National Repository of Grey Literature 5 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Identity and language of the two major groups of the New Zealand society
Kollárová, Ľubica ; Šatava, Leoš (advisor) ; Bucková, Martina (referee) ; Krupa, Viktor (referee)
The thesis "Identity and Language of the Two Major Ethnic Parts of the New Zealand Society" is focused and specifies the society changes on the relationship between the two major ethnic groups Maori and Pakeha, since the end of the colonialism era in 1960s till now The mutual relationship of Maori and Pakeha is predominantly connected with their perception on each other, the identity development and Maori language revitalization as it goes hand by hand with the colonial history background and discussions around (un)officially bicultural and multiethnic character of the New Zealand society. Thesis consists of four main chapters. The core of the thesis is focused on the relevant fieldwork and literature. Based on the interviews the research material derives from my stay at the Dept. of Maori Studies in 2004-2005 and repeatedly in 2006.
Alchemy in context of European culture
Kubisa, Tomáš ; Nádaská, Katarína (referee) ; Bucková, Martina (referee)
My rigorous disertation deals with history and comtemporary practice of western alchemy in many of her forms and also deals with its influence on art and her position in european secret societies and occultism. It also deals with alchemical theory, symbolism, philosophy and spiritual part of alchemy and well known alchemists are also mentioned. Information presented in this dissertation come from accessible literary and internet sources and also from reaserch amog groups that consider them selves alchemical or are intrested in alchemy.
Needs analysis related to chosen segment of tourism market in the Czech Republic (seniors)
Bučková, Martina ; Jarolímková, Liběna (advisor) ; Kalabzová, Veronika (referee)
The main goal of this Diploma thesis is to identify the existence of specific needs of seniors as tourism participants. The thesis is divided into three chapters. The opening part theoretically explains the most important concepts associated with tourism, needs and purchasing behavior of consumers. The next chapter is concerned with concrete specifics of chosen segment, its consumer customs and exploited types of tourism. In the last chapter is by the help of questionnaire research obtained and evaluated the summary of specific needs of seniors and further is presented the recommendation for tourims companies how to conform the offer to requierements of this interesting segment.
Činnost Krajského úřadu Ústeckého kraje v oblasti rozvoje cestovního ruchu
Bučková, Martina ; Jarolímková, Liběna (advisor) ; Petrů, Zdenka (referee)
Práce se zabývá zmapováním činnosti Krajského úřadu Ústeckého kraje v oblasti rozvoje cestovního ruchu. Poskytuje informace o Ústeckém kraji a analyzuje předpoklady rozvoje cestovního ruchu na jeho území. Dále se podrobně věnuje činnosti Oddělení cestovního ruchu, mezi které patří zejména zpracování rozvojových dokumentů, navazování různých forem spolupráce s ostatními subjekty cestovního ruchu v kraji a podpora propagace kraje. V závěru práce popisuje postavení cestovního ruchu v kraji celkem.

See also: similar author names
6 BUČKOVÁ, Michaela
3 Bucková, Martina
3 Bučková, Marie
6 Bučková, Michaela
1 Bučková, Miroslava
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