Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
Design of Company Marketing Plan
Šimko, Dávid ; Podracká, Ivana (oponent) ; Kaňovská, Lucie (vedoucí práce)
The bachelor thesis focuses on marketing plan design for the chosen company HEMATIT Košice, s.r.o., which deals with production and sale of jewellery. The current situation of the company will be identified by means of analysis of the company’s external and internal environment. Based on these analyses and their outputs, the SWOT analysis will be created at the end of the second chapter. Results of this analysis will be the main input for compiling the marketing plan. Activities of the plan should lead to improvement in advertising and in market situation of the company.
Design of Company Marketing Plan
Šimko, Dávid ; Podracká, Ivana (oponent) ; Kaňovská, Lucie (vedoucí práce)
The bachelor thesis focuses on marketing plan design for the chosen company HEMATIT Košice, s.r.o., which deals with production and sale of jewellery. The current situation of the company will be identified by means of analysis of the company’s external and internal environment. Based on these analyses and their outputs, the SWOT analysis will be created at the end of the second chapter. Results of this analysis will be the main input for compiling the marketing plan. Activities of the plan should lead to improvement in advertising and in market situation of the company.

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