National Repository of Grey Literature 9 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
The strategic importance of Serbia to the European Union
Janković, Vukica ; Vošta, Milan (advisor) ; Karpová, Eva (referee) ; Němcová, Ingeborg (referee) ; Kazanský, Rastislav (referee)
Doctoral dissertation presents an analysis of the Serbian economy in the mutual relations between the European Union (EU) and the Western Balkans. The assumption that the EU and Serbia, as an integral part of the Balkan region, have interests in the partnership and cooperation is the baseline of the research. The following aspects have been singled out, by method of ranking, which is based on achieving the highest turnover in the last six years: trade, foreign direct investment and energy. Gravity model was used to analyze routes of trade and energy. A models of trade import and export between Serbia and the EU 28 member countries and the countries of the Western Balkans, as well as models of imports and exports of energy between Serbia and the EU 28 member countries and the countries of the Western Balkans, were used in order to assess the potential of trade and energy trade. Method of trend line and trend extrapolation of foreign direct investment (FDI) was used in order to determine the degree of the presence of FDI in Serbia and their predictions, which could be an indicator of investment climate in Serbia. The conclusion is that Serbia has strategic importance as a candidate for membership in the EU because of its regional importance. Entering the Western Balkan countries in the EU should not happen without Serbia, because Serbia has a regional importance, which arise from the economic, historical, cultural, infrastructural and geopolitical links with countries in the region, of which some are already members of the EU.
Global energy issues
Beraggová, Dominika ; Jeníček, Vladimír (advisor) ; Janković, Vukica (referee)
This bachelor thesis is engaged in global energy issues and their evolution. The aim of this thesis is to point out importance of the issues in the world, especially in EU. I will analyze the current situation of traditional and renewable energy sources, because their position and exploitation has major impact on how not only energy but also environmental issues of humanity will develop in the future. In this thesis I will focus on renewable and alternative energy sources, because currently they represent the most accessible possible solution to these issues. I will describe current energy position of EU and how EU tries to solve persistent energy issues through common energy policy. In the thesis I will also discuss exploitation of renewable energy sources and position of EU in world energy sector.
Croatia and the impact of the global economic crisis, with emphasis on the tertiary sector
Chroustovská, Lenka ; Řehořová, Veronika (advisor) ; Janković, Vukica (referee)
The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to describe the effects of the global economic crisis on the development of the Croatian economy from 2008 to the present. The first chapter deals mainly with economic and political characteristics, briefly mentions the geographic characteristics and historical development since the establishment of the Republic of Croatia. The second chapter analyzes the economic development in 2007-2013, mainly using macroeconomic indicators (GDP, trade balance, foreign direct investment, inflation rate, unemployment rate). This chapter is also the development of the tertiary sector in the "crisis years". The last chapter contains a description of the current economic situation. It also includes a prediction of the probable development of the above-mentioned five macroeconomic indicators and the tertiary sector.
Global Population Problem
Papežová, Zuzana ; Jeníček, Vladimír (advisor) ; Janković, Vukica (referee)
Bachelor thesis titled Global Population Problem is focused on a group of global problems, which mainly arises from the adverse demographic development on Earth. The aim of this work is to describe the basic demographic trends affecting the formation and existence of the global population problem. It also gives evaluation and suggestions of current and future solutions to this problem. Characterization of demographic indicators and their changes over time with an emphasis on both the average and extreme values and analysis of solutions of selected sub-part of the problem were used as a method. Based on the information, it is possible to identify the main problems and analyze possible solutions. The first problem is the rapid population growth, when the number of people on the planet could more than double by the end of the century. Furthermore, the asymmetry of this growth, with the largest share of the population explosion to the poorest regions, whose young age structure prevents the stabilization of population growth in short term. Also the European continent is affected by the population aging, which causes the gradual extinction of the local peoples. There is no comprehensive solution to these problems. Nevertheless, partial steps will gradually improve the situation and may achieve some improvements.
Fair Trade and developing countries in international trade
Lužná, Nikola ; Bič, Josef (advisor) ; Janković, Vukica (referee)
The thesis is focused on the analysis of the Fair Trade concept. Its main goal is to evaluate the potential of the market in the Czech Republic based on the analysis of the development of Fair Trade in the rest of the world and successful strategies used on various national markets, but with special emphasis on the strategy in the United Kingdom, where the concept is the most developed. Firstly, it describes the origin, formation and worldwide expansion of the movement. Afterwards, it characterizes basic principles and standards that have been set up and have to be kept by all the participants through the whole system. Secondly, I focus on the commodities that are sold under the Fairtrade Mark with an emphasis on the most significant ones, coffee and bananas. The general overview of the development of Fair Trade on the world market leads me to the market of the United Kingdom where I evaluate the causes of its success. Finally, I analyze the market in the Czech Republic and based on the strategies discovered on previous national markets I suggest those which could be applied on this market as well.
The Impacts of the Global Economic Crisis on Serbia
Lazić, Aleksandra ; Žamberský, Pavel (advisor) ; Janković, Vukica (referee)
The aim of this work is to describe and analyze the state of Serbian economy before and during the global economic crisis and evaluate its impacts on the economy of Serbia in terms of different macroeconomic variables. It particularly focuses on the impact of the crisis on the financial sector, Serbian dinar exchange rate, foreign debt, exports, foreign direct investments and unemployment. The work deals further with the anti-crisis measures of the Serbian government and the National Bank of Serbia, which has been taken and their effectiveness. Finally, the current situation of Serbian economy is portrayed and possible solutions for the crisis are proposed.
Foreign direct investment in Slovakia
Pozsonyiová, Daniela ; Neumann, Pavel (advisor) ; Janković, Vukica (referee)
The theme of this thesis is foreign direct investment in Slovak Republic. The first part is a theoretical basis for, the second part analysis the inflows and outflows and the third part evaluates the competitiveness of Slovakia in comparison with the other countries of the V4 group. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the foreign direct investment of Slovakia and to assess the attractiveness of Slovakia for foreign investors.
Renewable resources and their impact on regional and municipal development
Sládeček, Dušan ; Damborský, Milan (advisor) ; Janković, Vukica (referee)
This MA thesis examines the effects of wind and photovoltaic power plants on the regional development using the standard regional and statistical analysis tools. The theoretical part focuses on the macroeconomical point of view concerning the support of renewable energy sources. The consequences for Czech economy can be seen as greatly negative. The practical part includes case studies and focuses on specific municipalities. The result of the findings is that the construction of photovoltaic powe plants does not have a negative impact on the development of municipalities, in the case of smaller ones it can even be seen as an economic asset.
The role of renewable enregy sources in regional and municipal development with focusing on biogas stations
Lattová, Jana ; Damborský, Milan (advisor) ; Janković, Vukica (referee)
This diploma thesis deals with the problematic of utilization of renewable energy sources in regional context. Thesis is divided into two main parts, which are theoretical and empirical. Theoretical part provides general view on renewables, describes its position according to fossil fuels, analysis its potential, ways of development and support. Practical part of the work analysis two projects of biogas stations and also evaluates its impacts on local development. These impacts are compared in the final part of the work and on its basics particular conclusions are drew.

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1 Jankovič, Velimír
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