National Repository of Grey Literature 25 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Planar bandpass filter with asymmetric resonators
Cholasta, Lukáš ; Kovács, Peter (referee) ; Raida, Zbyněk (advisor)
In this Bachelor thesis the microstrip bandpass filter with asymmetric resonators is described. In this work, the proposal, simulation, construction and resulting confrontation parameters realized microstrip bandpass filter in programme Ansoft Designer are described. In the introduction the problems analysis micro-wave integrated circuitsis are described, further the proposal of a simulation microstrip bandpass filter in programme Ansoft Designer is solved. In the third part of the bachelor thesis the optimalization of the filter for technology of production and realization of the filter are solved. In the conclusion the results of measurement of the realized filter and comparison with simulation are introduced.
Influence of hazardous EM fields on large objects
Klučka, Jaroslav ; Kovács, Peter (referee) ; Řezníček, Zdeněk (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with simulation of influences of electromagnetic field on an aircraft via computer program PAM-CEM. The aim of the simulation is verification of conditions for placing equipment and cables in chosen places. There were chosen two outer interfering electromagnetic fields: High Intensity Radiated Fields HIRF and a lightning bolt. During the simulation of HIRF, the plane was radiated by outer electromagnetic field. The decomposition of inner electromagnetic field was monitored during the exposure. Then, the electrical intensity was measured in three places, where the location of susceptible electronical devices was predicted. During the simulation of lightning bolt only indirect effects were taken into consideration. Current impulse was implemented into the skin of the aircraft and the decomposition of surface current was monitored.
Computer modeling of meta-materials
Beran, Jaroslav ; Kovács, Peter (referee) ; Oliva, Lukáš (advisor)
The diploma thesis deals with metamaterial structures. Metamaterials are periodic structures, which have got permittivity or permeability, eventually both parameters, negative. Test is applied on three basic structures: Split Loop Array; Spiral Array a Double Spiral Array. For each structure is made dispersion diagram and are monitored S – parameters. Test is run in Ansoft High Frequency Structure Simulator and CST Microwave Studio software. Are monitored bandgaps and when structure is as left – handed medium or right – handed medium. Results are compared with results in literature.
Low Profile Integrated Antenna for GPS and DRSC
Kolb, Lukáš ; Kovács, Peter (referee) ; Raida, Zbyněk (advisor)
In the project, planar antennas for receiving satellite GPS signals and DSRC ones were investigated and mutually combined. The combined antenna was designed for the substrate ARLON, CuClad 217 LX, was modeled and optimized in the program ANSOFT Designer. Attention was turned to the proper impedance matching, directivity properties and polarization properties. The designed antenna was built and their properties were experimentally verified.
Design and Optimization of Electromagnetic Band Gap Structures
Kovács, Peter ; Škvor,, Zbyněk (referee) ; Dědková, Jarmila (referee) ; Lukeš, Zbyněk (advisor)
Dizertační práce pojednává o návrhu a optimalizaci periodických struktur s elektromagnetickým zádržným pásmem (EBG – electromagnetic band gap) pro potlačení povrchových vln šířících se na elektricky tlustých dielektrických substrátech. Nepředvídatelné chování elektromagnetických vlastností těchto struktur v závislosti na parametrech elementární buňky činí jejích syntézi značně komplikovanou. Bez patřičného postupu je návrh EBG struktur metodou pokusu a omylu. V první části práce jsou shrnuty základní poznatky o šíření elektromagnetických vln v tzv. metamateriálech. Následně je diskutován správný způsob výpočtu disperzního diagramu ve vybraných komerčních programech. Jádrem dizertace je automatizovaný návrh a optimalizace EBG struktur využitím různých globálních optimalizačních algoritmů. Praktický význam vypracované metodiky je předveden na návrhových příkladech periodických struktur s redukovanými rozměry, dvoupásmovými EBG vlastnostmi, simultánním EBG a AMC (artificial magnetic conductor – umělý magnetický vodič) chováním a tzv. superstrátu. Poslední kapitola je věnována experimentálnímu ověření počítačových modelů.
Antenna for television signal distribution in standard DVB-T
Vehovský, Radek ; Kovács, Peter (referee) ; Pokorný, Michal (advisor)
This bachelor’s thesis deals with the analysis of basic omnidirectional antenna systems used for broadcasting in standard DVB-T. Collinear antenna for operating frequency 470 to 862 MHz was designed with the assistance of electromagnetical field simulator CST Microwave Studio.
Band-pass filter integration into the planar antenna structure
Miřácký, Jan ; Kovács, Peter (referee) ; Všetula, Petr (advisor)
The Bachelor´s thesis includes the description of the design, numerical analyses and optimalization of three band-pass planar microstrip filters which operate in microwave band. Parameters of individual band-pass filters are mutually compared and then the filters are integrated to the required planar antenna structure. The thesis also includes a numerical model and detailed analysis of a patch antenna in program CST Microwave Studio. The integrated structure with the best parameters is experimentally fabricated and measured.
Modeling metamaterial microwave resonators
Zvolenský, Tomáš ; Kovács, Peter (referee) ; Raida, Zbyněk (advisor)
Práce je věnována modelování mikrovlnných rezonátorů z metamateriálů (materiálů se záporným indexem lomu). V úvodu je rozebráno, co metamateriály jsou, jak se vytvářejí a které jejich vlastnosti jsou podstatné při návrhu rezonátorů. Následuje návrh planárního rezonátoru z metamateriálů. Pro tento účel byly naprogramovány funkce počítající rozměry jednotlivých součástí struktury. Simulace navržené struktury probíhala v programu Zeland IE3D. Simulované struktury byly optimalizovány s ohledem na požadované kmitočty rezonance. První rezonátor sestával z jedné elementární buňky, druhý ze dvou buněk, naladěných na rozdílné kmitočty. Rezonátory byly vyrobeny a experimentálně byly ověřeny jejich vlastnosti.
Patch antenna completed by multiband ground plane
Syrový, Jiří ; Kovács, Peter (referee) ; Láčík, Jaroslav (advisor)
This thesis is aimed on multiband plannar antennas. The features of free stand-alone patch antenna and frequency selective surfaces (FSS) are needed to be investigated. The stand-alone rectangular patch antenna is analyzed in Ansoft Designer. All other results are achieved using CST Microwave studio. The final product is multiband triangle patch antenna with two frequency selective reflectors formed by FSS. The results of particular analysis are compared with theory published in literature.
Synthesis of electromagnetic bandgap structures
Šedý, Michal ; Kovács, Peter (referee) ; Raida, Zbyněk (advisor)
In microwave frequency band, the planar technology is mainly used to fabricate electronic circuits. Propagation of surface waves belongs to the significant problem of this technology. Surface waves can cause unwanted coupling among particular parts of the structure and can degrade its parameters. The problem can be solved using an electromagnetic band gap structure (EBG). These periodic structures are able to suppress surface waves in different frequency bands. This thesis is focused on the modeling of these structures in the program COMSOL Multiphysics.

National Repository of Grey Literature : 25 records found   1 - 10nextend  jump to record:
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4 Kovács, Pavel
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