National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Availability of social services for seniors in the Karlovarsky region now and in 50 years
Zelinka, Jan ; Kouřilová, Jana (advisor) ; Prudká, Šárka (referee)
Master thesis aims to evaluate the accessibility of social services in Karlovarsky region. The thesis is focused on the demographics of seniors and social services intended for them, specifically retirement homes. In addition to analyzing the accessibility of social services is elaborated demographic projection of region's population over the next 50 years. In the theoretical part is described the definition of social policy and the fundamental theoretical principles, types and functions. This part also describes the legislative framework of social policy in the Czech Republic. In relation to social policy are presented issues of community planning as a tool for the implementation of social policy in the Karlovarsky region. The conclusion of theoretical part is devoted to the theory of demographic projections and describes the basic projection methods. The practical part in the introduction focuses on general and demographic characteristics of the Karlovarsky region and the current state of social services for the elderly, specifically homes for the elderly. The second half of the practical part presents a demographic projection of region's population over the next 50 years and is focusing on senior component whose proportion in the population will increase. This projection is calculated by the component method without migration. The conclusion of the practical part is comparing the initial state of social services and the anticipated development of seniors. It also describes community plan in the Karlovarsky region with emphasis on the development of social services for seniors. Documents drawn up by the Karlovarsky region on issues of social services and conclusions of this thesis suggest that there is no need to increase capacity, but rather to focus on the change in the structure of users and ensure that these services are provided to people whose health condition really requires this kind of complex social care.
The consequences of aging population in regions of the Czech Republic
Samková, Alice ; Fiala, Tomáš (advisor) ; Růžková, Jiřina (referee)
In recent decades, the fact of an aging population has become one of the most discussed phenomena in all economically developed countries. Its main consequence is the increasing number of people relying on the assistance of another person. The goal of this thesis is to provide quantitative estimation and suggestions of the possible future need for social services for the elderly within the Czech Republic as such and also with the reference to the evolution of the situation in individual regions of the country. The introductory chapter deals with the demographic development of population in the Czech Republic and in all its regions individually, on the basis of which an obvious and steady trend of population aging is confirmed in the past and future years. The second chapter focuses on the characteristic of regional facilities in selected social services as well as on the costs and financing of such services. On the grounds of findings from the previous chapter, the final chapter is dedicated to the estimation of the future evolution of the care recipients in the senior age groups in all regions in the Czech Republic. All this consistently on the basis of the projection of the evolution of the population until the year 2050 and projections of the structure of the beneficiaries of care allowance by level of the dependence in the year 2010. The result of the analysis indicates that the existing capacity of social services for elderly will not be sufficient due to the trend of aging population. With regard to that fact, some possible measures, that could be a future source of a solution of this unfavorable situation, are suggested in the conclusion of this thesis.
Analysis of the Greek pension system from 2010: Fiscal sustainability and its future development
Koreček, Jakub ; Potužák, Pavel (advisor) ; Svoboda, Miroslav (referee)
The theme of this thesis is to analyze in detail the current pension system of Greece (2010) and attempts to mathematically predict the future development up to 2060. The main content is a mathematical model able to count the balance of the pension system. In the analysis, the emphasis is on the balancing pension system in the long term, and thus examines the impact of changes on the expenditure or revenue. The paper uses the component method for demographic projections. To extend the research was prepared in complete mathematical model pension system. The results demonstrated the ability to maintain the pension system in positive territory in 2060 with proper and sensitive parameter adjustment.
The Pension Reform in The Czech Republic with Regard to The Demographic Development of The Czech Population
Dubský, Tomáš ; Vostrovská, Zdenka (advisor) ; Vebrová, Ludmila (referee)
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to show the best possible way of a reform of the pension system in the Czech Republic. The introduction presents an overview of all pension systems, a previous development and a current situation in the Czech Republic. Further, the factors affecting the current pension system and determining its further development, in particular demographic analyses, economic, social and political factors, are analysed. Subsequently, conclusions and recommendations of independent committees (Bezdek's, Expert advisory board, OECD and World Bank) as well as proposals of political parties from the Czech Parliament are summarised. There are also described results of pension reforms previously implemented in other countries with similar historical conditions. In the final chapter, a version of pension reform proposed by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs is evaluated through a SWOT analysis. At the conclusion, the most suitable option of the pension reform is derived from the summarised results, recommendations and analyses mentioned in the thesis.

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