National Repository of Grey Literature 3 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Impact of company research on cash flow and stability of enterprises
Maršálková, Hana Magdaléna
One of the best ways to improve innovation potential of companies and whole economy is to search, develop and implement new ideas and technologies into products and services. This can be realized through the licence of patented intellectual property, or through the realization of own research. The aim of the thesis was to assess the impact of the implementation of corporate research and utilization of project subsidies on the stability and CF of the companies, for which an analysis of granted funds for the support of research was performed and the financial situation of companies was assessed through financial analysis. In this thesis three companies different in the size were compared and realized comparative study showed that the effectiveness of own research projects is the best for the small-sized company (with less than 50 employees in the EU terminology of SMEs), where research results are implemented in to the company's products and services. Micro-sized company (with less than 10 employees) can be temporary destabilized by co-financing needs and bureaucratic controls of projects for applied research and technological development. Larger companies (with more than 50 employees), in principle, do not need this kind of support but use it as an employment support, however employees work also for other company's needs. Quite new phenomenon reflecting the need of bureaucratic reporting and uncertain financial control rules of projects is appearing around the Europe, including the Czech Republic, companies realize research and technological development independently on the subsidies, they collect own money and reach results more quickly and effectively. Academic-university sphere is not properly integrated with needs of companies, as the criteria of their evaluation are based on scientometry (Impact factor papers, number of citations on Web of Science, H-index of scientists, or points from Register of Information about Results) which are far away from needs of companies. This is the reason why companies use academic-university sphere for services, but for research purposes companies established own research and development divisions, where topics and aims are driven by real needs and available time, which is not expected from the academic sphere. Projects for scientific research and technological development offered by TACR, MIT (Ministry of Industry and Trade), Horizon 2020 etc. are useful em-ployment support, but frequently slow, bureaucratic and only seldom driven by a real topic, which a company does not want to publish in proposal, because of a competition among companies. The agencies should seriously consider the reporting requirements and bureaucratic ballast, because the statement of companies is, that the projects are nice support of research and development, but slow, stressing and bureaucratic.
New trends in commercial communications, with focus on on-line communications
Maršálková, Hana ; Postler, Milan (advisor) ; Hrnčíriková, Katarína (referee)
This bachelor thesis describes the actual situation and development trends in a field of commercial communications, especially in on-line communication. Author characterizes the actual situation on promotional market and describes also the development trends in media consumption and investment. Then there is a space for the new media and their forms, especially for internet, which is becoming an integrating medium for the other media. In a practical section the thesis analyses a chosen on-line communication campaign, on the basis of which it provides collection of generalized practical reccomendation, which every successfull on-line communication campaign should respect.

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3 Maršálková, Hana Magdaléna
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