National Repository of Grey Literature 5 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Nobility and codification of czech municipal law
Bartoň, Miroslav ; Starý, Marek (advisor) ; Šouša, Jiří (referee)
Nobility and the codification of the Bohemian town law Abstract This thesis is concerned with the influence of the nobility in the process of codifying Bohemian town law, in particular during the sixteenth century, and with the reasons of success of the Town laws of the Bohemian kingdom by Pavel Kristián of Koldín. It describes the evolution of royal towns and town law from the Hussite Revolution to the release of the Town laws, and the particularities of the areas of law relevant to this matter, meaning the north-German and the south-German areas of law. It briefly covers the beginning of the Estates period and its influence on the Bohemian towns, especially the adoption of Vladislav land order and the disputes that followed. The codification attempt of Brikcí of Licsko is observed next, as well as its source materials and the reasons why his work never become a sanctioned codification of town law. Particular importance is given to the evolution of political situation from the viewpoint of the towns and to their relations with the nobility from the resolution of the Bohemian Diet that the town law shall be codified, adopted in the year 1545, until the release of the Koldín's codex in the year 1579. It explores the reasons why the creation and sanctioning of an acceptable codification took such a long time,...
Principles of the law of inheritance ind the Czech lands before its codification in 1811
Klucová, Monika ; Kindl, Vladimír (advisor) ; Soukup, Ladislav (referee)
This diploma thesis [in the master's course], drawn up at the Faculty of Law of Charles University in Prague, deals with the principles of the law of inheritance in Bohemia prior to its codification in 1811. Although inheritance law is one of the oldest branches of law, and was very thoroughly developed in ancient Roman law, in our territory it actually started to develop some more only after the Hussite movement. That is due to the fact that in the Middle Ages, the prevailing concepts were the ruler's right to bona vacantia and family indivisible ownership ["rodinný nedíl" in Czech], both of which did not really make it possible to pass estate from the deceased to their heirs. Therefore the aim of the thesis is to examine and gain a deeper insight into the historical development and historical contexts of the law of inheritance in our territory, which had preceded its modern form that was first codified in Allgemeines bürgerliches Gesetzbuch [the General Civil Code], which accepted the structure of the Inheritance Patent of Joseph II in 1811. Part One of the thesis, Introduction, briefly discusses the law of inheritance as a specific element of legal science, the principles of inheritance law, and inheritance conditions and titles. Part Two, Excursion into History - Inheritance in Roman Law,...
Between shame and honor. Swear-words of the 16th century in Vodňany
KOŠTOVÁ, Jindřiška
My diploma thesis deals with legal disputes that were lead because of honor or violation in town society in Vodňany. The theoretical part is focused on a historical and historical-legal research in native and foreign area in this topic. A product of this interest is very various sphere, in that I try to access and use gained results within the frame of history of the society, culture, development of law and municipality. The second part of my diploma thesis works with the perception of honor on the basis of different resources {--} these are municipal law-books, literal texts and first of all recourses of criminally-law work of municipal court in Vodňany. One of the chapter is also focused on classification of swear-words that were found in criminally-law work of municipal court. The aim of this diploma thesis was to demonstrate what the notion or perception of the honor was for the citizen who lived in the second part of 16th century in Vodňany.
Orphan's agenda and care for orphans in region Prácheň in 18th century
This work is engaged in theme of orphan's agenda and care for orphans in region Prácheň in 18th century. First part this work is engaged in law limitation of orphan's position and insurance orphan's and guardian's charge in law codices. This part represents evolution of law position from Roman period until law codification of Pavel Kristian from Koldín. One of important factor for orphan's life was guardian, therefore is in this part also limitation for guardian's charge. Second part of work is engaged in position of orphans in Czech towns in 18th century. Work is in next chapters engaged in towns that were in property of family Schwarzenberg. In this chapter are this town introduce. In this part of work are further manners of leading of orphan's agenda and his regulating, then how intervened suzerain in leading of orphan's agenda. Also this chapter describe instruction for leading of orphan's agenda in manor Netolice, what is preserved in State regional archives in Třeboň. Fundamental chapters are engaged in orphan's agenda in a several towns in region Prácheň. This chapter above all engage in three kinds of orphan's agenda, then orphan's books, orphan's accounts and confronting of orphans. Orphan's books are introduced from towns Lhenice, Netolice, Volary and Bavorov. Orphan's accounts are introduced from towns Lhenice, Netolice, Volary and Záblatí and confrontig of orphans are introduced from towns Lhenice, Netolice and Volary. All kinds of orphan's agenda are presented in their formal aspect and also in contents aspect. Here is put down evolution of orphan's agenda and changes in their leading. All work goes out from wells, which are deposited in State district archives in Prachatice, State district archives in Strakonice and also in State regional archives in Třeboň. In Prachatice and Strakonice are depositing all kinds of orphan's agenda and this is important for comparing their method of leading.

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