National Repository of Grey Literature 8 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Význam vinařských stezek pro cestovní ruch v Jihomoravském kraji
Rybářová, Eliška
This thesis analyzes the significance and wine trails for tourism. In the theoretical part the basic concepts and definitions related to the issue. The application part deals with complex characteristics of the selected municipalities located in South County. Further the selected municipality evaluated historical and contemporary landscape and also the state of the local vineyards. The work also includes research aimed at three different target groups of respondents. This research is focused on determining the benefits and shortcomings of wine trails in the region. In conclusion, the development proposes some measures and wine tourism in the Czech Republic are here compared with the situation abroad.
Cestovní ruch v Jihomoravském kraji: cykloturistika a vinné stezky
Hradský, Antonín
The objective of this bachelor thesis is to describe the meaning of cycling for South Moravian region, his main advantages and contribution for the region. In succession on cycling will be the effort of description of relatively modern project of Moravian Wine Trails, which have to enhance touristic attractiveness of South Moravian region, his complex analysis and valorization.
Cycle Path GIS of Moravian Wine Trails
Kobližek, Tomáš ; Bartoněk, Dalibor (referee) ; Ježek, Jiří (advisor)
The subject of this thesis was to create cycle path geographic information system (GIS) north of Znojmo wine trail. The main goal of the GIS witch informs about parameters of cycle routes and attractions and services. Data collection was carried out in terrain and were obtained necessary data and maps for the creation of GIS. ArcGIS 10.1 from ESRI company was been used for proccesing of data. Couple of outputs from GIS has been created at the end of the work. The user can use GIS data in various programs and on different platforms.
Wine tourism in the Bohemia region
Motlochová, Sandra ; Vágner, Jiří (advisor) ; Raška, Pavel (referee)
This diploma thesis deals with a relatively new branch of tourism - wine tourism. It is a gentle form of tourism which is being developed as a follow-up to the trend of sustainability. Wine tourism is discussed in the analysis of literature. In connection with foreign experience it is being studied whether this form of tourism is really as gentle as proclaimed. The practical part of the thesis is devoted to the wine tourism in the Czech Republic, with an emphasis on the wine region of Bohemia. Illustrated with examples of the towns of Mělník, Litoměřice and Most, the present state of this branch and its development potential are evaluated. The emphasis is on the products of the wine tourism which are suitable for these cities (wine harvest, wine-growing events and festivals, shows and competitions, etc.). Finally, the work mentions the increasing demand and need for coordinated management of the region (Destination Management).
Fenomén vinařská turistika
Valová, Monika
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the development, current situation and prospects of the wine industry and wine tourism in the Czech Republic. The first part concentrates on the history of viticulture in Bohemia and Moravia. Next part is focused on the wine industry and analyses particular characteristics of current winemaking. The last part provides a view of a wine tourism in South Moravia and identifies opportunities for further development. Key words Formula clause:Prohlašuji, že jsem tuto práci: Fenomén vinařská turistika vypracovala samostatně a veškeré použité prameny a informace jsou uvedeny v seznamu použité literatury. Souhlasím, aby moje práce byla zveřejněna v souladu s § 47b zákona č. 111/1998 Sb., o vysokých školách ve znění pozdějších předpisů, a v souladu s platnou Směrnicí o zveřejňování vysokoškolských závěrečných prací. Jsem si vědom/a, že se na moji práci vztahuje zákon č. 121/2000 Sb., autorský zákon, a že Mendelova univerzita v Brně má právo na uzavření licenční smlouvy a užití této práce jako školního díla podle § 60 odst. 1 Autorského zákona. Dále se zavazuji, že před sepsáním licenční smlouvy o využití díla jinou osobou (subjektem) si vyžádám písemné stanovisko univerzity o tom, že předmětná licenční smlouva není v rozporu s oprávněnými zájmy univerzity, a zavazuji se uhradit případný příspěvek na úhradu nákladů spojených se vznikem díla, a to až do jejich skutečné výše.
Wine tourism in the Bohemia region
Motlochová, Sandra ; Vágner, Jiří (advisor) ; Raška, Pavel (referee)
This diploma thesis deals with a relatively new branch of tourism - wine tourism. It is a gentle form of tourism which is being developed as a follow-up to the trend of sustainability. Wine tourism is discussed in the analysis of literature. In connection with foreign experience it is being studied whether this form of tourism is really as gentle as proclaimed. The practical part of the thesis is devoted to the wine tourism in the Czech Republic, with an emphasis on the wine region of Bohemia. Illustrated with examples of the towns of Mělník, Litoměřice and Most, the present state of this branch and its development potential are evaluated. The emphasis is on the products of the wine tourism which are suitable for these cities (wine harvest, wine-growing events and festivals, shows and competitions, etc.). Finally, the work mentions the increasing demand and need for coordinated management of the region (Destination Management).
Cycle Path GIS of Moravian Wine Trails
Kobližek, Tomáš ; Bartoněk, Dalibor (referee) ; Ježek, Jiří (advisor)
The subject of this thesis was to create cycle path geographic information system (GIS) north of Znojmo wine trail. The main goal of the GIS witch informs about parameters of cycle routes and attractions and services. Data collection was carried out in terrain and were obtained necessary data and maps for the creation of GIS. ArcGIS 10.1 from ESRI company was been used for proccesing of data. Couple of outputs from GIS has been created at the end of the work. The user can use GIS data in various programs and on different platforms.
Analysis of the Accomodation Capacity in Agritourism Facilities
Zelinková, Věra ; Musil, Martin (advisor) ; Krbová, Jana (referee)
This diploma thesis is analyzing accomodation capacities in agrotourism facilities based in Southern Moravia. This thesis analyses accomodation facilities at Znojemska, Velkopavlovicka and Mikulovska wine trails. In the thesis are analysed accomodation offers per type of accomodation, seasonality, prices per accomodation, additional services offered on each wine trail. Offers are also compared among wine trails.

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