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Specification of the School Education Program in the Field of Czech Language and Literature for 1st to 3rd Grade of Primary School
Urbanová, Radka ; Hník, Ondřej (referee)
Magdalény Rettigové 4, 116 39 Praha 1 tel.: +420 221 900 111 IČ 00216208 DIČ CZ00216208 Dle čl. 4 Opatření rektora č. 6/2010 o Zpřístupnění elektronické databáze závěrečných prací a čl. 1 Opatření děkana 17/2010 se z časového hlediska závěrečné práce dělí do tří skupin: a. "nové práce", tj. práce odevzdávané k obhajobě počínaje 29. 9. 2010, b. "starší práce", tj. práce odevzdané k obhajobě od 1. 1. 2006 do 28. 9. 2010, c. "práce před rokem 2006", tj. práce odevzdané k obhajobě před 1. 1. 2006. V tomto případě jde o "starší práci" odevzdanou k obhajobě od 1. 1. 2006 do 28. 9. 2010. Omlouváme se, ale dokument není k dispozici.
To be a Primary School Teacher - The Relationship between Theory and Practice in Preparation for the Profession
Urbanová, Radka ; Smetáčková, Irena (referee)
V úvodu diplomové práce a nejen tam jsem upozornila na složitost vztahu "teorie" a "praxe". V pedagogice a přípravě učitelů především je mezi oběma složkami zatím spíše napětí. Ukázalo se, že nejen odborníci, ale také učitelé vnímají oba pojmy a jejich vztah mnohdy jako nejasné a mnoho významové. Jednoznačně můžeme říci, že oba pojmy nelze zcela oddělit, ani ve chvíli,kdy se je snažíme vymezit. Dokazuje to jak odborná pedagogická literatura, tak obě respondentky. Jak jsem nastínila již v úvodupráce,zajímalomě,zdavzděláníučitelekarovněžkulturaanormyjejichzeměmohoumítvlivna vnímání vlastní přípravy. Nyní si troufám říci, že "význam", který švýcarská učitelka přikládá přípravě učitelů, může určitým způsobem korespondovat s vývojem vzdělávání budoucích učitelů v její zemi. V mé práci nehrálo nejdůležitější roli srovnávání českého a švýcarského, jak by se mohlo očekávat. Důležitějším kritériem pro mě byla právě rozdílná zkušenost zvláštní přípravy učitelek. Nejdůležitější však pro mě byly pohledy obou učitelek, jejich autenticita, kterou do témat vnášely. Vše podstatné bylo shrnuto v předchozí kapitole. K samotnému tématu práce můžeme ještě na závěr dodat, že ti, co teorii provozují na univerzitě, i ti, co ji hledají a destilují v praxi nebo ti, kteří se , "jen" in-service vzdělávají, ti všichni nesou...
The role of nurses in endoscopic examinations
Nowadays, endoscopy is considered one of the most widely used methods of examination. It enables not only the examination of bodily cavities, but also the extraction of tissue or other medical procedures. Endoscopic examinations are widely used. Thanks to preventive colonoscopies, diagnoses of the widely spread colorectal carcinoma occur in time. Another type of an endoscopy selected for the thesis is a gastroscopy. It allows the removal of foreign objects or the diagnosis of pathological changes in the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract. The last of the selected examinations is the Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatogram (ERCP). It is considered the most reliable method for the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer, which occurs with increasing frequency. Additionally, it is the only one of the selected endoscopic examinations which combines endoscopy with X-ray imaging. It has, therefore, become unique due to the direct imaging of the pancreatic and biliary tracts. This disadvantage of endoscopic examination creates certain complications. These may occur during the procedure as well as in various intervals following the examination. It is, therefore, essential that patients are thoroughly prepared, examined by a doctor beforehand and that the execution of each examinations is sufficiently thought through. The work of nurses in endoscopic workplaces has certain specifics. These nurses must be able-bodies and must have technical and manual skills, since they need to operate costly endoscopic equipment. It is of utmost importance that the nurses have good communication skills, as they are the ones who come into contact with the patients most often. They should be able to alleviate the concerns of the patient, since this is the main purpose of their work. Last but not least, every endoscopic nurse should also have very good theoretical knowledge regarding the anatomy and physiology of the digestive tract, as well as expertise in the field of endoscopy.
Primary School Teacher - the Relationship Between Theory and Practice in the Professional Training
Urbanová, Radka ; Štech, Stanislav (advisor) ; Smetáčková, Irena (referee)
This work deals with permanent and yet actual subject of the relationship of theory and practise in education of teachers. The main subject is connected closely to professional identity of primary school teachers, as well. First of all, the theoretical part of this work focuses on the relationship of theory and practise. It's based on works of both Czech and foreign authors, specifically German and Swiss ones. Because there are different systems of teacher-preparation in these countries, the view on theory-practise relationship is different in many points, as well. Theoretical part is divided into five chapters. First one presents primary school teacher and shows his typical features which differentiate him from teachers in another levels of education. The second chapter describes a concept of pedagogical education of teachers. The third chapter deals with how differently may concept "practise" be percieved in context of their mutual relationship. The fourth chapter describes the relationship of theory and practise in pedagogy and the last, fifth one is the most comprehensive one and is further divided into three chapters.
Specification of the School Education Program in the Field of Czech Language and Literature for 1st to 3rd Grade of Primary School
Urbanová, Radka ; Hník, Ondřej (referee)
Magdalény Rettigové 4, 116 39 Praha 1 tel.: +420 221 900 111 IČ 00216208 DIČ CZ00216208 Dle čl. 4 Opatření rektora č. 6/2010 o Zpřístupnění elektronické databáze závěrečných prací a čl. 1 Opatření děkana 17/2010 se z časového hlediska závěrečné práce dělí do tří skupin: a. "nové práce", tj. práce odevzdávané k obhajobě počínaje 29. 9. 2010, b. "starší práce", tj. práce odevzdané k obhajobě od 1. 1. 2006 do 28. 9. 2010, c. "práce před rokem 2006", tj. práce odevzdané k obhajobě před 1. 1. 2006. V tomto případě jde o "starší práci" odevzdanou k obhajobě od 1. 1. 2006 do 28. 9. 2010. Omlouváme se, ale dokument není k dispozici.
Economic Behavior of Non-financial Enterprises in the Ownership of the Government.
This diploma thesis was composed as a part of the resolution of the student team research project GAJU 029/2011/S of the Grant Agency of the University of Southern Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice. The main goal of this thesis is an evaluation of the economic behavior of non-financial enterprises in the ownership of the government (NPVV) in the selected sector of the national economy. The theoretical part is dealing with a short description of these enterprises and with issues with their efficiency. This was analysed in separate studies. The practical part deals with a development of the individual types of the profitability (type of an income of the production) in the context of the national economy and industry type if the of selected national accounts during the 1999 - 2010 period. The conclusions of the individual chapters are interconnected at the end of this thesis. The method is to compare the conclusions from the industry subsectors with the conclusions from the national economy subsector. The conclusions are compared with the NPVV informations extracted from the related studies. The non-financial enterprises subsector indicator results are also evaluated in this thesis. The analysed branch was the ground and pipeline transportation branch due to substantial share of the public non-financial enterprises NPV (13.3 %) and the national private non-financial enterprises NPS (3.74 %) production in 2010 (these were the main subsectors of the researched non-financial enterprises). The production and the income have been approsimately developed at the same average as in the sector and the national economy also. Their output is comparable due to that. The comparation of the profitability by using the gross added value shows us that the NPV have better results. However the position of NPV and NPS switches and the differences become deepen when we use the net added value and other sources of income. There is even a regular negative profitability if we use the net disposable income of the NPV. There is an issue with the salary of the employees mainly in the NPV according to the research. But it is interesting that issues related to the financial crisis are not affecting the NPV as fast as the NPS. The NPS is affected by the problems almost immediately, however the NPV are affected with a delay and with a less intensity. The essential recommendation is to introduce a control of any commercial enterprises with any state partnership through the Highest inspecting office.
The System of health service funding of Czech republic and Germany
The main aim of this bacholor work is to compare the system of health care financing in Czech Repulic and Germany. Both countries try to find a system of financing that would provide primary health care for everybody on one hand and would not increase tax expenses for it on the other hand. It is not an easy task to find such a method of financing therefore the system is evolving constantly. Both of countries are members of the European Union and the financing of of their health care systems is based on the Bismarck model of financing from the public health insurance.The public health insurance covers more than 50% of the health care expenses in both of countries. These countries have got other source of health care financing as well. The expenses relative to GDP in % and the expenses per citizen are different in these countries.We can say that each state has its own original system of health care financing. The system itself will be set up in each country as a choice of the citizens.The system is good if it satisfies the requirements of citizens. All of the above information was drawn mainly from books, appropriate Czech laws, Fifth German Social Code Book, a web portal of Czech Statistical Office and a web portal of Institute for Health Information and Statistics in Czech Republic. Additional sources were Internet resources, that provide information about system of health service financing in Czech republic and in Germany. There are suggestions how to provide more justice for the patients in Czech republic at the end of this work. There are also proposed measures for extra funding needed by the Czech health care at the end of my bachelor work. These two sections are problematic in the Czech health care and it is necessary to solve them as soon as possible.

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3 Urbanová, Renáta
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