National Repository of Grey Literature 10 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Regional and Structural EU Policy - Economic and Legislative Aspects
Chytka, Miroslav ; Hromádka,, Vít (referee) ; Korytárová, Jana (advisor)
The aim of my thesis on the topic „Regional and structural EU policy – economic and legislative aspect“ is a description of all important aspects of Regional policy EU and the performance of regional policy in the context of a specific project.
Critical Analysis of Monetary Policy of the EU and its Impact on Countries in the Eurozone
Vavříková, Andrea ; Gabzdylová, Jana (referee) ; Škapa, Stanislav (advisor)
Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou měnové politiky v Evropské unii, respektive v Evropské měnové unii. Samotnému vzniku Evropské měnové unie předcházelo dlouhé období integračních procesů a je spojováno se dvěma mezníky. Prvním mezníkem byl vznik Evropské centrální banky, která představuje jednu z nejdůležitějších institucí a je zodpovědná za provádění jednotné měnové politiky v eurozóně. Druhým důležitým momentem bylo zavedení společné evropské měny, eura. Navzdory podstatným obchodním výhodám spojených s přijetím eura se brzy ukázalo, že jednotná měnová politika nemusí vyhovovat všem zemím kvůli jejich odlišným ekonomickým potřebám a schopnostem, které vyžadují různou měnovou politiku. Tato práce se soustředí na současnou ekonomickou situaci v eurozóně se zvláštním důrazem na otázku dluhové krize.
Czechoslovakia and the Maastricht Treaty
The bachelor thesis deals with the gradual transformation of the European Communities into the European Union since the 1980s, which was created on the basis of the signing of the official document (the Maastricht Treaty) in Maastricht, the Netherlands, in 1992. This treaty made a major contribution to the deepening of European integration and was also a significant event for the former Eastern bloc states, including the Czechoslovak Republic. The text also deals with the relations between the former Czechoslovakia and the European Community. The socio-political changes initiated in November 1989 meant, among other things, an attempt to 'return to Europe'. This slogan was used to express a certain effort to reintegrate back into the geopolitical space of an integrated Europe.
Subsidiarity in EU law
Krátký, Jiří ; Tichý, Luboš (advisor) ; Pítrová, Lenka (referee)
Subsidiarity in EU law English Summary / Abstract The upcoming 30th anniversary of the Maastricht treaty is an opportunity to celebrate but also to critically evaluate the overall success of this significant political step towards deeper European integration. The Maastricht treaty incorporated the Principle of Subsidiarity as a general principle of law into the EU legal system. The Principle of Subsidiarity was intended as a safeguard against a creeping centralization and federalization of the alliance and a means of regulating the exercise of the Union's non-exclusive powers. Thirty years of experience is a good time to evaluate the success and fulfillment of that mission. This is all the more pertinent in 2021 as the EU finds itself on the threshold of a new public debate about the future of Europe. The Principle of Subsidiarity underwent several textual changes on the way to being anchored in the Treaties. Despite these changes the case law of the ECJ has remained for unclear reasons underdeveloped in comparison with other issues and areas of judicial review. The original emphasis placed on a judicial review of the fulfillment of substantial conditions and ex-post control of the principle has lately shifted to the ex-ante procedural one. Unfortunately, even this change did not bring the expected results....
The Maastricht Criteria and their perfomance in the Czech Republic
Průša, Miroslav ; Urbánková, Erika (advisor) ; Jitka, Jitka (referee)
This thesis on the topic of perfomance the Maastricht criteria in the Czech Republic is paid to the analysis of the fulfillment of the Maastricht criteria by the Czech Republic for the period 2001 - 2014 and analysis of pairwise correlation and regression relationship between long-term interest rates and growth of the gross domestic product in the Czech Republic for various periods at different models. This thesis first deals with theoretical as regards economic and monetary union, the Eurosystem, the euro area and the Maastricht criteria. Within the theoretical basis thesis explains the advantages and disadvantages of monetary union for the Czech Republic. Analytical part is divided into two blocks. The first block analyzes the performance of individual Maastricht criteria by the Czech Republic in the period 2001 -2014 and outlines possible performance in future years. The second block of the analytical part focuses on the pair correlation and regression analysis between long-term interest rates and growth of the gross domestic product in the Czech Republic for various periods at different models. Chapter Results and discussion, together with the conclusion of the thesis summarizes the individual results and findings.
Regional and Structural EU Policy - Economic and Legislative Aspects
Chytka, Miroslav ; Hromádka,, Vít (referee) ; Korytárová, Jana (advisor)
The aim of my thesis on the topic „Regional and structural EU policy – economic and legislative aspect“ is a description of all important aspects of Regional policy EU and the performance of regional policy in the context of a specific project.
Critical Analysis of Monetary Policy of the EU and its Impact on Countries in the Eurozone
Vavříková, Andrea ; Gabzdylová, Jana (referee) ; Škapa, Stanislav (advisor)
Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou měnové politiky v Evropské unii, respektive v Evropské měnové unii. Samotnému vzniku Evropské měnové unie předcházelo dlouhé období integračních procesů a je spojováno se dvěma mezníky. Prvním mezníkem byl vznik Evropské centrální banky, která představuje jednu z nejdůležitějších institucí a je zodpovědná za provádění jednotné měnové politiky v eurozóně. Druhým důležitým momentem bylo zavedení společné evropské měny, eura. Navzdory podstatným obchodním výhodám spojených s přijetím eura se brzy ukázalo, že jednotná měnová politika nemusí vyhovovat všem zemím kvůli jejich odlišným ekonomickým potřebám a schopnostem, které vyžadují různou měnovou politiku. Tato práce se soustředí na současnou ekonomickou situaci v eurozóně se zvláštním důrazem na otázku dluhové krize.
The Maastricht fiscal criteria, their formation and problems of fulfulment by countries of the Europen Union
Papáčková, Hana ; Izák, Vratislav (advisor) ; Klazar, Stanislav (referee)
The Bachelor thesis is focused on the description of the Maastricht criteria, and an analysis of the time period between 1995 to 2015. The work is divided into two chapters. The first chapter describes each of the Maastricht criteria and analyzes the fiscal criterion of sustainability of public debt in select EU Member States (Belgium, Czech Republic, Italy, Ireland, Germany and Greece) during this time, which includes the criteria of public debt and public deficit. The aim is to assess whether these fiscal criteria are met. The last chapter covers further regulatory measures of the Maastricht criteria, like the Stability and Growth Pact, the Euro Plus Pact and the fiscal compact, which addresses their shortcomings.
The Czech Republic and the Issue of Refugeeism Compared with Other Types of Immigration After Accession to the European Union
My thesis is based on description of asylum policy of Czech Republic after year 1989, as well as the fact about influence of entering Czech Republic in EU, according to asylum policy and the number of immigrants. There is a description of immigration after year 1989. There is also a description of the number of immigrants and the common view of these questions. This situation is compared with the situation in similar Belgium. The main purpose of my thesis is to make description in the domain of immigration in both countries and further comparation in the domain of asylum policy, the number of immigrants and their nationality origin. My thesis also includes common asylum and migration policy of EU. According to a fact that immigration to Belgium started earlier and that Belgium is called the "Land of asylum", this country was always very attractive destination with many new opportunities and better standards of life. There was also a big immigration influence to local culture. There is a big difference between Belgium and Czech Republic, because Czech Republic has not had yet open approach to other nationalities. The immigration to Czech Republic started much later and there is no important influence to czech culture. The nationalities of incoming immigrants to both countries are also different.
Analysis of development and effectivity of Stability and grouth pact
Grabovskaia, Marina ; Prušvic, David (advisor)
Hlavním cílem práce je hodnotit vývoj a účinnost fiskílních pravidel obsažených v Paktu stability a růstu

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