National Repository of Grey Literature 7 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
The role of exosomes in communication between adipose and cardiac tissue
Novotná, Denisa Regine ; Zouhar, Petr (advisor) ; Kašík, Petr (referee)
Extracellular vesicles, including exosomes, represent an important, newly identified, factor in the information transmission between individual cells and organs of a multicellular organism. Usually, exosomes contain nucleic acids, proteins and even whole organelles such as mitochondria. The exosomes production takes place, among others, in adipocytes of adipose tissue. Because adipose tissue is the main repository of stored lipids, its metabolism and the functionality of its mitochondria react sensitively e.g. to nutritional conditions. Recent studies have demonstrated that exosome secretion from adipose tissue may play a pivotal role in the progression of metabolic syndrome. In hypertrophied tissue, mitochondria fail, and adipocytes dispose of them by secreting them as exosomes. The majority of these exosomes with damaged mitochondria are directly taken up by macrophages within the adipose tissue. However, a subset of them can escape into the circulation and reach the heart. The uptake of these exosomes by the myocardium and the incorporation of damaged mitochondria into its own mitochondrial network may have surprisingly positive effects for increasing resistance to damage in infarction. Furthermore, exosomes may also play an important role in ridding brown adipose tissue and other cells of...
Using the CLIL method for preparation of selected topics from Human Physiology at lower-secondary level
Diploma thesis deals with the use of the CLIL method in biology lessons and its using for preparation of selected topics from Human Biology at lower-secondary level. The aim of the thesis was to study Czech and foreign literature which is concentrated on CLIL method and its integration into the Biology teaching, further was described the characteristics of this teaching method and were included the concrete examples of using this method in teaching lessons. The main aim of the thesis was to design and verify two teaching units in the field of Human Biology teaching at lower-secondary level. Within each teaching unit students solved a practical task from Biology, and they also acquired knowledge and vocabulary related to a concrete topic. Based on the verification of teaching units in practice was developed methodical recommendations for teachers interested in introducing the CLIL method into their lessons. The analysis of the pupil's worksheets showed that pupils were able to do most of the tasks on their own however certain activities caused problems to them and therefore was needed more guidance from the teacher. The instructions of some activities were necessary to repeat several times due to elimination of possible mistakes in pupil's worksheets. Observing the experimental teaching it was found out that the majority of students did not have difficulty to communicate in English about issues related to selected biological topics and the foreign language was not an obstacle for them in understanding the content of the subject. The important information was told in the mother tongue because of the less language-skilled pupils.
Experiential education prevention to care for abandoned animals
Novotná D., 2018: Experiential education prevention to care for abandoned animals. Bachelor thesis. Faculty of Education, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, České Budějovice, 42 p. This bachelor thesis deals with prevention in the care of abandoned animals in the form of experience. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to observe and evaluate the annual operation of the City shelter for abandoned and found animals in Jihlava. Another task was to design and realize experience-based preventive program for primary school pupils in a shelter in Jihlava. Initially, the work describes and characterizes dog, then there are explained the steps that have to be followed when someone finds an abandoned animal and there are also conditions of adopting dog from the shelter. The bachelor thesis mentions what is related to the concept of experience pedagogy and also presents some basic principles for safe contact between children and a dog.
The Challenges of translating experimental fiction as demonstrated on the novel House Mother Normal by B. S. Johnson
Novotná, Denisa ; Ženíšek, Jakub (advisor) ; Matuchová, Klára (referee)
This bachelor thesis explores the challenges of translating fiction written in English into Czech. In the practical part, a sample translation is presented of two sections from the 1971 experimental novel House Mother Normal by the English author B. S. Johnson. The theoretical part part discusses challenges encountered during the translation process: choice of register, polysemy and ambiguity, word play, medical terminology, and elements of foreign culture. Under each topic, examples from the novel are listed and commented on. The offered solutions are based on the translation theory developed by the Czech scholar Jiří Levý in the 1960s. The aim of the thesis is to contribute to our knowledge of the art of translation and to provide sources of inspiration for other translators. KEY WORDS translation, House Mother Normal, B. S. Johnson, experimental novel, English literature
Vybrané demografické ukazatele mikroregionu Horňácko
Novotná, Denisa
This bachelor thesis is focused on analysis of evolution of population structure and its dynamics in the microregion Horňácko in the years 2005-2015. In this mentioned period the structure of the population was defined by tender, age and education. For criterium of population dynamics there were analysed and evaluated following characteristics: mortality, birth, abortion, marriade, divorce, natural growth, migration growth and overall growth of population. Prediction of monitored characteristics was calculated by using appropriate trend fiction up to the year 2020. This mentioned data analysis revealed gradual depopulation and demographic aging of population in the microregion Horňácko. Gross rates of mortality, birth, abortion and divorce have fluctuating trend, however marriage gross rate hasincreasing trend. Migration and natural growth for higher mentioned period is displayed in negative numbers. This bachelor thesis has potential usage in development strategy in microregion Horňácko.
The Challenges of translating experimental fiction as demonstrated on the novel House Mother Normal by B. S. Johnson
Novotná, Denisa ; Ženíšek, Jakub (advisor) ; Matuchová, Klára (referee)
This bachelor thesis explores the challenges of translating fiction written in English into Czech. In the practical part, a sample translation is presented of two sections from the 1971 experimental novel House Mother Normal by the English author B. S. Johnson. The theoretical part part discusses challenges encountered during the translation process: choice of register, polysemy and ambiguity, word play, medical terminology, and elements of foreign culture. Under each topic, examples from the novel are listed and commented on. The offered solutions are based on the translation theory developed by the Czech scholar Jiří Levý in the 1960s. The aim of the thesis is to contribute to our knowledge of the art of translation and to provide sources of inspiration for other translators. KEY WORDS translation, House Mother Normal, B. S. Johnson, experimental novel, English literature
The Training and the Employment of Mental Handicapped People in the Protected Workshop
The work deals with the introduction of the protected workshop as one of the instruments for the occupational use and the integration of mentally handicapped people. The theoretic part characterises the mental retardation, human rights of mentally handicapped people and the employment of these people according to law of the employment rate. The practical part includes the characteristic of the methodology of the staff training and employment of people with mental retardation in the protected workshop of the civil association Proutek. The civil association Proutek is a nonprofit organisation which provides a social service a protected housing and an employment in protected workshop for people with mental retardation . The function of the protected workshop is helping and supporting for mentally handicapped people to integrate at full blast in the common life and to get a working know-how.

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11 Novotná, Dana
4 Novotná, Daniela
3 Novotná, Daria
1 Novotná, Denisa Regine
7 Novotná, Dominika
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