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Rozbor negativních externalit silniční dopravy
KŮRKA, Pavel
The thesis is fucused on the study of negative externalities of road traffic. There are many externalities in the field of car transport. In this particular case, the emphasis is on externalities that have the greatest impact on human health. There are dust particles, noise and carbon dioxide production on a selected section of the transport route.I chose a very busy road in the village of Čkyně as the most suitable measuring section. This road i known as the ,, Čkyňská rovinka". Dust particles were meansured at the intersetiction in Prachatice because of the proximity of the measuring station. Measurements are made with the DUSTTRAK 8530, a universal sound level meter, a camera, a camcorder, a laptop and the MEFA 13 program, which comes from ATEM, s. r. o.
The parish accounts of Tábor from 1509 to 1510
Vandrovcová, Jitka ; Zilynská, Blanka (advisor) ; Kůrka, Pavel (referee)
Tábor was a rich and prospering town with a large property base and flourishing crafts production, especially drapery. Since 1452, when it surrendered to bailiff Jiří of Poděbrady, it was a loyal servant of Czech kings until 1547, when it joined revolt of the estates against Ferdinand I. After suppression of the revolt, Tábor was punished by taking away a major part of its property and by the installation of the royal reeve. Since the Hussite revolution, influence of laymen on administration of fabrica ecclesiae (funds necessary for church construction, maintainance and functioning) started to rise, as the church was taken away its property. It was sacristans who looked after administration of fabrica ecclesiae. In the first half of the 16th century, officers took over that duty and sacristans were left just the duties at church. Reports on fabrica ecclesiae should have been recorded in a fabrica ecclesiae book, including incomes and expenditures, a list of instruments for worship service, and records of memorial and administrative character. The incomes to fabrica ecclesiae were from collections, from funerals at church as well as in the cemetary, from chiming, from interest payments on houses, woods, gardens, fields, vineyards, villages etc. The most frequent expenditures were wages for a vicar, organist,...
The parish accounts of Tábor from 1509 to 1510
Vandrovcová, Jitka ; Zilynská, Blanka (advisor) ; Kůrka, Pavel (referee)
Tábor was a rich and prospering town with a large property base and flourishing crafts production, especially drapery. Since 1452, when it surrendered to bailiff Jiří of Poděbrady, it was a loyal servant of Czech kings until 1547, when it joined revolt of the estates against Ferdinand I. After suppression of the revolt, Tábor was punished by taking away a major part of its property and by the installation of the royal reeve. Since the Hussite revolution, influence of laymen on administration of fabrica ecclesiae (funds necessary for church construction, maintainance and functioning) started to rise, as the church was taken away its property. It was sacristans who looked after administration of fabrica ecclesiae. In the first half of the 16th century, officers took over that duty and sacristans were left just the duties at church. Reports on fabrica ecclesiae should have been recorded in a fabrica ecclesiae book, including incomes and expenditures, a list of instruments for worship service, and records of memorial and administrative character. The incomes to fabrica ecclesiae were from collections, from funerals at church as well as in the cemetary, from chiming, from interest payments on houses, woods, gardens, fields, vineyards, villages etc. The most frequent expenditures were wages for a vicar, organist,...
Self-administration of the Parish in Utraquism
Kůrka, Pavel ; Rejchrtová, Noemi (advisor) ; Zilynská, Blanka (referee) ; David, Zdeňek V. (referee)
This thesis analyzes self governing elements in administration of the Utraquist parishes. It is based on of medieval legal order and shows, how it was changed under the influence of Hussite and later reformational ecclesiology and by secular developments in the 16th Century. Besides the election of the parish priest it focuses mainly on lay administration of parish property, it deals with position and authority of chantry officials. Regarding the state of sources, the focus is on the situation in Bohemian Royal towns around 1600. The thesis concludes that the most important factor for penetration of the lay element into the administration was the secular law usage, not the confessional evolution. Powered by TCPDF (
Growing of corn and changes in technology depending on the direction of production
KŮRKA, Pavel
Bachelor thesis deals with the cultivation of maize. Describes the development of maize cultivation from history to the present time. The basic division is growing crops for grain and silage. Also important is choosing the right hybrids. Provides information about changes in technology and equipment needed for corn growers. And changes technology depending on the direction of production. Work is processed trought literature review on the basis of information from books, publications and other articles.
Old) Utraquism in 16th Centhury - Urban Confession?
Kůrka, Pavel
The paper discusses to what extent towns in Bohemia in the 16th century identified with the Old Utraquism and how much the decline of urban political power could have impact in the weakening influence of Utraquism.
Parson Election in Utraquism and its roots
Kůrka, Pavel
The study brings together some recorded cases of parson election in the whole utraquist era from the 15th to the beginning of the 17th Century. These examples are compared with previous usages and interpreted in the context of patronate right.

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8 Kurka, Pavel
8 KŮRKA, Pavel
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