National Repository of Grey Literature 6 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Modular system for electrical impedance tomography
Vaněk, Roman ; Drexler, Petr (referee) ; Mikulka, Jan (advisor)
Tato práce představuje nový přístup k návrhu architektury systému elektrického impedančního tomografu. Zabývá se strategickými rozhodnutími, která formovala hardwarovou vrstvu měřicího systému sestávajícího z několika jednotek a umožňujícího vzájemnou komunikaci mezi nimi. Hlavním cílem bylo vyvinout levný hardware pro přepínání zdroje proudu mezi mnoha elektrodami a měření napětí na každé z nich s širokým dynamickým rozsahem při zachování minimálního fázového posunu mezi kanálem a vstupem analogově-digitálního převodníku. Měřicí systém je navržen a zdokumentován a slouží jako cenná reference pro vývoj nových dalších jednotek. Práce popisuje hardware a firmware aktivních elektrod, klíčové části tomografu a uvádí měření ověřující správnost tohoto přístupu.
Development of RAPS systém
Svoboda, Luboš ; Novák, Vítězslav (referee) ; Bača, Petr (advisor)
The project considers realization system, which will allow us to test six different operation modes on lifetime accumulators. The system will link to computer, which will execute measurement current and tension and switch betwencharging and discharging modes. The measured values will record in someone time intervals in to computer memory. After someone time will analise these measured valuer and will provide optional operation mode.
Test Methods for Evaluation of Radiation Effects in High Precision Analog and Mixed-Signal Devices for Space Applications
Hofman, Jiří ; PhD, Slawosz Uznanski, (referee) ; PhD, Simon Platt, (referee) ; Háze, Jiří (advisor)
The traditional radiation testing of space electronics has been used for more than fifty years to support the radiation hardness assurance. Its typical goal is to ensure reliable operation of the spacecraft in the harsh environment of space. This PhD research looks into the radiation testing from a different perspective; the goal is to develop radiation testing methods that are focused not only on the reliability of the components but also on a continuous radiation-induced degradation of their performance. Such data are crucial for the understanding of the impact of radiation on the measurement uncertainty of data acquisition systems onboard research space missions.
Measurement of process variable – temperature
Dvořák, Matěj ; Hájková, Alena (referee) ; Konečný, Antonín (advisor)
This thesis summarizes the current knowledge about temperature sensors used for measurement, of which there is a wide variety. Therefore, it should serve as a guide to the world of temperature measurement, starting from the fundamental principles of measurement, explaining terms and analysing the characteristics of measuring instruments, and providing a detailed overview of their types. Additionally, it allows readers to navigate through the abundance of published documents and standards and provides an overview of wireless communication methods. As this topic is extensive, this publication is intended to be a practical tool for everyday use or a reference point for finding more detailed information in the specific area of interest.
Test Methods for Evaluation of Radiation Effects in High Precision Analog and Mixed-Signal Devices for Space Applications
Hofman, Jiří ; PhD, Slawosz Uznanski, (referee) ; PhD, Simon Platt, (referee) ; Háze, Jiří (advisor)
The traditional radiation testing of space electronics has been used for more than fifty years to support the radiation hardness assurance. Its typical goal is to ensure reliable operation of the spacecraft in the harsh environment of space. This PhD research looks into the radiation testing from a different perspective; the goal is to develop radiation testing methods that are focused not only on the reliability of the components but also on a continuous radiation-induced degradation of their performance. Such data are crucial for the understanding of the impact of radiation on the measurement uncertainty of data acquisition systems onboard research space missions.
Development of RAPS systém
Svoboda, Luboš ; Novák, Vítězslav (referee) ; Bača, Petr (advisor)
The project considers realization system, which will allow us to test six different operation modes on lifetime accumulators. The system will link to computer, which will execute measurement current and tension and switch betwencharging and discharging modes. The measured values will record in someone time intervals in to computer memory. After someone time will analise these measured valuer and will provide optional operation mode.

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