National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Membrane properties of neural stem/progenitor cells during in vitro differentiation and after transplantation into the rat brain
Prajerová, Iva ; Chvátal, Alexandr (advisor) ; Vyklický, Ladislav (referee) ; Mazurová, Yvona (referee)
AOSTRACT The aim oflhis .....orl:. was to elucidate the dilTercntiation mechanisms of neural stcmlpmgenitor cells in vitro and their potentiallO survive and ditfcn:ntiate in \'il'o, al\er trarlSplnntatioo into thc injured mt conex. IImnunohistochcmistI)' "'lIS used for cell idcntiticatioos. and lhe p'0pCl ties ofK' aod Na' voltagc-gated ion ehnnnels were studiC<! using the pat,h-(:Iamp teclmique, We Ilave demonstrnted lhal inunortalised green lluort:SCCnll)r()lein (GFP)INE-4C neural stem cells derivtXI fmm tbc neurocpithelium of p5l'<lctieicm mouse cmbryos iII cmbryonic day (E)9 are ablc to dilferentiate i"to !leUrQns in \1"0, After tmnsplantalioo illto the site of a photlxhcmical lC'iion of aduh rol5, GFP!NE4C cdls slIn'ive and give Tise to neurons. astrocytt5 and oHgodmdrocytcs. Prima!)' embryonic ncura.l Slem cells were isoLaled frum O6IGFP ntice, in which GFP is expressed un(\cr tbc IXlfItrol of06. 11 promoter of thc mDachl gene. which is in\'Olved in tbe development of Ihc concx. At E1 2. D6 is specifically exprcssed in loc neurd.! stem cclLs of the (\(nal tclcnocephalon. from whieh cortical neurons arise, We have shown lila! D61GFP neurJI stem odLs isolated fmm 1312 embfyos are able to give rlse to neuroos and glial fibrillary acidic protcin (GFAP)-posilivc cel1s ill \'i"o nnd that after...
Membrane properties of neural stem/progenitor cells during in vitro differentiation and after transplantation into the rat brain
Prajerová, Iva ; Chvátal, Alexandr (advisor) ; Vyklický, Ladislav (referee) ; Mazurová, Yvona (referee)
AOSTRACT The aim oflhis .....orl:. was to elucidate the dilTercntiation mechanisms of neural stcmlpmgenitor cells in vitro and their potentiallO survive and ditfcn:ntiate in \'il'o, al\er trarlSplnntatioo into thc injured mt conex. IImnunohistochcmistI)' "'lIS used for cell idcntiticatioos. and lhe p'0pCl ties ofK' aod Na' voltagc-gated ion ehnnnels were studiC<! using the pat,h-(:Iamp teclmique, We Ilave demonstrnted lhal inunortalised green lluort:SCCnll)r()lein (GFP)INE-4C neural stem cells derivtXI fmm tbc neurocpithelium of p5l'<lctieicm mouse cmbryos iII cmbryonic day (E)9 are ablc to dilferentiate i"to !leUrQns in \1"0, After tmnsplantalioo illto the site of a photlxhcmical lC'iion of aduh rol5, GFP!NE4C cdls slIn'ive and give Tise to neurons. astrocytt5 and oHgodmdrocytcs. Prima!)' embryonic ncura.l Slem cells were isoLaled frum O6IGFP ntice, in which GFP is expressed un(\cr tbc IXlfItrol of06. 11 promoter of thc mDachl gene. which is in\'Olved in tbe development of Ihc concx. At E1 2. D6 is specifically exprcssed in loc neurd.! stem cclLs of the (\(nal tclcnocephalon. from whieh cortical neurons arise, We have shown lila! D61GFP neurJI stem odLs isolated fmm 1312 embfyos are able to give rlse to neuroos and glial fibrillary acidic protcin (GFAP)-posilivc cel1s ill \'i"o nnd that after...

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