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History in computer games: case study on "Valiant Hearts: The Great War"
Šindelář, Jakub ; Matějka, Ondřej (advisor) ; Kozák, Kryštof (referee)
This thesis is a case study analysis of the visualization of history in computer games. The analyzed game, Valiant Hearts: The Great War, was published by the French company Ubisoft in 2014. The game is set in The First World War and was developed in cooperation with The Centenary Parnership Proram. The main goals of the thesis are following: First, determine if the vision of history in the game reflects the current paradigms of French historiography of The First World War. Second, to identify and to interpret particularities and deformations in the way the game recreates history. The first, theoretical chapter presents the phenomenon of The First World War in the French context, the study of computer games and the methodology of the analysis. For the analysis I have created my own methodology which combines various approaches used elsewhere. Chapter 2 contains the analysis, which is further structured into the analysis of the story from the perspective of the main characters and locations (2.1), analysis of the object inventory and the in game miniencyclopedia (2.2), and the analysis of game's style and form -the graphic and audio style, along with the issue of player freedom (2.3). For greater clarity, the parts of the game are referred to through it's subchapters. The results of the analysis...
The Umbrella Clause in investment disputes
Šindelář, Jakub ; Balaš, Vladimír (advisor) ; Šturma, Pavel (referee)
"Umbrella Clause" in investment disputes The diploma thesis deals with the topic of the so-called umbrella clause, a provision that can be often encountered in the bilateral investment treaties. The aim of the thesis is to identify and assess individual interpretation issues that are faced by the arbitration tribunals when applying this provision. The thesis is composed from two main parts, theoretical one and analytical one. Each part is further divided into two separate chapters. First chapter familiarizes a reader with the basic instruments of international investment law, the bilateral investment treaties and investment contracts. The umbrella clause issue is closely intertwined with the topic of internationalization of investment contract, which is also discussed within this chapter. The second chapter provides basic introduction to the examined legal institution. Besides determining characteristic features of the umbrella clause and basic variations of its wording, the chapter also focuses on presence of this provision in contemporary sources of international investment law. In this regard, detailed analysis of the Czech bilateral investment treaties is presented. Last but not least, the attention is paid to the historical context of the issue. The detailed analysis of the International...
Mathematical model of groundwater flow during operation of a circulation well
Žáková, Tereza ; Mls, Jiří (advisor) ; Šindelář, Jakub (referee)
In this master's thesis, a numerical model of groundwater flow in a contaminated area of Hradec Králové was created. After that, a circulation well was introduced. Two circulation well variants, which differ in the amount of pumped water, were examined. All simulations were performed with the aid of a finite element solver Feflow 5.2. The values of hydraulic head resulting from the mathematical model are in a good agreement with those obtained from the field measurement. The groundwater flow present in the area of interest exhibits south to southwest direction. After introducing the circulation well, I focused on the influence of the amount of pumped water on the groundwater flow. The outcome of this observation was that during the higher volume pumping, the circulation cell is larger and therefore has a higher influence on the groundwater flow. I evaluated that it is more efficient to pump a higher amount of water in the investigated area.
Adsorption of radionuclides in granite pores and micropores
Šindelář, Jakub ; Mls, Jiří (advisor) ; Šantrůček, Jaromír (referee)
Adsorption of radionuclides in granite pores and micropores ABSTRACT This graduation thesis deals with laboratory determination of adsorption isotherms parameters. Granite from the central moldanubian pluton, site Panské Dubenky, Czech Republic, was chosen to the experiment. The place is one of the candidate sites to build a deep nuclear waste disposal. A batch experiment was performed in two modes, differing in the way of addition of radioactive nuclide 90 Sr. From this experiment, distribution coefficients for a linear isotherm or parameters for Langmuir isotherm were obtained. Beside this, a through-diffusion experiment was performed. The objective of this experiment was to identify whether some of the radionuclides used (137 Cs, 90 Sr, 125 I) is able to penetrate through the pores of a granite slice barrier between two solutions of different concentrations. During the period of the experiment no radionuclide was detected reliably.
The cultural societies of Milevsko and their influence on the transformation
The aim of this thesis is to approach the cultural life of the small town in the 19. century, which was based on activities of artistic and entertainment societies. Defined period maps the most successful era of the societies, by that is possible to find a contemporary mentality of the citizens of Milevsko. Because of the increased interest about this topic, this research could be a comparative element for another scholars. Concept of this thesis is focused on three most active societies Beseda, Čtenářsko-ochotnická jednota and Vlastislav. The first part of the thesis contains a description of used methods and sources and literature. Research continues by the chapter about general association in the Czech lands, evolution of the term "Society" and history of Milevsko in the 19. and 20. centuries. This particular research is dealing with the activities of chosen societies and follows their history - first as a whole and then individually. Thesis is focused especially on cultural activities, which were connected with the citizens and that's why there is hardly any description of changes in the committees or internal official agendas. At the end, there is a short analysis of working of political control of cultural activities in Milevsko by the local Vedení veřejné osvětové služby and a chapter about the feedbacks of society's activities in the local periodics.
Zipf's law for cities: Is Zipf exponent correlated with level of freedom?
Šindelář, Jakub ; Šťastný, Daniel (advisor) ; Potužák, Pavel (referee)
This master thesis contains three independent papers on the Zip's law for cities. In the first essay I summarize accumulated knowledge and use examples from the Czech Republic to show problems of the empirical research. The main findings of this essay are: City size distribution in the Czech Republic can be better described by a log-normal distribution than by a Pareto distribution; Pareto exponents are sensitive to sample selection. The second essay is the largest empirical cross-country study on Zipf's law for cites. The mean value for 157 countries is 0.919. The comparison with the study by Soo (2005) showed a decreasing tendency of the Pareto exponent, since for the same countries, the average exponent decreased from 1.11 to 1.02. One possible explanation of this trend is the process of urbanization. The last essay looks at the topic from a different angle. I have developed an agent based model to describe the process of suburbanization and cities merging and its impact on the size of the Pareto exponent. I have shown that when cities merge, the exponent starts to fall down from a steady state.
The aristocratic clothing of the Rudolphine Prague
This bachelor's thesis deals about clothing of aristocratic citizens of rudolphine Prague. The question, which author wants to answer is: How was the nobility in this era dressed up? Because Prague was very cosmopolitan for government of Rudolf II., we can find there more specific styles of clothing. The opening chapter tells about the image of rudolphine Prague as itself. Next chapter contains a description of the fabrics, especially the most prized ones. Incoming chapters tells knowledge's about the most used fashion ways, then spanish and german style, and shows their differences against the another fashion styles worn in other European areas. Following part is discovering some details about the important fashion pendants, for example the suspension of rapier or the shape of underwear. The work continues by another different chapter, describing a few less known portraits, including unusual fashion elements or non - typical specialties for this period. There is also a part, telling about the famous persons, who could bring different fashion elements to the Prague. At the end, there is a chapter, in which author deals with the clothing, as the factor of criminality in everyday life.
Do the Major League Baseball teams maximize performance or profits?
Šindelář, Jakub ; Bartoň, Petr (advisor) ; Koubek, Ivo (referee)
On the basis of model from paper Barrio and Szymanski (2009) I estimate if the teams are closer to their profit or performance maximizing positions. I found teams in MLB are in short run on average closer to their win maximizing position. Another interesting conclusion is there are almost no differences between clubs in open league system represented by Spanish and English football league and closed league system represented by Major League Baseball in profit maximizing choices. That means the closed league system which is usually used in North America does not help teams to maximize their profits. I examined club characteristics that might explain variations in teams maximizing choices and found that clubs, which are incorporated companies, are on average closer to their profit maximizing choices.
Aplikace benchmarkingu v realitním odvětví
Šindelář, Jakub ; Neumaierová, Inka (advisor) ; Volencová, Alena (referee)
Diplomová práce pojednává o aplikaci benchmarkingu z pozice Realitní společnosti České spořitelny. V teoretické části práce je popsán celkový proces strategického řízení, z kterého benchmarking vychází. Poté je dán teoretický základ samotného benchmarkingu (postup, druhy, výhody, nevýhody). V praktické části práce je nastíněna situace Realitní společnosti České spořitelny na realitním trhu, její největší slabiny a je zvolen benchmark pro porovnání. Po samotné aplikaci benchmarkingu (finančního i nefinančního) jsou vyvozeny závěry a doporučení, které by měly vést ke zvýšení výkonnosti společnosti.

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See also: similar author names
21 ŠINDELÁŘ, Jakub
42 Šindelář, Jan
4 Šindelář, Jindřich
15 Šindelář, Jiří
1 Šindelář, Josef
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