National Repository of Grey Literature 5 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Parenthood of persons with severe visual impairment from the perspective of their children
Machová, Marie ; Květoňová, Lea (advisor) ; Šumníková, Pavlína (referee)
Parenthood of Persons with Severe Visual Impairment from the Perspective of Their Children The bachelor thesis looks into the life of families of parents with severe visual impairment which is done through interviews with their children. The focus is on families where only the father has such a disability and the mother is without severe disability. The aim of this thesis is to analyze how children of these parents perceive this reality and what specifics they face in this context. Furthermore, what negatives or positives come out of this life experience. The theoretical part refers to the specifics of people with visual impairment in the family. It maps the possibilities of these people's dealings with a practical life. Furthermore, it outlines a general view of the family - fatherhood, motherhood and child's needs. The practical part describes the descendants of fathers with visual impairment. It is based on three interviews with three selected children of different ages and from different families. Through a qualitative survey and its analysis of these children's lives, this work should help as a practical guidance for parents or potential parents with severe visual impairment, for their family members as well as for people working with these families. The research implies that all respondents...
Sexual needs of retirement home's clients in view of the nurses
The thesis deals with 2 main goals. The first one is to find out what the sexual needs of elderly home's clients are from the perspective of their nurses. The second one focuses on attitudes of the nurses to the sexual needs of elderly home's clients. Following the goals set, three research questions were created: What are the sexual needs of elderly home's clients from the perspective of their nurses? What is a stand the nurses of the elderly home's clients take? How the nurses deal with the sexual needs of the elderly home's clients? The empirical part of the thesis was developed using qualitative research methods. The research itself was carried out by the semi-structured interviews, which consisted of 21 questions (in Appendix 2) with additional questions included. Each interview had 4 main parts: basic informations about the respondent, sexual needs of seniors from the perspective of their nurses, sexual needs' symptoms of seniors from the perspective of their nurses and dealing with those needs. All the interviews were recorded to the voice recorder and then rewritten. The interviews were remade then by open coding method through "paper-pencil" technique. The research group was assembled of general nurses working within specific time period in the elderly home. The outcomes of the research are divided into two parts. The first one presents basic information about the respondents and the second one focuses on the outcomes descripted in detail. All the outcomes are prepared in the form of three categories and several subcategories. The first category deals with nurses' view of the general public opinion on the sexuality of elderly people and describes the personal perspective of the nurses themselves on the sexuality of seniors. It also focuses on several factors affecting sexuality of elderly people and on the possibilities of meeting the elderly people's needs, both from the perspective of their nurses. The second category presents the concrete symptoms of sexual needs of clients already met by the nurses in their professional life. It also provides description of the feelings and responses of the nurses to those symptoms when they appear. The third category applies to the entrance questionnaire of the patient related to the several aspects of the sexuality in his anamnesis and focuses on compliance of client's privacy in the elderly homes from the perspective of the nurses. This category also inquires into available options for establishing more intimate relationship among clients in elderly homes. The thesis itself deals deeply with the attitude of the nurses to the sexual needs of elderly home's clients and the subsequent treatment of those needs applied by their nurses.
Political and engage art
Subject of my diploma work is contemporary politic and engage art within the Czech context. The course of study is concentrated on the change of political art since 1918 to this day. Central part and the root of the trouble is the term political art and its transformation during the last ten years, it means since 1998 to 2008. The work is divided into eight chapters, of which meant to describe the con-temporary situation and the position of political art in the Czech context and answer on the question, if the political art are works, which are directly connected with politi-cal themes and try to reveal, why authors refuse the inclusion into this category.
Logistic process optimization
Machová, Marie ; Říhová, Zora (advisor) ; Věk, Jakub (referee)
Managing the process of a product's development prior to its release is the dominant theme of this graduation thesis. In today's modern turbulent world, businesses compete to be a strong force in the market arena. From start to finish it is necessary to keep the consumer's demands and wants as the driving force when managing the operation. Factors that are critical in the implementation of the operation are working with a manageable portfolio, forecasting unforeseen expenses, profit gains and losses. Purchasing the most recent and efficient software program or electronics to assist in the operation could be more effective but more expensive upfront. On the other hand, purchasing a complex program or electronics will be ineffective if the user is unable to comprehend its complete functions or abilities. Proper and thorough analysis is necessary in foreseeing all possible obstacles to a smooth operation. Presently, it is not uncommon for companies to implement new technology without previous analysis. The result is a rapidly growing demand for a product reliant on this technology to help produce or support it. As a result, they find themselves in a tight spot very soon. Resolving the issue consists of additional and extended analyses of changes and in the reimplementation of the technology, a process that can be slow and tap into an already tight budget. In conclusion, this dissertation surmises that documentation of and organized implementation of processes in a real manufacturing corporation is necessary to improve not only the quality of processes in support of reaching economic targets but also in assuring quality labour performances of all employees.
Analýza a hodnocení systému řízení toků informací ve firmě a jejich využití ve firemním vzdělávání
Machová, Marie ; Kubešová, Vlasta (advisor) ; Vysoký, Jiří (referee)
Tato práce pojednává o problematice vedení toků firemních informací v konkrétní společnosti. Zabývá se její analýzou, zkoumáním a hledáním možných řešení nalezených problémů, která by mohla pomoci firmě zlepšit si své postavení na trhu v dnešním konkurenčním prostředí. V první části práce jsou definovány základní termíny, jako informace, informační systém a jeho typy, systémová analýza a firemní vzdělávání. Druhá praktická část obsahuje popis společnosti, dále analýzu a hodnocení současného stavu z hlediska nakládání s firemními informacemi a jejich využití pro vzdělávání zaměstnanců, a následná doporučení a návrhy efektivnějšího řešení dosavadní situace.

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11 MACHOVÁ, Martina
10 MACHOVÁ, Miroslava
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1 Machová, Mariana
5 Machová, Marie
20 Machová, Markéta
11 Machová, Martina
8 Machová, Michaela
1 Machová, Michaela Mia
10 Machová, Miroslava
5 Machová, Monika
1 Máchová, Magdaléna
5 Máchová, Marcela
20 Máchová, Markéta
11 Máchová, Martina
8 Máchová, Michaela
10 Máchová, Miroslava
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