National Repository of Grey Literature 12 records found  1 - 10next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Current Problems of Czech Medical Assessment Service and Suggestions for Possible Solution
Macháčková, Zuzana ; Tušková, Eva (advisor) ; Kotherová, Zuzana (referee)
The aim of the thesis is to identify all current problems of The Medical Assessment Service and to suggest possible changes and recommendations that could make the system more effective. In the theoretical part is used the concept of the welfare state and points out its crisis of efficiency. Furthermore, the development of the field of Assessment Medicine and its current form was described. In the analytical part was selected an analysis of the information content of documents, which helped to identify all problems and their gradual development. The analysis was also used to propose changes and recommendations. An expert interview was conducted to substantiate the results of the analysis.
Deciding of the Czech Social Security Administration upon benefits from pension insurance
Růžička, Roman ; Zemanová, Jana (referee) ; Štefko, Martin (referee)
This thesis deals with the application of the law on pension insurance. Thus its subject is not only the legislation itself, but this thesis is much rather devoted to the interpretation of law on pension insurance and to the limits given by the nature of the legislation, to the application practices and to the analysis of decision-making mechanism. Within the framework of this thesis the emphasis is put on the question of evidence. In this context, the work underlines the time frame of facts required to be proven and the requirement for aplication of already void legislation. Special attention is paid to the use of a special decision-making procedure which allows to forgive requiremets for meeting legal conditions in particular cases. In this thesis I formulate arguments in favor of using the methodological pluralism rather than strict clinging to a grammatical method of interpretation, arguments for prefering principle of procedural efficiency to investigative principle in some justifiable cases and for precisely expressed binding legal opinions made by courts as outcomes of judicial review. Conclusions formulated in this thesis are based on an analysis of the legislation, literature, judicial decisions (especially made by the Supreme Administrative Court), and last but not least on the basis of...
Current Problems of Czech Medical Assessment Service and Suggestions for Possible Solution
Macháčková, Zuzana ; Tušková, Eva (advisor) ; Kotherová, Zuzana (referee)
The aim of the thesis is to identify all current problems of The Medical Assessment Service and to suggest possible changes and recommendations that could make the system more effective. In the theoretical part is used the concept of the welfare state and points out its crisis of efficiency. Furthermore, the development of the field of Assessment Medicine and its current form was described. In the analytical part was selected an analysis of the information content of documents, which helped to identify all problems and their gradual development. The analysis was also used to propose changes and recommendations. An expert interview was conducted to substantiate the results of the analysis.
Deciding of the Czech Social Security Administration upon benefits from pension insurance
Růžička, Roman ; Zemanová, Jana (referee) ; Štefko, Martin (referee)
This thesis deals with the application of the law on pension insurance. Thus its subject is not only the legislation itself, but this thesis is much rather devoted to the interpretation of law on pension insurance and to the limits given by the nature of the legislation, to the application practices and to the analysis of decision-making mechanism. Within the framework of this thesis the emphasis is put on the question of evidence. In this context, the work underlines the time frame of facts required to be proven and the requirement for aplication of already void legislation. Special attention is paid to the use of a special decision-making procedure which allows to forgive requiremets for meeting legal conditions in particular cases. In this thesis I formulate arguments in favor of using the methodological pluralism rather than strict clinging to a grammatical method of interpretation, arguments for prefering principle of procedural efficiency to investigative principle in some justifiable cases and for precisely expressed binding legal opinions made by courts as outcomes of judicial review. Conclusions formulated in this thesis are based on an analysis of the legislation, literature, judicial decisions (especially made by the Supreme Administrative Court), and last but not least on the basis of...
Development of the legal regulation of entitlements to a disability pension from 1996 to 2012
The bachelor thesis addresses the development of the legal regulation of entitlements to a disability pension from 1996 to 2012. The new regulation that entered into effect on 1 January 1996 as the Pension Insurance Act No. 155/1995 of the Collection of Laws of the Czech Republic (Coll.) introduced new definitions of full and partial disability. It cancelled partial disability pensions that required not only identification of a long-term adverse health condition but also a proof of a considerable drop in income; however, such concept of partial disability became unsustainable in a market economy with relatively free salary development. The long-term adverse health condition of insured persons began to be assessed in percentage according to Annex No. 2 to Regulation No. 284/1995 Coll., which often resulted in taking disability pensions away, but all citizens were considered equally. In 2003 there was a reform of administrative justice and the Administration Procedure Code entered into effect. Reviews of decisions on applications for disability pensions in the form of remedies were cancelled and decisions could be reviewed only based on a legal action. The institute of a cassation complaint as an extraordinary remedy was established at the same time. On 1 January 2010, new legal regulation of disability pensions was adopted through an amendment to Act No. 155/1995 Coll. The partial disability pension was completely cancelled and the full disability pension was dividend into three degrees. The amendment also introduced an objections procedure to serve as an ordinary remedy against decisions of the Czech Social Security Administration (ČSSZ). An action may be filed with a court only after an objections procedure. The thesis aims at ascertaining the impacts this legal regulation effective from 1 January 1996 and the subsequent amendment to this Act had on the number of remedies/actions filed by insured persons with courts in the course of time. A large increase in remedies was connected with passing this Act in 1996 and, by contrast, introduction of the objections procedure resulted in a rapid decline in the number of actions.
Comparisation the Role and Activities of the Czech and Slovak Medical Assessment Services in the Assessment of Medical Condition for the Purposes of Sickness Insurance
The diploma thesis called The comparison of medical assessment service (MAS) aim and activities within the health insurance system in the Czech and Slovak Republic and it is focused on the pieces of information related to the system of social security aiming its attention to the health insurance during both the time of Czechoslovakia and its current arrangement of the Czech and Slovak Republics in its theoretical part. Related to that there is also elaborated the issue of the medical assessment service. There is a conclusion of the most important services of the MAS and particular competences of bodies involved into the health insurance. There is also a mention of the body adjusting the public health insurance including the related area of the review medicine to get a more comprehensive view. The diploma thesis main aim is to compare the tasks and activities of the MAS in the Czech and Slovak Republics. There are determined partial aims to get a more comprehensive elaboration. One of them is focused on the benefits that are awarded based on a health condition within the health insurance in these two countries and the other one is the comparison of Czech and Slovak health condition of citizens based on the statistics of temporary sick leaves taking into consideration the conditions while awarding them. The document analysing method is used to reach the aims mentioned above. This method follows Mayring´s proposed plan and the sources where the information was taken from were firstly evaluated from a criteria relevance viewpoint. After that the gained data was compared within a comparative method in a synchronous way. The empiric diploma thesis part contains data organized in well-arranged tables with comments and in the following Chapter 5 Discussion there is data compared according to the methodology mentioned above. The basic system comparison of social security and health insurance in the Czech and Slovak Republics belongs among the topics of the final discussion. The possibility of consolidation of health and social insurances in both countries also taking into consideration the opinions of the involved experts is largely covered here. The most significant discussion focus is the comparison of the aim and activity of the MAS in the Czech and Slovak Republics. The results show that the aim and activity of the MAS are very similar in both countries; which is logical regarding the common historical base. Czech and Slovak main MAS activity within the health insurance is the auditing activity; i.e. the audit of evaluation of the health condition by the involved medical doctor as well as the inspection if the treatment mode of people on sick leave is being followed. It is also possible to notice some nuances in the elaboration in both MAS systems; which are separated today. Regarding the legislation it is possible to say that the Slovak medical assessment service work in a more consistent way that is also supported by the statistic data containing more performed audits of the treatment mode following and a more frequent usage of sanction means towards insurers which is the result of the more detailed strategic planning of inspections. The diploma thesis offers a comparison of health insurance systems and tasks and activities of the MAS in the Czech and Slovak Republics. It can be used as a study document for students of social politics and a social security law. It can also be used as an impulse to other explorations in this area and to start thinking of various possibilities how to arrange the social security system of these two countries.
Information systems in state administration
Růžičková, Veronika ; Benáčanová, Helena (advisor) ; Pachtová, Iva (referee)
This thesis deals with information systems (IS) of state administration, focusing on three major information systems -- IS of tax administration, Česká správa sociálního zabezpečení (ČSSZ), Všeobecná zdravotní pojišťovna (VZP). The first part describes the specifics of information systems in state administration and strategies and objectives of the Czech Republic in the field of e-government and development of competitiveness. There are also introduced three mentioned information systems. In the second part is an analysis and evaluation of the ADIS (Automatizovaný daňový informační systém). The analysis is supported with the examples of how the IS works in practice. The future direction of the three information systems will be heavily influenced by the planned introduction of a unified revenue collection agency (JIM). In this work are considered important assumptions and aspects of the project JIM that must be considered before its implementation. The main contribution of this work is a referral from a general level of the claim to a more detailed analysis of the specific IS in state administration supported by examples of its operation in practice. The work serves as an information base for the verification of general assertions about information systems in state administration and for additional information about the current state of information systems of tax administration, Česká správa sociálního zabezpečení, Všeobecná zdravotní pojišťovna.
Analysis of operation of data boxes in public administration at the example of the CSSA
Pavelec, Jan ; Střížová, Vlasta (advisor) ; Toman, Prokop (referee)
This work deals with the operation of Data Boxes in relation to public institutions, namely the Czech Social Security Administration. The introduction is devoted to a summary of the historical development of Data Boxes and description of the basic rules for using the Information System of Data Boxes. There is a mention of the role of Data Boxes in the Czech eGovernment and its relationship to the other elements. Finally, there are listed and briefly discussed the basic legislation with the problems related to Data Boxes. The next part deals with analysis of the situation in the Czech Social Security Administration in the sphere of Data Boxes. It describes situation in the delivery of documents before commissioning of Data Boxes and the situation occured after their commissioning. Follows the comparision of this periods and the evaluation the impact of the introduction of Data Boxes for the operation of Czech Social Security Administration. The final part of the work focuses the analysis of the problems arising from the Czech Social Security Administration in connection with the operation of Data Boxes and suggests possible options for addressing these problems.
Social Security, Pension and Health Insurance of Persons Engaged in Business in the District of Tábor
The work deals with social security in the Czech Republic. It describes the origin and development of welfare state. The origin of social security {--} its composition, benefits provided by it. Further it describes the institution providing for social security in the Czech Republic, i.e. the Czech Administration of Social Security. That institution has its territorial centres providing for social security all over the Czech Republic. It cooperates with other state bodies in matters related to social security. A part of the work is focused on general characteristics of persons engaged in business {--} who can be a person engaged in business, under which conditions, classification of persons engaged in business. etc. It includes also pension and health insurance of businesspersons, benefits resulting from such insurances to which the persons engaged in business have claim upon fulfilment of conditions given by laws. All duties and rights resulting from performance of activities of persons engaged in business are described here. The work includes statistical data from the register of persons engaged in business I was provided by the District Administration of Social Security of Tábor.
The examination of state of health of citizens for the purposes of social welfare benefits
The topic of the thesis is {\clqq} The examination of state of health of citizens for the purposes of social welfare benefits.{\crqq} Medical statement sevice ensures this activity, which has a wide medical, social, employment and economic importance. On 1st January 2006 the first instance medical statement service was divided into the insurance and non-insurance system. OSSZ and ČSSZ continues providing examinations for the insurance systems while the examination for the non-insurance system is carried out by physicians of the newly created examination services of employment agencies. The paper aims at analysing the so far experience of the medical statement service after the division into the insurance and non-insurance system. I presume that the division of the medical statement service and its transformation have been effective. I have dealt with the medical statement system in the most wide context. In the theoretical part I have concentrated on historical development of the medical statement service, on its system and the scope of activity of the medical statement service and I did not omit the examination of state of health of citizens for the purposes of the social welfare systems. In the practical part I concentrated on physicians carrying out medical statements for employment agencies and district administrations of social welfare, on their feelings, opinions on the reorganization of the medical statement service in 2006. The research was carried out in Central Bohemia region with the view to evaluate the division of the medical statement service in the insurance and non-insurance system. A quantitave attitude was chosen for this research usingt the questionnaire method. Two types of questionnaires were handed out: for physicians of the medical statement service of employment agencies and for physicians of medical statement service of district administration of social welfare system. In total there were 40 questionnaires handed out to the physicians of medical statement service of district administration of social welfare system and 25 to the physicians of the medical statement service of employment agencies. 34 (100%) questionnaires were used filled by the employment agencies physicians and 16 (100%) questionnaires filled by the physicians of the district administration of social welfare system. I chose the graph form to process the research part of the paper. The principal hypothesis was confirmed. For both the physicians of the medical statement service of employment agencies and physicians of medical statement service of district administration of social welfare system was proved that the division of the medical statement service into the insurance and non-insurance system was effective. Further activities within the organization of the medical statement service should endeavour to depict small discrepancies and to ensure a continuous improvement of the system.

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