National Repository of Grey Literature 29 records found  previous9 - 18nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
The most important Toraja rituals and their current form
Budiman, Michaela ; Oberfalzerová, Alena (advisor) ; Dubovská, Zorica (referee) ; Remešová, Blanka Michaela (referee)
The presented doctoral thesis called The Most Important Toraja Rituals and Their Current Form deals with the ethnic group of Toraja, who inhabit the province of Tana Toraja, located in the southern part of the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. The work presents Toraja culture with a focus on two of the most important rituals - funerals and weddings. The goal is to outline the original form of these rituals and to capture the major social and religious changes in Toraja society since the Dutch missionaries first entered the area of present day Tana Toraja at the beginning of the 20th century. The Dutch introduced Christianity to the Toraja people, who until then adhered to their autochthonous religion Aluk Todolo. Almost all of the Toraja people gradually converted to Christianity, though they did not fully leave behind their original customs. In this work, I advert to how much the newly accepted Christianity influenced contemporary Toraja rituals, with an emphasis on the shift in their form and meaning. The work is based mostly on the field research; I implemented the method of concentrated observation. I also conducted and recorded many interviews with local people. After returning from the field, I analysed all of the collected text, voice, and video materials. Based on its analysis and the specialized...
Woman's and men's roles in the Iban tribe in Kalimantan
Remešová, Blanka Michaela ; Vrhel, František (advisor) ; Pargač, Jan (referee) ; Uherek, Zdeněk (referee)
The doctoral thesis studies woman's and men's roles in the Iban tribe in Kalimantan. As a result of the growing influence of the majority society, these crofters, originally living in the heart of the primeval forest, have undergone many changes in the last 20 years. They have to cope with a different lifestyle and values hectically imposed upon them to a large extent. This process influences the structure of the whole society, and affects also the traditional system of male and female roles. Through deep study and analysis of female and male activities, I have studied penetrability of the assigned roles, which start to appear as impaired or non-functional, and which determine the creation of new structures.
Research and development of a technology of hard anodization of nonferrous alloys
Remešová, Michaela ; Kudláček,, Jan (referee) ; Vidal, Salvador Pané (referee) ; Kaiser, Jozef (advisor)
Práce je zaměřena na výzkum a vývoj technologie přípravy tvrdých anodických vrstev na třech různých typech neželezných materiálů a to (i) hliníkové slitině (AA1050), (ii) čistém hořčíku (99.9% Mg) a (iii) zinkové slitině (ZnTi2). Vhodnou kombinací anodizačních podmínek (napětí, proudová hustota, teplota a složení elektrolytu atd.) lze vytvářet anodické vrstvy s rozdílnými vlastnostmi. V rámci předložené práce byl prokázán vliv předúpravy a anodizačních podmínek na vzhled, morfologii, tloušťku a tvrdost vytvořených anodických vrstev. Pro zvýšení tribologických vlastností a tvrdosti byly anodické vrstvy přímo dopovány Al2O3 částicemi nebo kombinací Al2O3 a PTFE částic během anodizačního procesu. Teoretická část práce popisuje základní principy anodizace, metody používané v průmyslové praxi a v práci je také popsán technologický proces. Experimentální část je rozdělena na tři základní části. První část se věnuje anodické oxidaci hliníkové slitiny AA1050. Druhá část je zaměřena na anodizaci čistého hořčíku a poslední část je zaměřena na anodizaci zinkové slitiny ZnTi2, která není tak známá jako anodizace hliníku.
Jeřáb ptačí jako krajinotvorný prvek v NPR Praděd (CHKO Jeseníky)
Remešová, Miroslava
The present thesis explores the mountain ash population in a selected part of Praděd National Nature Reserve, hunting grounds of Karlov and Malá Morávka. The research was carried out in an area of 665 ha, in elevations ranging from 950–1463.7 metres. The structure of the adult population of the mountain ash (generative organs, thickness and height structure) was described, the density of its rejuvenation was assessed focusing on the quantification of damages due to browsing. The results imply that the area is populated by a sufficient number of specimens that are capable of generative reproduction, as well as by a sufficient number of seedlings which do not grow up due to browsing. A management of the mountain ash population was suggested, aiming at the maximum use of the high population of natural rejuvenation. The thesis also deals with the assessment of the area landscape character. The projected landscaping in the locality of Ovčárna uses the mountain ash as a landscape-forming element.
The Problematics of Liability During the Work in the Engineering Output Control
Partlová, Veronika ; Remešová, Michaela (referee) ; Pavloušková, Zina (advisor)
Bachelor thesis will be focuses on the methods that are currently used in the output control, than on the assessment of the impact of control workers on the operation of the engineering company and the implications of the quality of their work for the operational use of the resulting products. The work will be dealt with able complication judging during the work in the output control in the view of valid legislative and in the moral view.
Influence of fabrication and alloying on magnesium alloys
Jakl, Tomáš ; Remešová, Michaela (referee) ; Horynová, Miroslava (advisor)
This bachelor thesis compares mechanical properties of magnesium alloys in dependence on their composition and fabrication. The first part deals with a pure magnesium and its properties. The second part contains information about alloying elements and an overview of the fabrication methods. The third part consists of different magnesium alloys. The thesis contains photographs of microstructures, a review of mechanical properties and their comparison.
The role of microstructure on wettability of plasma sprayed yttria stabilized zirconia coatings
Komarov, P. ; Čelko, L. ; Remešová, M. ; Skorokhod, K. ; Jech, D. ; Klakurková, L. ; Slámečka, K. ; Mušálek, Radek
Atmospheric plasma spraying utilizing initial powder materials in micrometric size has been successfully used for various applications in different fields of the industry over the past several decades. Nowadays, the new trend in plasma spraying is to use sub-micron or nano-sized powder feedstocks in the form of colloidal suspension. This relatively new technology enables to obtain specific types of dense vertically cracked, fully dense or columnar microstructure. The aim of this work is to investigate the influence of coatings microstructure and topography on its water wetting properties. Two different microstructures, i.e. lamellar and columnar, were sprayed from chemically the same yttria-stabillized zirconia (YSZ) ceramics powders by the means of conventional atmospheric plasma spray and suspension hybrid water stabilized plasma spray techniques, respectively. Microstructural and phase composition of the initial powders and as-sprayed coatings were investigated using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction techniques. Topography of coatings surface was measured by means of non-contact optical profilometry. The YSZ coatings wettability was evaluated based on water droplet contact angle using Sessile droplet method. The coatings microstructure reveals the important role in the change of droplet contact angle, where lamellar microstructure was found close to hydrophilic-hydrophobic transition and columnar microstructure was found superhydrophobic
Krajinářská studie vybraného modelového území
Remešová, Miroslava
The present thesis in its literary survey focuses on the issue of landscape, scenery, and landscape planning. It defines the scattered vegetation and introduces the applicable legislation. The area in question is typical for the high proportion of arable land and intensive agriculture. The thesis analyses the primary, secondary and tertiary landscape structure and defines the problems of the area. The significant carriers of the local ecological and aesthetic values are tree avenues and allees. This fact has become an impetus to perform the mapping of these avenues/allees. A redevelopment project was prepared and subsequently implemented for the selected fruit-tree avenue. Other detected problems of the area were processed and are presented in the form of a planning map with comments given in the text part of the thesis.

National Repository of Grey Literature : 29 records found   previous9 - 18nextend  jump to record:
See also: similar author names
1 Remešová, Marcela
9 Remešová, Michaela
2 Remešová, Miroslava
2 Remešová, Monika
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