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Methods for Simultaneous Self-localization and Mapping for Depht Cameras
Ligocki, Adam ; Jelínek, Aleš (oponent) ; Žalud, Luděk (vedoucí práce)
This Master’s thesis deals with existing visual SLAM and wheel odometry data fusion. The result of this data connection is the possibility of suppressing measurement error of each position estimation method and creating more accurate 3D model of examined environment. At the beginning this thesis is aiming on theoretical principles that are nec- essary to deal with 3D SLAM.Next, the features of used open source SLAM project and its modi cations are described. Then the principles of visual and wheel odometry data fusion are explained, followed by speci cation of di erential chassis used for odometry. In conclusion, the thesis summarises the results obtained by data fusion and compares them with the original accuracy of visual SLAM.

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