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Smart board and its use in education of an integrated student with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) at elementary school
Integration or inclusion of people with disabilities into the intact society is currently widely discussed in the area of disability. This process is very long and complicated. The results of integrating this person into class of other intact students don´t depends only on a work of teacher, but also on familier diagnostic and on all stimulation program, which helps to the best integrable child. Integration of persons with autism spectrum disorder, whose behaviour is often problematic, can be difficult. But there are individuals who can be, usually with the help of an assistant, integrated into primary school among intact peers. The lack of special education of the teacher can be a disadvantage of the integration. If the teacher does not have enough experience with autism, the teaching can become a problem. That is why information and communication technologies, such as SmartBoard, which is very easily operated, may be a considerable help. Therefore it is suitable for individuals with fine motor skills disabilities and can attract both intact children and children with autism spectrum disorder. This thesis is focused on the use of Smart Board for children with autism spectrum disorder who are integrated at usual primary schools and for whose education and training special approaches are needed. The theoretical part deals with the definition of mental retardation, its etiology symptomatology and division. It also describes dementia of children who lose their previously mastered skills and abilities. A large section of the theoretical part deals with autism spectrum disorders, which are congenital and therefore lifelong disabilities significantly detrimental to the mental development of the individual, and describes etiology, prevalence and symptomatology focusing on the triad of the problem areas. It deals with affiliated disabilities and division of autism spectrum disorders, early infantile autism, atypical autism and other childhood disintegrative disorders, e.g. Asperger syndrome and schizoid childhood disorders. Diagnosis, education and training of individuals with this type of disability are mentioned in this part of my thesis as well. The practical part is based on the information obtained through questionnaires. It is therefore quantitative research using methods of questioning. The research files are all primary schools in the Czech Republic. The data from primary schools that integrate individuals with autism spectrum disorder were examined primarily. It was found out that 75% of primary schools which have integrated a pupil with autistic spectrum disorder use SmartBoard for their education. Particularly the methodical way of obtaining materials by primary schools in each region was assessed. The results showed that more than a half of the respondents buy or create their own materials. 34% sort to these two ways downloading from diffrent Internet portals, where are currently about 16 000 materials for primary schools. Only 40% collaborate with other schools. If the teachers communicated with each other more and shared the proven materials, it would certainly be a significant help for primary schools which are buying the materials and it would definitely facilitate the process of teaching. Acccording to my observations from my research resulted, that if teachers would communicate more each other and share experienced material, it would mean enlargement offers for pedagogical work. The results of this bachelor thesis might broaden the awareness of the widget SmartBoard and its positives which I could see at a primary school where a girl with autism spectrum disorder is integrated and where I could be present at her teaching. Further, the work created an outline of a mathematics methodological material for the fourth class which could inspire teachers when working with integrated pupils with autistic spectrum disorders.
Corporate social responsibility of food retail chains in the Czech Republic
Kopalová, Markéta ; Zadražilová, Dana (advisor) ; Mokrejšová, Veronika (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to depict specifics of Corporate social responsibility in food retailing in European perspective. The empirical part provides an analysis of CSR strategies of eight major food retail chains in the Czech Republic. Responsible actions are summarized according to the level of CSR to: minimize risks, enhance business and generate innovations. Survey was conducted in order to obtain consumers' perceptions towards CSR actions in food retailing and image of analyzed retailers.
Particularities of entrepreneurial environment, business and cultural customs - Bahamas
Kopalová, Markéta ; Gullová, Soňa (advisor) ; Klosová, Anna (referee)
The main aim of the thesis is to analyze the entrepreneurial environment of the Bahamas and the local cultural specificities which affect business negotiations. Introductory part gives a general description of the country. Subsequent chapters focus on the analyzes of political and legal, economic, fiscal, technological, and ultimately cultural and social environment. The final part consists of the own research which compares the findings from the theoretical part with the views of persons having business or working experience in the Bahamas.

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2 Kopalová, Magdaléna
3 Kopalová, Markéta
1 Kopalová, Martina
3 Kopalová, Michaela
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