National Repository of Grey Literature 8 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Game for Mobile Devices Using Sensors
Müllerová, Věra ; Bartoň, Radek (referee) ; Láník, Aleš (advisor)
This BSc Thesis was performed during a study stay at the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences in Wiesbaden. This BSc Thesis concerns itself with a design and implementation of a game named 'Android Orienteering' for mobile devices with an Android operating system. This thesis contains a description of the programming for an Android platform concentrating on domains that were used during the game's implementation. Further a design of the application and a detailed description of the implementation are explained in this thesis. An interesting area of implementation is the use of OpenStreeMap, a work with GPS and Smartphone's sensors. Finally, there is analysis of possible following progress.
HDR Image Artifact Compensation
Müllerová, Věra ; Zemčík, Pavel (referee) ; Musil, Martin (advisor)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá syntézou HDR obrazu (High Dynamic Range Imaging). HDRI technologie se stala v posledních letech velice populární. Běžný a nejvíce používaný způsob vytvoření HDR obrazu je spojení více snímků stejné scény pořízených pomocí různých expozičních časů. Tato technika funguje správně pouze v případě, že se jedná o statickou scénu. Pokud je však ve scéně nějaký pohyb ve chvíli, kdy se pořizují snímky dané scény, výsledný HDR obraz obsahuje artefakty zvané jako duchy. V této práci jsou prezentovány základní informace o HDRI se zaměřením na metody odstraňující artefakty z HDR obrazů. Práce shrnuje již existující metody a dvě z nich - tzv. bitmap movement detection a histogram based ghost detection - představuje jako vhodné pro použití v real-time skládání HDR obrazu a pro implementaci na FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) architektuře. Tyto metody jsou v práci implementovány v programovacím jazyce C++ jako prototypy. Navíc je zde navržena modifikace metody založené na výpočtu histogramu pro jednodušší a efektivnější implementaci na FPGA architektuře.
Three-Part Songs for the Advent and the Christmas Time included in the Hymnbook by V. K. Holan Rovenský - the practical edition
Müllerová, Věra ; Slavický, Tomáš (advisor) ; Maňas, Vladimír (referee)
43 RESUMÉ IN ENGLISH This bachelor thesis focuses on the three-part songs for the Advent and the Christ- mas time included in the hymnbook entitled Capella Regia Musicalis (Prague 1693) by Václav Karel Holan Rovenský (1644 - 1718). The goal is to identify the three-part songs (i.e. two voices and basso continuo) and provide their practical edition (i.e. render them in the present-day form). The thesis opens with an excursion into the history of the Czech hymnbook from the 15th to the beginning of the 18th century. During this period, the Catholic Church was inspired by the repertoire of the protestant songs; we can observe that the reper- toire of all denominations was almost identical. This part is followed by an overview of the most important hymnbook of the 17th century which became Holan's source of inspiration. A separate chapter is dedi- cated to Holan's work and personal life which in itself is of great interest. The following part proceeds to the general description of Holan's hymnbook, Capella regia musicalis, and of the problems that accompanied its creation. The the- sis provides a description of the structure of the hymnbook and its formal organiza- tion. The analysis of selected details has confirmed A. Škarda's judgment that the hymnbook is ill-arranged and chaotic. The historic exposition is...
Plant soil feedback and plant sucession
Müllerová, Věra ; Frouz, Jan (advisor) ; Bartuška, Martin (referee)
This thesis presents the plant-soil feedback mechanisms in the time horizon of the primary succession specified by own research performed on the substrate of Velká podkrušnohorská výsypka. The thesis focuses on the early succession species - Fabaceae and their typical competitors - Poaceae. It indirectly follows on from the thesis of Petra Zedníková - The growth of leguminous plants during primary succession in post-mining sites. The Fabaceae utilize the cooperation with nitrogen-fixating Rhizobia, which, along with arbuscular mycorrhiza that is distinctive for its yield of phosphorus along with other scarce substances, allows even little fertile environment to be colonized. From there on however the Poaceae are competitively more successful, therefore a different effect had been expected on Fabaceae compared to Poaceae. However, that has not proven to be the case and both Fabaceae and Poaceae fared worse in soil trained by Fabaceae growth compared to naïve soil. Since there haven't been any changes in the chemical properties of the soil, the changes had been caused by the biotic environment. The growth trends in time that differed between the first and the second generation can more likely be attributed to the chemical changes in the soil, as these do correlate with the soil age, especially...
The effect of N fertilization on plant growth during primary succession
Müllerová, Věra ; Frouz, Jan (advisor) ; Mudrák, Ondřej (referee)
Nitrogen as the fourth most educated element of living organisms and the limiting factor of the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem is still a major problem for scientists around the world. Today, developed countries are able to store their inputs in the form of depositions in the same values, but there is a question of long-term effects of chronic nitrogen add-ons. The aim of the thesis is to compare the effect of long-term and one-time fertilization on various plant species, especially on grass and nitrogen fixation plants in relation to the age of the soil on which they grow. This connection will be investigated by the ANOVA method in a practical experiment on selected plants growing on different old soils that have been or have not been fertilized for long periods with nitrogen. As model organisms, I chose a nitrogen fixing device, Lotus corniculatus, and Festuca rubra an unstable plant, which is also a representative of the grass. One-off fertilization had a positive effect on the growth of above-ground biomass on all plants. We have a different impact according a type of plant on long-term fertilization. In this case, I recommend more detailed testing of a wider sample of plants.
Three-Part Songs for the Advent and the Christmas Time included in the Hymnbook by V. K. Holan Rovenský - the practical edition
Müllerová, Věra ; Slavický, Tomáš (advisor) ; Maňas, Vladimír (referee)
43 RESUMÉ IN ENGLISH This bachelor thesis focuses on the three-part songs for the Advent and the Christ- mas time included in the hymnbook entitled Capella Regia Musicalis (Prague 1693) by Václav Karel Holan Rovenský (1644 - 1718). The goal is to identify the three-part songs (i.e. two voices and basso continuo) and provide their practical edition (i.e. render them in the present-day form). The thesis opens with an excursion into the history of the Czech hymnbook from the 15th to the beginning of the 18th century. During this period, the Catholic Church was inspired by the repertoire of the protestant songs; we can observe that the reper- toire of all denominations was almost identical. This part is followed by an overview of the most important hymnbook of the 17th century which became Holan's source of inspiration. A separate chapter is dedi- cated to Holan's work and personal life which in itself is of great interest. The following part proceeds to the general description of Holan's hymnbook, Capella regia musicalis, and of the problems that accompanied its creation. The the- sis provides a description of the structure of the hymnbook and its formal organiza- tion. The analysis of selected details has confirmed A. Škarda's judgment that the hymnbook is ill-arranged and chaotic. The historic exposition is...
HDR Image Artifact Compensation
Müllerová, Věra ; Zemčík, Pavel (referee) ; Musil, Martin (advisor)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá syntézou HDR obrazu (High Dynamic Range Imaging). HDRI technologie se stala v posledních letech velice populární. Běžný a nejvíce používaný způsob vytvoření HDR obrazu je spojení více snímků stejné scény pořízených pomocí různých expozičních časů. Tato technika funguje správně pouze v případě, že se jedná o statickou scénu. Pokud je však ve scéně nějaký pohyb ve chvíli, kdy se pořizují snímky dané scény, výsledný HDR obraz obsahuje artefakty zvané jako duchy. V této práci jsou prezentovány základní informace o HDRI se zaměřením na metody odstraňující artefakty z HDR obrazů. Práce shrnuje již existující metody a dvě z nich - tzv. bitmap movement detection a histogram based ghost detection - představuje jako vhodné pro použití v real-time skládání HDR obrazu a pro implementaci na FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) architektuře. Tyto metody jsou v práci implementovány v programovacím jazyce C++ jako prototypy. Navíc je zde navržena modifikace metody založené na výpočtu histogramu pro jednodušší a efektivnější implementaci na FPGA architektuře.
Game for Mobile Devices Using Sensors
Müllerová, Věra ; Bartoň, Radek (referee) ; Láník, Aleš (advisor)
This BSc Thesis was performed during a study stay at the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences in Wiesbaden. This BSc Thesis concerns itself with a design and implementation of a game named 'Android Orienteering' for mobile devices with an Android operating system. This thesis contains a description of the programming for an Android platform concentrating on domains that were used during the game's implementation. Further a design of the application and a detailed description of the implementation are explained in this thesis. An interesting area of implementation is the use of OpenStreeMap, a work with GPS and Smartphone's sensors. Finally, there is analysis of possible following progress.

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