National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
ResPublica/Civitas Socialis - Strachotín
Lachman, Pavel ; Havelka, Pavel (referee) ; Nový, Vítězslav (advisor)
In search of the genius loci - the spirit of the place we can use the principles of phenomenology applied to the landscape, architecture. With this approach we are able to describe the abstract phenomena and processes in the landscape. We are looking for the character of places, places make landscape. By attempting to delimit, define the character of the place, we are able to grasp the landscape, the world. Landscape can be divided into three species, assessing character, clarity, scale, presence of water, structure, identity: romantic, classical, cosmic. Based on the analytical pre-diploma thesis, I select the "triangle" site between the dykes as suitable for minor intervention in the form of a new building of cultural and tourist importance for the village of Strachotín and its surroundings. Functions respond to the need of strengthen the identity and uniqueness of the place, the village in the countryside, the position of the township in the wider area. This is where the tension, the potential, the force that needs to be used are contained. There are two landscapes on the dyke, cosmic and classical. There is a scale change here. The water scenery is a purely technical matter, the dam is a human creation, the dyke is a technology that allows water to be retained. On the other hand, it is a natural, classical landscape that gives life to the people who settled there years ago and built a village for themselves. The phenomenon of water-water surface of the reservoir, earth-landscape and air-sky are encountered on the edge. The approach to the village itself is symbolic, along the dam, on the road, the curve of hills with a view in the back plan, the central plan completes the walls of the trees that surround the village. The dominant feature of the church's tower verticals. In order to exploit the potential of the dam as a landscape interface, it is possible to create an object or modify the site itself. However, it can not ideally compete with the already created. The church tower will always symbolize the relationship of the spiritual and secular, imaginary connection with heaven, not the goal of trying to overcome this dominance. The goal is to engage organically, but not to go, to take advantage of the unique moment of sight, awareness of the place.
Residential Complex in Brno - Komín
Lachman, Pavel ; Zajíček, David (referee) ; Mikulášek, David (advisor)
RESIDENTIAL COMPLEX ON THE STREET PASTVINY IN BRNO - KOMÍN URBAN DESIGN The studied area is located at the intersection of the original, traditionaly built-up structures, in the form of a compact village green and new footprints in the land register. There come across modern blocks with many stories, traditional village biuld-up, uniform business baroque row houses and neglected cabins of gardeners. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN In examining the character of our villages and small cities we find a quality environment in human scale, pleasant to live. This is achieved through a sensitive approach to the landscape. Understanding the nature and specifics of the place allows reacting to these qualities and even from obvious negatives do benefits. Regularities valid in settlements of rural character may be abstracted and successfully applied in the contemporary design and construction of residential complex. This is particulary the relationship of the building to the street, neighboring houses, compass and terrain, landscape. The important role have spaces between buildings and their hierarchy, gradation from front yards, through the gardens to the atrium. STRUCTURAL DESIGN Each house, which will be located in an area defined by the rules of proven principles and archetypes of villages and small towns. Their ground plan footprint is a square, the third dimension is limited together with those rules. Individual solutions within the squares are unique, responding to a specific location, slope, sun exposure by selecting the appropriate disposition and the structural system, with priority given to traditional natural building materials. The advantage is the possibility of insolation of living rooms via a private atrium.
ResPublica/Civitas Socialis - Strachotín
Lachman, Pavel ; Havelka, Pavel (referee) ; Nový, Vítězslav (advisor)
In search of the genius loci - the spirit of the place we can use the principles of phenomenology applied to the landscape, architecture. With this approach we are able to describe the abstract phenomena and processes in the landscape. We are looking for the character of places, places make landscape. By attempting to delimit, define the character of the place, we are able to grasp the landscape, the world. Landscape can be divided into three species, assessing character, clarity, scale, presence of water, structure, identity: romantic, classical, cosmic. Based on the analytical pre-diploma thesis, I select the "triangle" site between the dykes as suitable for minor intervention in the form of a new building of cultural and tourist importance for the village of Strachotín and its surroundings. Functions respond to the need of strengthen the identity and uniqueness of the place, the village in the countryside, the position of the township in the wider area. This is where the tension, the potential, the force that needs to be used are contained. There are two landscapes on the dyke, cosmic and classical. There is a scale change here. The water scenery is a purely technical matter, the dam is a human creation, the dyke is a technology that allows water to be retained. On the other hand, it is a natural, classical landscape that gives life to the people who settled there years ago and built a village for themselves. The phenomenon of water-water surface of the reservoir, earth-landscape and air-sky are encountered on the edge. The approach to the village itself is symbolic, along the dam, on the road, the curve of hills with a view in the back plan, the central plan completes the walls of the trees that surround the village. The dominant feature of the church's tower verticals. In order to exploit the potential of the dam as a landscape interface, it is possible to create an object or modify the site itself. However, it can not ideally compete with the already created. The church tower will always symbolize the relationship of the spiritual and secular, imaginary connection with heaven, not the goal of trying to overcome this dominance. The goal is to engage organically, but not to go, to take advantage of the unique moment of sight, awareness of the place.
Residential Complex in Brno - Komín
Lachman, Pavel ; Zajíček, David (referee) ; Mikulášek, David (advisor)
RESIDENTIAL COMPLEX ON THE STREET PASTVINY IN BRNO - KOMÍN URBAN DESIGN The studied area is located at the intersection of the original, traditionaly built-up structures, in the form of a compact village green and new footprints in the land register. There come across modern blocks with many stories, traditional village biuld-up, uniform business baroque row houses and neglected cabins of gardeners. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN In examining the character of our villages and small cities we find a quality environment in human scale, pleasant to live. This is achieved through a sensitive approach to the landscape. Understanding the nature and specifics of the place allows reacting to these qualities and even from obvious negatives do benefits. Regularities valid in settlements of rural character may be abstracted and successfully applied in the contemporary design and construction of residential complex. This is particulary the relationship of the building to the street, neighboring houses, compass and terrain, landscape. The important role have spaces between buildings and their hierarchy, gradation from front yards, through the gardens to the atrium. STRUCTURAL DESIGN Each house, which will be located in an area defined by the rules of proven principles and archetypes of villages and small towns. Their ground plan footprint is a square, the third dimension is limited together with those rules. Individual solutions within the squares are unique, responding to a specific location, slope, sun exposure by selecting the appropriate disposition and the structural system, with priority given to traditional natural building materials. The advantage is the possibility of insolation of living rooms via a private atrium.

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2 Lachman, Petr
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