National Repository of Grey Literature 6 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Effect of deep foot massage on postural stability in patients with spinocerebellar ataxia
Hlaváčková, Tereza ; Pospíšilová, Mariana (advisor) ; Čech, Zdeněk (referee)
Introduction: Spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) is currently defined as a group of diseases with progressive cerebellar syndrome, which manifests distinctively by ataxic stance and gait. In patients with SCA, deterioration of postural control occurs due to changes of pathophysiological degenerative nervous system. Control of postural stability is significantly influenced by somatosensory afferentation of soft tissue of foot. The work objective is to determine the effect of deep foot massage on postural stability in the group of patients and to compare obtained results with experiments without deep foot massage. Methods: Seven patients of the Clinic Rehabilitation at the Faculty Hospital, Prague Motol (average age 51.9 ± 13.9 years, 5 men, and 2 women) with SCA and clinical signs of cerebellar ataxia were participated in this study. All patients were examined using posturography before and after application of deep foot massage. Measurements were conducted on a firm surface, foam pad with open and closed eyes. Length of COP trajectory, COP area and COP velocity were measured. Results: Significantly lower values of the length and COP velocity were found on the foam pad with closed eyes, when the deep foot massage was applied. Experiments without applications of the deep foot massage did not show any...
The effekct of one training of postural stability in patiens with spinocerebellar ataxia
Filipovičová, Jana ; Pospíšilová, Mariana (advisor) ; Jevič, Filip (referee)
We followed the immediate effect of sensorimotor training on postural stability in patients with spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA). We have tried to explain the possible mechanisms of adaptation to change COP, motor learning and neuroplasticity in the field of neurodegenerative changes in the cerebellum. Research Methods: A total of 10 patients with spinocerebellar ataxia (6 men, 4 women) aged 34-71 years, with an average disease duration of 11.6 years participated in the measurement of postural stability. First, we measured the patients with SCA before and after a 15-minute sensorimotor-training exercise, then this group underwent another day of the same measurement without sensorimotor training. As a second control group of 10 healthy subjects served a similar age, who also underwent sensorimotor training. Then we compared the results of posturographic measurement. Results: In the group of SCA patients, sensorimotor training was found significantly lower values in the monitored parameters LENGTH (t stat = 3,537731 > t krit = 2,262157), VELOCITY (t stat = 3,537731 > t krit = 2,262157) and energy to sustain COP (t stat = 2,715085 > t krit = 2,262157), measured on a foam pad with eyes closed. Measurement without making sensorimotor training produced no significant improvement in the results of monitored...
The effekct of one training of postural stability in patiens with spinocerebellar ataxia
Filipovičová, Jana ; Pospíšilová, Mariana (advisor) ; Jevič, Filip (referee)
We followed the immediate effect of sensorimotor training on postural stability in patients with spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA). We have tried to explain the possible mechanisms of adaptation to change COP, motor learning and neuroplasticity in the field of neurodegenerative changes in the cerebellum. Research Methods: A total of 10 patients with spinocerebellar ataxia (6 men, 4 women) aged 34-71 years, with an average disease duration of 11.6 years participated in the measurement of postural stability. First, we measured the patients with SCA before and after a 15-minute sensorimotor-training exercise, then this group underwent another day of the same measurement without sensorimotor training. As a second control group of 10 healthy subjects served a similar age, who also underwent sensorimotor training. Then we compared the results of posturographic measurement. Results: In the group of SCA patients, sensorimotor training was found significantly lower values in the monitored parameters LENGTH (t stat = 3,537731 > t krit = 2,262157), VELOCITY (t stat = 3,537731 > t krit = 2,262157) and energy to sustain COP (t stat = 2,715085 > t krit = 2,262157), measured on a foam pad with eyes closed. Measurement without making sensorimotor training produced no significant improvement in the results of monitored...
Effect of deep foot massage on postural stability in patients with spinocerebellar ataxia
Hlaváčková, Tereza ; Pospíšilová, Mariana (advisor) ; Čech, Zdeněk (referee)
Introduction: Spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) is currently defined as a group of diseases with progressive cerebellar syndrome, which manifests distinctively by ataxic stance and gait. In patients with SCA, deterioration of postural control occurs due to changes of pathophysiological degenerative nervous system. Control of postural stability is significantly influenced by somatosensory afferentation of soft tissue of foot. The work objective is to determine the effect of deep foot massage on postural stability in the group of patients and to compare obtained results with experiments without deep foot massage. Methods: Seven patients of the Clinic Rehabilitation at the Faculty Hospital, Prague Motol (average age 51.9 ± 13.9 years, 5 men, and 2 women) with SCA and clinical signs of cerebellar ataxia were participated in this study. All patients were examined using posturography before and after application of deep foot massage. Measurements were conducted on a firm surface, foam pad with open and closed eyes. Length of COP trajectory, COP area and COP velocity were measured. Results: Significantly lower values of the length and COP velocity were found on the foam pad with closed eyes, when the deep foot massage was applied. Experiments without applications of the deep foot massage did not show any...

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