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Design of a photovoltaic power system with battery storage for household purposes in area of Brno-mesto
Vrana, Martin ; Vanýsek, Petr (oponent) ; Vaněk, Jiří (vedoucí práce)
This thesis broadly discusses the individual parts that make up a photovoltaic system, specifically the new and widely available technologies for solar panels, batteries, and inverters. This research is applied in the evaluation of a potential construction plan of both a hybrid and grid tied photovoltaic system for a household located in the district of Brno-Mesto. The focus of each design is a cost-effective solution that utilizes currently available parts on the market, that also covers a significant part of the energy requirements of the household. The cost of each system is subsidized by government grants. The designed grid tied system has a lower price than the hybrid system. It lacks costly battery storage, hence it has a shorter return period of return of six years, compared with seven years for the hybrid system. A hybrid system is advantageous, as it allows for local storage of energy, and provides backup power in the case of a grid blackout. Given that the measurement of energy by the electricity supplier is done by net metering, combined with currently high energy prices, both systems have a relatively short break-even period compared with systems in the past. The choice of system that is installed in the household is up to the client.

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