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The effectiveness of offensive game going on in phases depending on the leight of their duration (on the example of elite basketball team)
Šťastný, Ondřej ; Velenský, Michael (advisor) ; Kaprálek, Tomáš (referee)
Title: The effectiveness of offensive game going on in phases depending on the leight of their duration (on the example of elite basketball team). The target is to learn and review the game offensive efficiency of the best world basketball teams depending on the game offensive phase duration. I am going to focus on the national US basketball team during the last parts of the World Championship FIBA 2010 in Turkey and 2014 in Spain, concretely 1/8 final, quarterfinal, semi-final and final, where I can count with the maximal try to win. The method is to learn, analyze and evidence of the chosen game play effects. I am able to analyze every game offensive phase by the way of game record and to evaluate which phase is the most effective depending on its duration. The target is to review the game offensive efficiency of the best world basketball teams (US national team) depending on the game offensive phase duration. The work should be benefit for basketball coaches in their basketball players' trainings. The main importance is to set the players' game activities which guide the team performance in its offensive phase and get to successful score. The main method is to collect the data from the video records of the single World Championship games. The following analyze and evidence of the studied effects...
Research and Development of Innovative Uranium Nuclear Fuel Matrices
Hrbáček, Tomáš ; Šťastný, Ondřej (referee) ; Katovský, Karel (advisor)
The bachelor thesis is focused on the issue of nuclear fuel used for nuclear reactors. It is dedicated to research of current trends in nuclear pellets. The qualitative parameters of nuclear fuels are described here, predominanly thermal conductivity and density of nuclear fuel. A special chaper of this thesis is devoted to the simulation and fuel additives during burnout. The final part of the bachelor thesis is dedicated to a specific design of material for a test research pellet.
Ionizing Radiation, Residual Heat Generation, and Inventory of Spent Nuclear Fuel
Hájková, Barbora ; Šťastný, Ondřej (referee) ; Katovský, Karel (advisor)
This bachelor's thesis deals with ionizing radiation, residual heat generation, and inventory of spent nuclear fuel. It introduces types of ionizing radiation and half-life of isotopes, which are contained in the nuclear fuel. Furthermore, using code UwB1, a simulation of the burning of nuclear fuel used at the Dukovany Nuclear Power Plant from the introduction of fuel into the reactor to its storage in deep repositories in 2065, is carried out.
New Trends in Ionizing Radiation Shielding Research and Development
Vláčil, Martin ; Šťastný, Ondřej (referee) ; Katovský, Karel (advisor)
This thesis deals with the problem of shielding ionizing radiation which is a beam that has enough energy to ionize an atom or a molecule of an irradiated substance. This radiation can occur in nuclear facilities such as a nuclear power plant, a particle accelerator, or in X-rays in healthcare. Until now, standard shielding materials, most often lead or concrete, have been used to protect against ionizing radiation. New trends are therefore trying to replace these materials with lighter, more effective and harmless materials. The practical part is focused on measure the data to obtain the basic properties of shielding materials, such as the attenuation factor and the buildup factor. A measuring platform is described here, which can be used to measure the data needed to calculate the attenuation factor and the buildup factor. The measurement results are compared with tabular values to determine the accuracy of the measurements. Furthermore, the results of measurements of five concrete materials from the company MICo, spol. s r.o. To obtain theoretical values, the simulation program MCNP6 was used, in which it is possible to create a model of the measuring platform, which was used in practical measurements. Next the shielding material, source and detector are defined. The result lead again to the data needed to determine the attenuation factor. The results of measurement and simulation data in MCNP6 are evaluated and graphically processed into such a form that it is possible to compare the properties of shielding materials with each other.
Shielding and detection of neutrons
Černý, Tomáš ; Šťastný, Ondřej (referee) ; Katovský, Karel (advisor)
The master’s thesis provides an overview of available neutron sources in terms of neutron yields and energy spectrum of emitted neutrons. Reactions of neutrons with matter, especially neutron scattering and radiation capture, are described. The possibilities neutron neutron detection and spectrometry are also described. The following experiment deals with a design of suitable shielding materials and the analysis of the moderated energy spectrum of neutron flux. The properties of the neutron field were measured using detection by activation. Subsequently, a simulation of the problem was performer in the MCNP program. In the end, the achieved results are compared and evaluated.
The effectiveness of offensive game going on in phases depending on the leight of their duration (on the example of elite basketball team)
Šťastný, Ondřej ; Velenský, Michael (advisor) ; Kaprálek, Tomáš (referee)
Title: The effectiveness of offensive game going on in phases depending on the leight of their duration (on the example of elite basketball team). The target is to learn and review the game offensive efficiency of the best world basketball teams depending on the game offensive phase duration. I am going to focus on the national US basketball team during the last parts of the World Championship FIBA 2010 in Turkey and 2014 in Spain, concretely 1/8 final, quarterfinal, semi-final and final, where I can count with the maximal try to win. The method is to learn, analyze and evidence of the chosen game play effects. I am able to analyze every game offensive phase by the way of game record and to evaluate which phase is the most effective depending on its duration. The target is to review the game offensive efficiency of the best world basketball teams (US national team) depending on the game offensive phase duration. The work should be benefit for basketball coaches in their basketball players' trainings. The main importance is to set the players' game activities which guide the team performance in its offensive phase and get to successful score. The main method is to collect the data from the video records of the single World Championship games. The following analyze and evidence of the studied effects...
Radiation detection, shielding and identification in public safety.
Kumičák, Ivan ; Šťastný, Ondřej (referee) ; Varmuža, Jan (advisor)
A problem of ionizing radiation is considered in this thesis. The work consists of few chapters, where types of ionizing radiation and its interaction with material environment, also separate measures, which characterize both a source of ionizing radiation and influence of ionizing radiation on a life form are describes. Kinds of detectors of ionizing radiation and principles of their running are taken up as well.
The temperature field analysis of the subcritical accelerator-driven reactors
Majer, Šimon ; Šťastný, Ondřej (referee) ; Svoboda, Josef (advisor)
The aim of the bachelor thesis is to discuss the problems of accelerator driven system, to describe the possibilities of temperature measurement, to create model of the spallation target QUINTA target in the program Inventor and to perform the simulation by using the Ansys software. The theoretical part is focused on nuclear energy and its potential for the future and continues smoothly to the issue of accelerator driven system (ADS), where it discusses the possibilities of using mentioned system. The thesis is processed from the point of view of electrical energy, focusing on generation issues and the possibility of heat monitoring. The possibilities of temperature measurement are discussed here for calculation and simulation of heat transfer. The practical part of the bachelor’s thesis is processed with the help of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, where the ADS research is in process. The input data and the size of the geometry were provided by the JINR research team and were used to simulate heat transfer by using the Ansys program. The results of the simulation are processed graphically in the last chapter of the bachelor thesis.
The AmBe Laboratory Neutron Source Field Determination Using Experimental Stend
Jelínek, Martin ; Šťastný, Ondřej (referee) ; Katovský, Karel (advisor)
This master’s thesis provides a comprehensive overview of the conventional neutron sources from the perspective of reactions which lead to the production of neutrons, advantages, disadvantages, properties and their possible utilization. In the relation to the assembly of the laboratory neutron source and the unique experimental stand “Candle” basic methods of the neutron field analysis are outlined and two of them, the neutron activation analysis and the calculation using the MCNP software code are discussed in depth to apply and compare these methods. The experimental part deals with the realization of neutron activation analysis from its design itself, through gamma spectrometry to the cadmium ratio calculation. In compliance with the measurements, a calculation with MCNP code was run and both methods were evaluated and compared. The computation is complemented with the analysis of radiation situation on the borders of the supervised area, which is compared to the legal limit.
Freedom of speech, its guarantees and limits in the context of Czech media
Šťastný, Ondřej ; Hofmannová, Helena (advisor) ; Gronský, Ján (referee)
(K práci pouze volně přikládám, protože abstrakt není vyžadován platným zněním Rigorózního řádu Právnické fakulty Univerzity Karlovy). Mgr. Ondřej Šťastný Rigorózní práce se zabývá vybranými aspekty svobody projevu tak, jak je vymezena v našem právním řádu a v právu mezinárodním a evropském. Zvláštní pozornost věnuje limitům svobody projevu a střetům tohoto politického práva s jinými základními právy. Významná část práce je věnována detailnímu rozboru zásadních judikátů, které v posledním desetiletí formovaly podobu a meze svobody projevu v České republice. Konkrétně jde o vesměs hojně veřejně diskutované kauzy, ve kterých figurovala média. Jsem přesvědčený, že je to právě konkrétní soudcovské dotváření práva, kde lze vysledovat mnoho inspirativních právně-filosofických názorů na to, jak má svoboda projevu v naší (stále ještě mladé) demokracii vypadat. Abstract This work deals with the selected aspects of the freedom of speech as it is guaranteed in Czech, International as well as European law. Special focus is put on the limits of the freedom of speech and its conflicts with other basic freedoms. Important part of the work is dedicated to the core cases, whit traced the shape of the freedom of speech in the Czech Republic in the 2000s. For the most part, these are the frequently discussed cases...

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10 Šťastný, Ondřej
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