiple issues. The aim of my thesis is to fulfill this "gap" by suggesting possible solution to the above mentioned problems. The selected settlement area is Hořovice basin. The sources gained from intensive archaeological field work carried out in the 1980s and from a detailed field prospection ofthe whole area belong among the richest collections of data collected for a specific region in the Czech Republic. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on the largest salvage excavation in Hořovice area carried out in Žebrák in 2000. 47 features dated into the II and III grade of...
The Stroked pottery site Jaroměř in the light of the settlement of eastern Bohemia in the younger neolithic
Burgert, Pavel ; Popelka, Miroslav (advisor) ; Zápotocká, Marie (referee)
The present work describes the results of processing the excavations obtained during the research of habitation at a Stroke-ornamented ware culture in Jaroměř (Náchod county). The inner chronology of the habitation was studied using spatial relation analysis and the study of the ceramic collection. Through the study of the stone tools, the habitation was set within the wider distribution relationships of the region and it was also possible to observe the manufacturing activity in the researched location. With the help of the ceramic remains, three residential phases were identified which correspond with the shift between the older and the younger degree of culture. This chronology also corresponds with the changing building tradition of the houses of the habitation. The existence of an independent manufacturing region was not proved. The present study looks at the form of the pottery at an important time when the Lengyel influence started to permeate from Moravia to Bohemia. Keywords neolithic - eastern Bohemia - Stroke-ornamented ware culture - site - pottery Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer (
Neolithic and aeneolithic settlement in Hořovice basin with focus on stone intrustry
Stolz, Daniel ; Popelka, Miroslav (advisor) ; Pavlů, Ivan (referee) ; Zápotocká, Marie (referee)
The study of a Neolithic and Aeneolithic settlement in individual areas forms a substantial part of a complex study of a wide range of related issues regarding the overall settlement location and its history, its density, its relation to natural environment, and its relation to previous and later periods. It can also provide insights into stone industry distribution and the process of communication and contacts between neighbouring and distant regions, mining areas, the size of cultivated areas, etc. Unfortunately, until the 1980s, the study ofNeolithic and Aeneolithic settlements was a rather neglected field in the context of Czech archaeology and even since then iťs stili very rarely used for a complex study of multiple issues. The aim of my thesis is to fulfill this "gap" by suggesting possible solution to the above mentioned problems. The selected settlement area is Hořovice basin. The sources gained from intensive archaeological field work carried out in the 1980s and from a detailed field prospection ofthe whole area belong among the richest collections of data collected for a specific region in the Czech Republic. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on the largest salvage excavation in Hořovice area carried out in Žebrák in 2000. 47 features dated into the II and III grade of...
Neolithic and aeneolithic settlement in Hořovice basin with focus on stone intrustry
Stolz, Daniel ; Popelka, Miroslav (advisor) ; Pavlů, Ivan (referee) ; Zápotocká, Marie (referee)
The study of a Neolithic and Aeneolithic settlement in individual areas forms a substantial part of a complex study of a wide range of related issues regarding the overall settlement location and its history, its density, its relation to natural environment, and its relation to previous and later periods. It can also provide insights into stone industry distribution and the process of communication and contacts between neighbouring and distant regions, mining areas, the size of cultivated areas, etc. Unfortunately, until the 1980s, the study ofNeolithic and Aeneolithic settlements was a rather neglected field in the context of Czech archaeology and even since then iťs stili very rarely used for a complex study of multiple issues. The aim of my thesis is to fulfill this "gap" by suggesting possible solution to the above mentioned problems. The selected settlement area is Hořovice basin. The sources gained from intensive archaeological field work carried out in the 1980s and from a detailed field prospection ofthe whole area belong among the richest collections of data collected for a specific region in the Czech Republic. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on the largest salvage excavation in Hořovice area carried out in Žebrák in 2000. 47 features dated into the II and III grade of...
Rondels and the structure of settlement areas in the late neolithic period
Řídký, Jaroslav ; Popelka, Miroslav (advisor) ; Zápotocká, Marie (referee) ; Pavlů, Ivan (referee)
The Neolithic in the wider area of Central Europe and especially its later period (4 900- 4 500) is represented by one type of feature, the building of which demanded not only complex knowledge of mathematics and astronomy, as many researches have stressed out, but also necessary organizational skills based on a long-term plan. In the context of the Czech Republic, these features or complexes of features ( ditch and pallisade) are called rondels or circle ditched features. The traces of rondels construction and accessible literature make it possible to compare several variables of rondel s, namely the ground plan shapes, the number of V -shaped ditches and inner pallisades. the number and position of individua! entrances. Different entrance shapes represent another important variable in the forms of rondels. Most published sources provide information about the maximum and minimum diameter of the whole complex, the measures of individua! ditches are mentioned only rarely. Sometimes, the maximum width and depth of individua! ditches are recorded. Similar information is recorded about the pallisades ditches. Unfortunatelly, only very few basic and often quoted sources mention the spatial structure of the settlement with a rondel as well as the description of the surrounding area with chronologically co-...
Burial of children in the Czech neolithic and eneolithic
Vejskalová, Lucie ; Zápotocká, Marie (referee) ; Popelka, Miroslav (advisor)
Tématem mé bakalářské práci je problematika pohřbívání dětí v neolitu a eneolitu na území Čech a Moravy. Shromáždila jsem co nejvíce publikovaných nálezů pozůstatků dětí1 datovaných do daných období, sestavila databázi a na tomto podkladu se snažila zjistit maximum informací o světě dětí a jejich postavení ve společnosti příslušných kultur. Práci jsem rozdělila do tří základních částí. První z nich se věnuje kulturám neolitickým - kultuře s keramikou lineární, vypíchanou a moravskou malovanou. Nejvíce se zabývám kulturou s lineární keramikou, neboť jsem mohla porovnat nálezy dětských hrobů z našeho území s nálezy z celé středoevropské oblasti díky publikaci německé badatelky Beaty Siemoneit (1997). Pro ostatní kultury neolitu a eneolitu jsem podobné souborné práce k dispozici neměla, tudíž se v jejich rámci omezím jen na zpracování a vyhodnocení nálezů z našeho území bez širšího středoevropkého kontextu. Druhá část práce rozebírá hroby dětí veneolitu opět po jednotlivých kulturách. Věnovala jsem se kultuře jordanovské, nálevko vitých pohárů, řivnáčské kultuře, kultuře kulovitých amfor a kulturám se šňůrovou keramikou a se zvoncovitými poháry. Pro badenskou kulturu se mi dětské hroby nepodařilo objevit, pro chamskou kulturu v Čechách a jevišovickou kulturu na Moravě doklady hrobů nejsou vůbec. Poslední,...

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1 Zápotocká, Monika
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