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Mobile Application of Image Processing
Planer, Jan ; Herout, Adam (referee) ; Zemčík, Pavel (advisor)
This thesis addresses video streaming from smartphone to smartwatch. The main goal of the thesis is to find a way how to handle the limited hardware features of the watch and make video streaming as fast and smooth as possible. A part of this work is focused on implementation of client-server application, which streams video from Android device to Tizen smartwatch over Bluetooth channel.
Web App for Composing Restaurant Menu
Ryšavý, Tomáš ; Zemčík, Pavel (referee) ; Herout, Adam (advisor)
The goal of this work is to simplify the process of creating daily menus, that are created in restaurants. I solved the chosen problem by creating a web application . The application allows convenient to import a list of meals. You can then easily compile a daily menu from the meals by using a drag and drop. This menu can be exported to formats defined by preparepared templates or XML format. Templates are easily formatted in Word. There have to be special tags in these templates to generate the documents. The outcome was achieved by using the PHP framework Symfony. The functionality of the interface is mainly implemented in JavaScript. The look was designed by using Bootswatch, an extension of the CSS framework Bootrap. The PHP library PHPWord is used for generating the documents. A very important factor of the development was a close contact with users, which helped the iterative development of the appearance and functionality of the application. In this work, I created a web application that currently saves time and nerves in Padagali, a restaurant in Brno. The benefit is therefore a tool that is a universal solution for compiling and exporting daily menus in restaurants.
Texture Mapping
Strach, Zdeněk ; Herout, Adam (referee) ; Zemčík, Pavel (advisor)
In this master's thesis I'm engaged in problematic of texture mapping in ray tracing. Ray tracing is shortly described in the beginning. Texture mapping methods are described then, solid textures first and 2D textures follow. Implementation of MIP map method is deeply described in next chapters. The results are evaluated at the end.
Smartwatch App for Sports Training and Competitions
Dohnalík, Pavel ; Bartl, Vojtěch (referee) ; Herout, Adam (advisor)
The aim of the work is to create an application for a smart watch, which will allow you to measure races and trainings, or create localization data for this activity. The application is implemented for mobile devices with the Android and iOS operating systems. The Wear OS operating system is supported for smart watches. The thesis describes the theory of programming for mobile operating systems and programming for the operating system Wear OS. The practical part describes the design, implementation and testing. For the implementation of the mobile application as well as for the smart watch application I decided to choose Flutter framework and programming language Dart. The resulting application allow users to measure races and workouts.
Graphics Intro 64kB Using OpenGL
Gunia, Pavel ; Španěl, Michal (referee) ; Herout, Adam (advisor)
This work deals with the phenomenon of graphic intros, a digital graffiti of the modern age. The focus is put on size restricted animation of size of the executable file lower than 64 kilobytes. It reveals the main techniques used. Finally, interesting aspects and experiences that came up are discussed, as well as the conclusion and future work proposal.
Hardware Indicator of Notifications for Smartphones with Android
Bártl, Roman ; Zemčík, Pavel (referee) ; Herout, Adam (advisor)
This thesis deals with design and development of a notification device depicting all kinds of notifications from smartphones. The core of this device is an Arduino board. This thesis also includes an implementation of Android application which handles these notifications and sends them to the device via Bluetooth Low Energy. There is an emphasis on simplicity and intelligibility of the whole embedded system.
Visual Geolocation of a Stationary Camera
Šimurda, Pavel ; Španěl, Michal (referee) ; Herout, Adam (advisor)
Tato práce se zabývá a analyzuje možnosti, kterými je možno zjistit geografickou polohu ze snímků nebo videa pouze za použití vizuální informace z obrazu.    Výsledkem práce jsou dvě rozdílné metody geo-lokalizace. První z nich pracuje na principu hledání časů východu a západu Slunce. Hlavní výhodou této metody je její univerzálnost. Funguje s jakoukoliv kamerou umístěnou v externích prostorech a nevyžaduje přítomnost žádných specifických objektů ve scéně. Pro správný výsledek je třeba alespoň celodenní záznam z kamery. Výsledky jsou uspokojivé za každého počasí. Druhá metoda pracuje na základě analýzy stínů ve scéně. Správnou pozici je možno určit, s poměrně velkou přesností, pouze na základě dvou snímků pořízených v různém čase. Tato metoda vyžaduje přítomnost dvou objektů v obraze, které vrhají stín. Přesnosti výsledků navržených metod jsou vyhodnoceny a porovnány. Z výsledků vyplývá, že obě metody lze úspěšně použít pro odhad geografické polohy. Dále byla v rámci práce pořízena rozsáhlá datová sada obrazových sekvencí z volně přístupných webových kamer.
Detection and Recognition of Traffic Signs in Image
Spáčil, Pavel ; Hradiš, Michal (referee) ; Herout, Adam (advisor)
This work focuses on classification and recognition of traffic signs in image. It describes briefly some used methods a deeply describes chosen system including extensions and method for creating models needed for classification. There's described implementation of library and demonstration program including important pieces of knowledge discovered during development. There're also results of some experiments and possible enhancements in conclusion.
Mobile App for Shooting New Photos of Ancient Postcards
Buchta, Martin ; Zemčík, Pavel (referee) ; Herout, Adam (advisor)
The aim of this thesis is to create a mobile application which allows to capture actual photographs of ancient postcards. Application is implemented for Android operation system. Theoretical foundations about problematics of repeat photography and used technologies are described in this thesis. Practical part of this thesis describes design, implementation and testing of the application. Xamarin integrated development environment which is based on programming language C# was utilized for practical part of thesis. Final application allows user to capture the most accurate photography corresponding to historical postcard.
Mobile App For Capturing and Viewing Photographs of the Same Object at Different Times
Plšek, Dominik ; Zemčík, Pavel (referee) ; Herout, Adam (advisor)
Rephotography has been a popular research topic in the photography field for a long time. The purpose of rephotography itself is to repeatedly take photographs of the same scene at a different time. As a result, the sequence of rephotographs with the reference, often historical, the picture provides a compelling visualization of the evolution of the subject or capture its changes in time. However, the act of rephotography is difficult for the rephotographers as they have to cope with the ambiguous motions in six degrees of freedom and with the changes of the subject itself or its surrounding environment.        This thesis aims to create a mobile application that would help its users to capture a rephotograph more accurately and allow them to share the scenes amongst other users. The designed application uses available on-device sensors to navigate the user to the location and guide the user during the rephotography process to capture a precise rephotograph. Furthermore, the application contains user interface elements designed explicitly for rephotography. Moreover, the work describes topics about user interface design, iOS application development, and designing and deploying backend API for the mobile application.

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