National Repository of Grey Literature 6 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Study of dysregulation of DLX1 protein in myeloid leukemia cells in in vitro and in vivo models
Jelínková, Alena ; Starková, Júlia (advisor) ; Čuřík, Nikola (referee)
The heterogeneous nature of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) worsens the results of patients treated with standard therapy. Understanding the processes of leukemogenesis can contribute to identification of more appropriate treatment. Family of DLX genes (Distal-less homeobox), belonging to the homeobox genes, are associated with haematological malignancies and solid tumors. In the analysis of expression data, the low level of the DLX1 gene was associated with a worse prognosis of patients with AML. In this work we studied phenotypic changes of cell lines with different expression of the DLX1 gene. We silenced the DLX1 gene in AML cell line (sh cells) and compared it to the parental line with higher expression of DLX1 (NSC cells). By cell cycle analysis and apoptosis assays in vitro and in vivo, we have observed the arrest of sh cells in the G0 phase and a lower number of apoptotic cells. Differences were found when measuring the absolute number of cells in time. In in vitro conditions there were less sh cells, in in vivo environment there was significantly higher number of sh cells engrafted in comparison to NSC cells. Further results have shown that sh cells have lower levels of pro-apoptotic proteins and exhibit a higher level of TGF-β targeting PAI-1 gene that activates replicative senescence. We...
The longevity in mole rat.
Jelínková, Alena ; Schierová, Michaela (advisor) ; Španielová, Hana (referee)
Naked mole rat and blind mole rat are useful model organisms for human age-associated diaseases studies. Unlike human, their long lifespan is not accompanied by physical health impairment. In both species, the genes involved in aging process or carcinogenesis are under positive selection or their regulation differs from the regulatory pattern known in other rodents or human. Some genes are present in higher number of copies, missing or entirely new and not observed in other organisms. In naked mole rat, the degenerative development is reduced by elevated level of proteins which prevent amyloid β aggregation and contribute to oxidative damage tolerance. Their healthy aging is also caused by effective elimination of damaged proteins, natural caloric restriction or angiogenesis enhancement. High level of α-2-macroglobulin in blood, which is able to inhibit signal pathways required for tumor growth and malignancy, as well as the early contact inhibition repress tumorigenesis in naked mole rat. Many different mechanisms are involved in prolonged lifespan in both naked and blind mole rat species. The aim of this thesis is to present the most important genome and proteome differences contributing to their long lifespan. Key words: naked mole rat, blind mole rat, tumorigenesis resistance, senescence,...
Prognostic factors in relation to the risk of breast carcinoma and indication for targeted therapy as prevention of relapse and complication of treatment
Prausová, Jana ; Eckschlager, Tomáš (advisor) ; Kocáková, Ilona (referee) ; Aschermannová, Alexandra (referee) ; Jelínková, Alena (referee)
Prognostic factors in relation to the risk of breast carcinoma and indication for targeted therapy as prevention of relapse and complication of treatment Powered by TCPDF (
Nursing care of the patient with liver failure
Jelínková, Alena ; Zvoníčková, Marie (advisor) ; Těšínský, Pavel (referee)
Téma své diplomové práce "Ošetřovatelská péče o pacienta s jaterním selháním" jsem si zvolila na základě své dlouholeté praxe na gastroenterologickém oddělení, kde o pacienty s onemocněním jater a žlučových cest často pečuji. V klinické části jsem se zabývala anatomií a fyziologií jater, dále pak charakteristickou jaterního selhání, používanými vyšetřovacími metodami a terapií. V ošetřovatelské části jsem si vybrala 22.den hospitalizace nemocného, ve kterém došlo k výraznému zhoršení jeho zdravotního stavu a bylo tudíž nutné upravit veškeré ošetřovatelské plány a intervence. K hodnocení nemocného jsem zvolila model Marjory Gordonové upravený pro potřeby našeho pracoviště, z kterého pak vycházím při stanovení ošetřovatelských diagnóz. Jednotlivé diagnózy jsou rozpracovány na cíle ošetřovatelské péče a plány vedoucí k jejich dosažení. Nechybí ani popis realizace a v konečné fázi také zhodnocení.
Study of endogenous development the rabbit coccidium \kur{Eimeria exigua}
The endogenous development of the rabbit coccidium Eimeria exigua was studied by light and electron microscopy in coccidia-free rabbits.

See also: similar author names
1 Jelínková, Adriana
7 Jelínková, Adéla
5 Jelínková, Alena
1 Jelínková, Alena,
3 Jelínková, Andrea
5 Jelínková, Aneta
10 Jelínková, Anna
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