National Repository of Grey Literature 6 records found  Search took 0.03 seconds. 
Implementation of a deep learning model for segmentation of multiple myeloma in CT data
Gálík, Pavel ; Nohel, Michal
This paper deals with the implementation of a deep learning model for spinal tumor segmentation of multiple myeloma patients in CT data. Deep learning is becoming an important part of developing computer-aided detection and diagnosis systems. In this study, a database of 25 patients who were imaged on spectral CT and for whom different parametric images (conventional CT, virtual monoenergetic images, calcium suppression images) were reconstructed, was used. Three convolutional neural network models based on the nnU-Net framework for lytic lesion segmentation were trained on the selected data. The results were evaluated on a test database and the trained models were compared.
Implementation of a deep learning model for spinal tumor segmentation of multiple myeloma patients in CT data
Gálík, Pavel ; Chmelík, Jiří (referee) ; Nohel, Michal (advisor)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá implementací modelu hlubokého učení pro segmentaci páteřních nádorů pacientů s mnohočetným myelomem v CT datech. Práce seznamuje čtenáře s anatomií páteře, tématem mnohočetného myelomu a principy CT zobrazování. Hluboké učení se stává důležitou součástí vývoje počítačem podporovaných systémů detekce a diagnostiky, práce uvádí různé modely hlubokého učení pro segmentaci obrazu a pro segmentaci nádorů páteře byl implementován model nnU-Net.
Robust detection of systolic peaks in PPG signal
Gálík, Pavel ; Smital, Lukáš (referee) ; Němcová, Andrea (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with systolic peak detection and their usage within the PPG signal. PPG signal is widely used by portable devices like smartwatch which contributes to monitoring of vital functions during the day. The theoretical part describes heart morphology and ECG signal development which is related to PPG. Furthermore, the PPG signal is described together with its usage and recording methods. Other part describes chosen methods for systolic peak detection. The practical aim of this bachelor’s thesis is to record data and to create own PPG signal database. ECG signal has been recorded as a referential value. The algorithm for systolic peak detection has been developed and tested. In conclusion achieved results are discussed with findings of different authors.
Robust detection of systolic peaks in PPG signal
Gálík, Pavel ; Smital, Lukáš (referee) ; Němcová, Andrea (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with systolic peak detection and their usage within the PPG signal. PPG signal is widely used by portable devices like smartwatch which contributes to monitoring of vital functions during the day. The theoretical part describes heart morphology and ECG signal development which is related to PPG. Furthermore, the PPG signal is described together with its usage and recording methods. Other part describes chosen methods for systolic peak detection. The practical aim of this bachelor’s thesis is to record data and to create own PPG signal database. ECG signal has been recorded as a referential value. The algorithm for systolic peak detection has been developed and tested. In conclusion achieved results are discussed with findings of different authors.
Generation Y: Development of lifestyle opinions during the period 2007 - 2013
Galík, Pavel ; Koudelka, Jan (advisor) ; Vlčková, Lucie (referee)
The diploma thesis investigates the topic of Generation Y in the context of development of lifestyle opinions during the period 2007 until 2013. The objective is to reveal specific trends in the area of lifestyle opinions during research period with focus on the Czech Republic. To fulfil this objective, diploma thesis analyses internal information sources of Omnicom Media Group in order to understand the current state of marketing knowledge towards generation Y worldwide. In order to maximize the relevancy with regard to Czech Republic, quantitative and qualitative research methods are used. The quantitative research part analyses trends on the basis of six waves of continuous research project of Median. The qualitative research part applies the focus group methodology in order to add incremental knowledge and discover novel topics which exceed the scope of the continuous research project.
Recent trends in media planning
Galík, Pavel ; Černá, Jitka (advisor) ; Novák, Ondřej (referee)
In this bachelor's thesis, I have analyzed recent changes in consumer behaviour, the connection to new technologies and new consumer values. The main goal was to discover how current media agencies react and what trends can be revealed in their functioning. The text offers many useful insights on actual advertising situation, new advertising methods and brands. The uniqueness of the thesis consists mainly in the usage of generally unaccessible internal information sources which media agency Initiative pays for it's daily work.

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5 Galík, Petr
5 Gálik, Petr
6 Gálík, Pavel
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