National Repository of Grey Literature 104 records found  beginprevious92 - 101next  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
John III. of Rosenberg, the grand prior of the Czech province of the Hospitallers and the regent of Rosemberger's house
Kotlárová, Simona ; Zilynská, Blanka (advisor) ; Čechura, Jaroslav (referee) ; Šimůnek, Robert (referee)
The work is concerning John III of Rosenberg, the significant figure of the Hospitallers, the Order that had operated in the first half of the 16th century. He was a representative of significant Czech clan. The clan had been influencing Czech politi cal affairs and the nobility's status in the country over 600 years. The oldest family member of the Vitkovci (Witikonids), Vitek (Witiko) of Prcice, was present at Royal Court and his descendants had performed diplomatic duties ordered by Czech kings many times. They had reached due to their merits some of the privileges provided by rulers and those had assured them the position on the top of Czech nobility ladder until the complete end of the clan. The Witikonids had also been gaining owing to their marriage strategy estates in Austria frontier areas and that helped them to beeome independent from Czech governors. Exactly this fact contributed to reach an exeeptional status among Czech noble community. They had also found themselves in the situation fighting for the peers' emancipation even against kings many times. The Witikonids were successful in skillful using the situation when the Czech country had not been controlled by any strong royal power as for instance in the times of Jan Lucembursky (John the Blind) and through getting loans they acquired major...
John III. of Rosenberg, the grand prior of the Czech province of the Hospitallers and the regent of Rosemberger's house
Kotlárová, Simona ; Zilynská, Blanka (advisor) ; Čechura, Jaroslav (referee) ; Šimůnek, Robert (referee)
The work is concerning John III of Rosenberg, the significant figure of the Hospitallers, the Order that had operated in the first half of the 16th century. He was a representative of significant Czech clan. The clan had been influencing Czech politi cal affairs and the nobility's status in the country over 600 years. The oldest family member of the Vitkovci (Witikonids), Vitek (Witiko) of Prcice, was present at Royal Court and his descendants had performed diplomatic duties ordered by Czech kings many times. They had reached due to their merits some of the privileges provided by rulers and those had assured them the position on the top of Czech nobility ladder until the complete end of the clan. The Witikonids had also been gaining owing to their marriage strategy estates in Austria frontier areas and that helped them to beeome independent from Czech governors. Exactly this fact contributed to reach an exeeptional status among Czech noble community. They had also found themselves in the situation fighting for the peers' emancipation even against kings many times. The Witikonids were successful in skillful using the situation when the Czech country had not been controlled by any strong royal power as for instance in the times of Jan Lucembursky (John the Blind) and through getting loans they acquired major...
The symbology of the animals in "The New Advice" by Smil Flaška z Pardubic
Petrová, Markéta ; Zilynská, Blanka (referee) ; Bobková, Lenka (advisor)
Tato práce využívá literární prameny 14. století, zejména Novou radu Smila Flašky z Pardubic, ke zjištění charakterových vlastností zvířat, které jim byly symbolicky přisuzovány. Rozbor ukázal, že uvedená symbolika se v 16. století posunula směrem k větší realističnosti chápání zvířecích vlastností. Zhodnocení vztahů Nové rady ke konkrétním historickým událostem prokázalo, že toto dílo má úzkou souvislost s formováním panského stavu ve 14. století a s jeho snahou podat králi naučení o správném vztahu mezi šlechtou a panovníkem. The thesis analyses personality traits symbolically attributed to animals, based on literary sources from the 14th century, primarily "The New Advice" (Nová rada) by Smil Flaška z Pardubic. The comparison of "The New Advice" to the factual historical events reveals close connection to the formation of the lordship in the 14th century and author's ambitions to advise the king of the appropriate relationship between king and nobility. The thesis also shows that the addressed symbology has evolved in the 16th century towards more realistic understanding of animal characteristics.
The realization of daily life in the writings of the Czechs who travelled to the Near East in the late middle ages and early modern period
Homolka, Vojtěch ; Zilynská, Blanka (referee) ; Bobková, Lenka (advisor)
The remote voyages were absolutely extraordinary events in the Middle Ages and Early modern period. But even people far away from home had to eat, sleep at night and take care of their appearance. I focused on the remarks in the area of daily life in the Writings of the Czechs, who travelled to the Near East in the 15th and 16th centuries. Václav Wratislav z Mitrowicz stayed in the Constantinople, Martin Křivoústý, Martin Kabátník, Jan Hasištejnský z Lobkowicz, Oldřich Prefát z Vlkanova and Kryštof Harant z Polžic a Bezdružic pilgrimized to the Holy Land. Kabátník and Harant then continued to the Egypt. An alimentation of travellers consisted particularly of bread, fruits and meat. They drank in most cases water and wine. On the one hand they could taste exotic dishes; on the other hand their fare was relatively monotonous - especially on the ship, in the prison or during crossing the desert. It was necessary to keep the basic hygienic habits in order to avoid an illness. For example red pestilence or seasickness threatened. The ill pilgrims could take shelter in a hospital. The dirty travellers could visit an oriental spa that had distinction. Sleeping in the far-away countries was not too comfortable. The people slept in the hospices, in the monasteries or in the open air. They lay on the plaited matting...
The Synods in Bohemia from 1440 to 1540. Transformations of synodal praxis in Bohemia in the context of developement of synodality in the Late-medieval Europe
Zilynská, Blanka ; Šmahel, František (advisor) ; Hledíková, Zdenka (referee) ; Čornej, Petr (referee)
The dissertation thesis takes up the paper dealing with the synods of Hussite clergy in Bohemia from 1418 to 1440. This book consisted of list of sources and literature about synods held in that period, analysis of some texts and appreciation of the role of synods in the Hussite Church administration including their ideological acting. Starting from the final turning point of that paper (1440), I followed up with the research and interpretation of the topic. The Hussite synods before 1440 were divided according to the region into Prague, Tábor and common disputations (hádání), the Catholic synods are not documented. It was necessary to keep track of the activities of both official confession groups in the country in the following period. The Tábor centre could be observed only till 1444, when its activities came to an end. Nevertheless, a new independent radical group Unitas Fratrum (Unity of Brethern, Jednota bratrská) appeared during the examined period. The phenomenon of their synods is so specific, that it could be only mentioned in this paper. The paper is limited within the Prague diocese. The development in Moravia was completely different, that is why it was not implicated in the research. Despite I continue the research of a phenomenon named with the same term, the scene as well as the...
Chronicle of the monastery of Cross-bearers with the red star in Cheb in 1829-1936 and its relevance for the monastery's history from the 1550s to 1631
Knetlová, Hana ; Zilynská, Blanka (referee) ; Vorel, Petr (advisor)
Ve velmi nedávné době byl ve Státním okresním archivu v Chebu konečně pořízen inventář zde uložené části archivu zdejší křižovnické komendy. Součástí tohoto archivu je také kronika komendy, kterou začal psát tehdejší chebský komtur Leopold StOhr v letech 1829-1836. Podstatná část knihy je věnována historii chebské komendy od samotného založení špitálu. Podrobněji mohl díky zachovaným dokumentům kronikář popsat historii komendy počínaje polovinou 16. století, protože právě dokumenty týkající se reformace a událostí za třicetileté války mu byly k dispozici v archivu komendy, který se tehdy nacházel v sídle chebského komendátora u sv. Bartoloměje. A navíc, což ještě v té době nebylo zcela běžné, kronikář důsledně odkazuje na zdroj, ze kterého poznatky pro svou kroniku vyčetl. Lze tedy přímo jeho práci porovnat s některými dochovanými prameny z 16. a 17. století, na které se autor kroniky odvolává. Není však úplně jednoduché dokumenty dohledat, protože archiv byl rozdělen a jeho část převezena do Prahy, kde byl roztříděn do kartonů. Přesto jsem se alespoň částečně pokusila porovnat kronikářovo pojetí s autentickými prameny a na některých místech ho snad trochu doplnit. Na počátku bych se alespoň krátce zmínila o původu a charakteru Řádu křižovníků s červenou hvězdou. Podnět k jeho vzniku dala samotná Svatá...
Accomodation of college students in Prague between years 1918 and 1939
Daněčková, Michala ; Zilynská, Blanka (referee) ; Čechurová, Jana (advisor)
The Bachelor's thesis "Housing Accomodation for College Students in Prague from 1918 - 1939" describes an important aspect of student life, that is housing and related issues in the interwar years. Education in this period underwent dynamic development as Prague became the main city of the newly founded country. These events influenced the availability and types of housing offered, as we witness the transformation from private boarders to our current primarily dormitory-based student life. Besides describing the possibilities of accomodation and general academic conditions, I have aimed to reflect college study in the interwar period through personal memories and accounts dealing not only with descriptions of housing, but also in the motivating factors, critiques and personal opinions which are not found in the literature of that time. To add color to the text, I have provided citations from these works.
Students from the great duchy of Lithuania at central European universities before 1500. State of knowledge and research perspective
Kotau, Pavel ; Zilynská, Blanka (referee) ; Bobková, Lenka (advisor)
Work is dedicated to students from the Grand Duchy of Lithuania who studied at three Central European uniersities in Praha, Lepzig and Krakow in fourteenth and fiveteenth centuries. Literature that reflects topic from perspective of national historiographies and university history is analysed. On the data from university registries count of students, their geografical origins and frequency of imatriculations are reconstructet. The role of each university in peregrinatio academica from Grand Duchy is shown.
Self-administration of the Parish in Utraquism
Kůrka, Pavel ; Rejchrtová, Noemi (advisor) ; Zilynská, Blanka (referee) ; David, Zdeňek V. (referee)
This thesis analyzes self governing elements in administration of the Utraquist parishes. It is based on of medieval legal order and shows, how it was changed under the influence of Hussite and later reformational ecclesiology and by secular developments in the 16th Century. Besides the election of the parish priest it focuses mainly on lay administration of parish property, it deals with position and authority of chantry officials. Regarding the state of sources, the focus is on the situation in Bohemian Royal towns around 1600. The thesis concludes that the most important factor for penetration of the lay element into the administration was the secular law usage, not the confessional evolution. Powered by TCPDF (
The Hospitallers and religious life in the land of Zittau
Hrachovec, Petr ; Zilynská, Blanka (referee) ; Bobková, Lenka (advisor)
This diploma work deals with two commanderies of the knights of Saint John in the Zittau region located in the Upper Lusatia i.e. in the present Saxony in Zittau itself and in the township of Hirschfelde northeast of Zittau. I have focused on primarily on the 16th century that has not been treated adequately in the professionalliterature. In the first part of this diploma work, which is the shortest one, I have assessed the present historiography and both published and unpublished sources and manuscripts dealing with the aforementioned topic i.e. dealing with the two commanderies in question in the Middle Ages that have survived in good condition and I have delineated their (i.e. the commanderies) development in the 13th through 15th centuries including the procedures intended for the application in dealing with the subject ofthe two commanderies in 16th century. ln the second part of this diploma work I have described the manifestations of devoutness and religiosity in the town of Zittau at the beginning of the 16th century, i.e. in the era prior to the reformation. I have made my best to document whether the town of Zittau where the knights of Saint John possessed the patronage right to the parish church was also struck by the phenomena typical of religious life in the Central Europe at the threshold of...

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1 Zilynská, Blanka
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